Lyrics of song The Final countdown by Europe with Video
Lyrics of song The Final countdown by Europe with Video
Song Name – The Final Countdown
Year -1986
Artist – Europe
Lyrics - Joey Tempest
Lyrics of the song The Final Countdown by Europe
Video below the lyrics
Lyrics of the song The Final Countdown –
We're leaving together
But still it's farewell
And maybe we'll come back
To earth, who can tell?
I guess there is no one to blame
We're leaving ground
Leaving ground
Will things ever be the same again?
It's the final countdown
The final countdown
We're heading for Venus and still we stand tall
'Cause maybe they've seen us and welcome us all, yeah
With so many light years to go and things to be found
To be found
I'm sure that we'll all miss her so
It's the final countdown
The final countdown
The final countdown
(Final countdown
Ohh ho ohh
The final countdown, Ooh
It's the final countdown
The final countdown
The final countdown
Final countdown
It's the final countdown
We're leaving together, Ooh
The final countdown)
We'll all miss her so
It's the final countdown
Final countdown), Ohh
It's the final countdown
Watch the video of the song The Final Countdown by Europe
Facts about the Song – The Final Countdown by Europe
"The Final Countdown" is a song by the Swedish band Europe released in 1986.
Written by Joey Tempest, it was the first single from the band's third studio album, which was also named The Final Countdown.
The song reached No. 1 in 25 countries
The song's lyrics were inspired by David Bowie's song "Space Oddity
The song was named the 66th best hard rock song of all time by VH1
From sports to television, shows song is used everywhere
The song is copied by Bollywood also
Movie Name – Maine pyaar kiya
Music Director - Raam Laxman
Song Name - Mere Rang Mein
Copied from original Song – Europe's Final Countdown
For more you can read
Part 2 - List of songs copied or inspired by Indian Music Directors, Composers
Reality views by sm –
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Tags – English Classic Song Europe the Final Countdown
another oldie goodie huh! i like that song
Copied. Yes, you are correct. I knew about Aate Jaate but not about Mere Rang mein.
I can't take this song seriously anymore thanks to Arrested Development.
@Kirtivasan Ganesan