Know 50 Benefits of Garlic Know Everything about Garlic the wonder drug of kitchen
Know 50 Benefits of Garlic Know Everything about Garlic the wonder drug of kitchen
Garlic is used in every Indian kitchen exception is religion purposes few people do not use it .
Garlic is arranged in a head, called a "bulb," which averages about 2 inches in height and diameter and consists of numerous small separate cloves.
Both the cloves and the entire bulb are encased in paper-like sheathes that can be white, off-white, or have a pink/purple hue.
Although garlic cloves have a firm texture, they can be easily cut or crushed.
From 6th BC China and India both are using Garlic.
In India Garlic was used as medicine also from ancient times.
To get the full medicinal benefits of Garlic always purchase Fresh Garlic and use the fresh garlic by cutting or crushing them when making food.
Allium sativum, commonly known as garlic, is a species in the onion genus, Allium.
Its Latin name comes from "al" which means burning, and "sativum" which means harvested.
Its close relatives include the onion, shallot, leek, chive, and rakkyo.
Allium sativum is a bulbous plant. It grows up to 0.5 m (2 ft.) in height. Its hardiness is USDA Zone 8. It produces hermaphrodite flowers. Pollination occurs by insects and bees.
Humans are using Garlic more than 7000 Years
UK Family of Garlic
The "wild garlic – members of the species Allium ursinum
Crow garlic member of the species Allium vineale
field garlic is the member of the species Allium oleraceum,
In North America, Allium vineale (known as "wild garlic" or "crow garlic") and Allium canadense, known as "meadow garlic" or "wild garlic" and "wild onion", are common weeds in fields
elephant garlic, is actually a wild leek (Allium ampeloprasum), and not a true garlic.
Single clove garlic (also called pearl or solo garlic) originated in the Yunnan province of China.
European garlic –
Italian garlic PDO (Aglio Bianco Polesano)
There are a number of garlics with Protected Geographical Status in Europe; these include:
1) Aglio Rosso di Nubia (Red Garlic of Nubia) from Nubia-Paceco, Provincia di Trapani, Sicily, Italy
2)Aglio Bianco Polesano from Veneto, Italy (PDO)
3)Aglio di Voghiera from Ferrara, Emilia-Romagna, Italy (PDO)
4)Ail blanc de Lomagne from Lomagne in the Gascony area of France (PGI)
5)Ail de la Drôme from Drôme in France (PGI)
6)Ail rose de Lautrec a rose/pink garlic from Lautrec in France (PGI)
7)Ajo Morado de las Pedroñeras a rose/pink garlic from Las Pedroñeras in Spain (PGI)
Top Garlic Producing Countries –
a)China - 10.5 million tonnes (23 billion pounds) grown annually, accounting for over 77% of world output.
b)India (4.1%)
c)South Korea (2%)
d)Egypt and Russia (1.6%) tied in fourth place
e)United States (where garlic is grown in every state except for Alaska) in sixth place (1.4%)
Garlic is a fundamental component in many or most dishes of various regions, including eastern Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, northern Africa, southern Europe, and parts of South and Central America. The flavour varies in intensity and aroma with the different cooking methods. It is often paired with onion, tomato, or ginger.
In Korea, heads of garlic are fermented at high temperature; the resulting product, called black garlic, is sweet and syrupy, and is now being sold in the United States, United Kingdom and Australia
Garlic is used in medicine from ancient times.
The garlic bulb is divided into sections called cloves.
Garlic helps to enhance the body's immune cell activity.
Garlic is good for heart.
Garlic helps platelet stickiness or aggregation to help reduce blood coagulation
garlic helps to prevent arteriosclerosis and thereby reduces the risk of heart attack or stroke.
Garlic helps maintain blood circulation.
garlic helps to regulate the body's blood pressure. Therefore, whether you have problems with low or high blood pressure, garlic can help to normalize it.
The active component in garlic is the sulfur compound called allicin. Allicin is the chemical produced when garlic is chopped, chewed, or bruised. Allicin is powerful as an antibiotic and a potent agent that helps the body to inhibit the ability of germs to grow and reproduce. In fact, it is said that 1 milligram of allicin has a potency of 15 standard units of penicillin.
Allicin is known to have wonderful anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-oxidant properties.
garlic helps to reduce cholesterol.
The antioxidant properties of garlic help scavenge harmful free radicals, which can damage LDL (bad) cholesterol in the blood stream.
Garlic has germanium in it. Germanium is an anti-cancer agent, and garlic has more of it than any other herb.
Garlic helps regulate your blood sugar levels
Garlic is considered to regulate blood sugar levels by increasing the release of insulin in diabetics.
Garlic helps strengthen your body's defenses against allergies
Garlic can thin the blood similar to the effect of aspirin.
