BJP Govt. spent over Rs. 100 crore on renovation of minister’s bungalows in five years
BJP Government spent over Rs. 100 crore on renovation of minister’s bungalows in five years
Friday, 26 April, 2019
Indian Express reported that BJP government spent over Rs 100 crore on renovation, furnishing of ministers’ bungalows, offices
Indian Express filed the Right to Information application and in response to that CPWD, which is the executing agency for these works, stated that Rs 93.69 crore were spent on renovation, and Rs 8.11 crore on furnishing of the bungalows and offices of the Ministers.
CPWD = the Central Public Works Department
The Indian Express had asked the CPWD to provide the “details of expenses made on the renovation/furnishing etc of the offices and residences of Union Ministers and Union Ministers of State during 2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18 and 2018-19.”
Information was sought for individual Ministers but it was not provided.
Below table shows the year wise spends on BJP government ministers home and offices
Year 2014-15
Total Expenditure on Renovation and Furnishing – 22.97 Crore
Year 2015-16
Total Expenditure on Renovation and Furnishing – 24.44 crore
Year 2016-17
Total Expenditure on Renovation and Furnishing – 24.29 crore
Year 2017-18
Total Expenditure on Renovation and Furnishing – 13.74 crore
Year 2018-19
Total Expenditure on Renovation and Furnishing – 16.33 crore
Total Spends = 101.8 crore until the end of February
There are 70 Ministers in Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Council of Ministers (not including the Prime Minister himself), of which 25 are Cabinet Ministers, 11 Ministers of State (Independent Charge) and 34 Ministers of State.
Now the question is Does Ministers need to spend so much money on renovation?
India needs a law which will prohibit such expenditure.
For this Majority Government needs to be in power.
BJP PM Modi government was in power with majority but it failed to reform the corrupt system
Now there is no law which will stop them from spending so I am sure next government will also spent 100 to 1000 crore on renovation of bungalows and offices.
Do not get fooled by comparing how much congress spent in past?
Learn to ask the question why no law is made which will prohibit such waste of money?
Does your company pays you Rs. 1 crore to renovate your home?
No Company will never pay you such amount.
We can only say this is a political scam, bungalow renovation scam done collectively by majority elected politicians.
No Money for Dying Farmers No Money for Scholarships No Money for Diseases
but we got money for renovation.
Reality views by sm –
Tags – Political Scam Renovation Scam BJP Ministers Rs. 100 Crore
When it comes to adding benefits to themselves there's no difference between parties.
@Tomichan Matheikal
good news thanks for news