24 August 2013

AAP to Give Delhi Citizens right to make laws if wins Delhi assembly elections 2013

AAP to Give Delhi Citizens right to make laws if wins Delhi assembly elections 2013

Aam Aadmi Party leader Arvind Kejriwal Friday promised to enact a law that would let people frame their laws in Delhi if his party won the coming election.

Arvind Kejriwal told to media that If my party wins, I will formulate a law like in the US where people make laws in Town Hall meetings, and mayors and bureaucrats then implement the law.

American citizens enjoy this right a dream country of everyone many accept it and many deny it but in heart they keep planning, I failed to go to America I will send my kids.
Why then politicians are afraid to give the rights which are enjoyed by Amercian citizens to Indian citizens?

A town meeting is a form of direct democratic rule, used primarily in the US - principally in New England - since the 17th century, where most or all members of a community come together to legislate policy and budgets for local government.

Arvind Kejriwal while answering to questions of St Stephen's College students said that
AAP would not collaborate with either of the two parties,
We will not lend support to either party.
Even if we get 20 seats, it would mean that the other two parties will also not be able to form a government.
We've reached a stage where without us, a government cannot be formed

Gopilal Suthar, member, Aam Aadmi Party, while addressing the media on Wednesday said that the Congress government in the state is going to make the people debt-ridden. He questioned, “When state government’s 10% budget (Rs9241.12 crore for 2013-14) goes as interest for the repay of debt, then how can the HPCL be given interest-free loan for collaborating up with the state government in refinery set-up.

It said that the CM has claimed to generate to generate Rs 47,000 crore earning in four years which is not possible as the investment cost itself is Rs 37,229 crore.

The CM has given 74% of the share to HPCL whereas the state owns only 26% of the total investment. In addition, the land for setting up the refinery has been given free.

Reality views by sm –

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Tags – AAP Delhi Elections 2013


Destination Infinity August 24, 2013  

Good idea, but the limitations of such an approach should also be researched. Every good idea has limitations.

Kirtivasan Ganesan August 25, 2013  

Intelligent idea. Arvind Kejriwal should win.