23 August 2013

Government clears bill amendment Gives full protection to convicted MPs MLAs

Government clears bill amendment  Gives full protection to convicted MPs MLAs

Supreme Court of India in its July 10 verdict, had struck down a provision in the electoral law that protects a convicted lawmaker from disqualification on the ground of pendency of appeal in higher courts.

Supreme Court also made it clear that MPs, MLAs, and MLCs would stand disqualified on the date of conviction.

Supreme Court did the job of parliament which parliament our Indian politicians were not ready to do it
Immediate disqualification of convicted lawmakers

The Supreme Court judgement made it possible it disqualified convicted MPs and MLAs

After this, all political parties united and decided to change the law, bring an amendment, which will give them protection.

The two proposals were approved in the form of amendments to the Representation of People Act and separate bills will be tabled in Parliament 

As per new amendment, convicted MPs and MLAs will retain their membership till pendency of appeal but will be barred from voting and drawing salary.

Politicians are so rich they do not care about their salaries and voting has no importance as every elected MP or MLA  has a compulsion to vote as per the orders of high command or remote control.

Election ticket is given to only that person who obeys 100% to remote control or high command.

The proposal, in the form of Amendments to the Representation of People Act, will ensure that a lawmaker cannot be disqualified after conviction if his or her appeal is pending before a court and sentence is stayed.

A proviso added to sub-section (4) of section 8 of the RP Act makes it clear that the convicted member shall continue to take part in proceedings of Parliament or Legislature of a state but he or she shall neither be entitled to vote nor draw salary and allowances till the appeal or revision is finally decided by the court.

Another amendment cleared by the Cabinet adds a provisio to sub section (2) of section 62 of the RP Act to state that a person cannot cease to be a voter while in detention as his or her right is only temporarily suspended. 

The Law Ministry's proposal to amend the Representation of People Act makes it clear that an MP or MLA cannot be disqualified after conviction if his or her appeal is pending before a court and sentence is stayed.

The Law Ministry has proposed that the amendment to the RPA shall come into effect from July 10, 2013, the day the Supreme Court gave the landmark judgement.

The proposal also suggests adding a new clause to the Constitution to say that a person can contest elections even if he cannot vote.
It states that a person cannot cease to be a voter while in detention as his or her right is only temporarily suspended.
It was argued that as the name of the person in jail continues to be on the electoral role, he or she also continues to be an elector and can file nomination for election.

Once again, this action of government proves that all political parties are same and their goals are same.

Political parties just fool the citizens of India and they divide us on the name of religion and caste.

Do you know any thief  who has made a law which will give punishment to that thief or his friends.

Reality views by sm –

Friday, August 23, 2013

Tags – India Conviction MP MLA


MEcoy August 24, 2013  

another great post sm