Daily Eating Garlic helps to keep away cold and cough.
Garlic helps to increase serum HDL-cholesterol (the good type) and fibrinolysis (the process through which the body breaks up blood clots.)
Daily Eating 2 or 3 garlic cloves helps to keep away Heart Attack.
Garlic's vitamin B6 helps prevent heart disease via another mechanism: lowering levels of homocysteine.
Garlic now tops the American National Cancer Institute's list of potential cancer-preventative foods. It contains multiple anticancer compounds and antioxidants, more than 30 at the last count, which such powerful compounds as quercetin, diallyl sulphide,allin and ajoene. These have the ability to block cancer-causing agents such as nitrosamine and aflatoxin, which have been specifically linked to stomach, lung and liver cancer.
Natural Chemotherapy
Garlic's ajoene and allicin have also been shown to retard cancer cells as a type of natural chemotherapy.
women who included garlic in their daily diet had lower risks for colon cancer.
Garlic is anti-cancer food.
If you are suffering from cold or flu every day, eat 2 or 3 garlic cloves it will help you freedom from cold and flu.
Cold - chop up 4 cloves of raw garlic and eat or use it as a garnish in soups etc.
Cough - 10 to 12 Garlic Cloves - garlic juice mixed with 2-table spoon of honey four times a day cures a persistent cough.
Garlic is a good source of vitamins C, B6 and the minerals selenium and manganese
Garlic helps to control weight Garlic helps in weight loss.
If you are very fat and want to loose weight, squeeze half lemon juice in one glass of luke warm water and drink it with two cloves of raw garlic regularly twice a day (morning and evening), for about six months.
Garlic is useful in asthma also.
Garlic syrup is good for Asthma.
drops of garlic juice with 2 teaspoon of honey helps to cure asthma.
Garlic for Asthma treatment - ask your doctor before using Garlic as it may give you side effects and you will face more trouble.
Throat Pain Infection – Eat few garlic cloves to reduce the throat pain.
Put a small slice of garlic in your mouth and suck on it for 10-15 minutes.
juice slides down your throat and reduces the pain.
Ear Pain or Infection - Wrap a small piece of garlic in some tissue, and insert it into the ear. Leave it there for few hours if possible.
Pain is almost immediately removed and the infection tends to start clearing up overnight.
Be Careful whenever you put something inside ear or even oil.
The juice of fresh garlic mixed with salt can be applied to bruises, sprains and ringworms.
Toothache - cut raw garlic, rub the cut edge on the tooth, and gums a couple of times a day to stop toothache.
put some garlic oil or a piece of crushed garlic clove directly onto the affected tooth and the gum for instant relief.
Itching - Use raw garlic juice on rashes and bug bites, it stops the itching
bloating, stomach cramps and constipation - Cut a garlic clove into one or three small pieces. Swallow them all in one go with a little water to cure bloating, stomach cramps and constipation.
Garlic Supplement Pills - Warning
due to garlic's anti-clotting and blood thinning properties, people taking anti-coagulant drugs or who are scheduled for surgery should check with their doctor before taking garlic supplements.
How to use Garlic Properly, which will help maintain its medicinal values and properties?
Do not use immediately Garlic after chopping or crushing , let the garlic sit for 5 minute after that use it in food or put it in a vegetables when you make them. Alternatively, add a lemon juice etc.
Chopping or crushing stimulates the enzymatic process that converts the phytonutrient alliin into allicin, a compound to which many of garlic's health benefits are attributed. In order to allow for maximal allicin production, wait at least 5 minutes before eating or cooking the garlic.
many of garlic's health benefits (including its anti-cancer properties) are preserved if the whole cloves are crushed and allowed to sit for 5 to 10 minutes prior to cooking.
lower temperature is needed to help preserve health-protective compounds in garlic.
Allicin stays intact for only 2-16 hours at room temperature when it is present in purified (extracted) form.
But when it's still inside of crushed garlic, allicin will stay viable for 2-1/2 days.
Blood Pressure and Garlic How works?
Garlic is rich in sulfur-containing molecules called polysulfides.
polysulfides, once inside our red blood cells (RBCs), can be further converted by our RBCs into a gas called hydrogen sulfide (H2S).
H2S helps control our blood pressure by triggering dilation of our blood vessels.
When the space inside our blood vessels expands, our blood pressure gets reduced.
(H2S is described as a "gasotransmitter" and placed in the same category as nitric oxide (NO) as a messaging molecule that can help expand and relax our blood vessel walls.)
Interestingly, our RBCs do not appear to use processed garlic extracts in the same way that they use polysulfides in food-form garlic.
if you want to glow up your skin, then take two cloves of raw garlic regularly with warm water early in the morning.
Garlic helps to boost up our Metabolism rate. Thus help us to reduce our weight easily.
Garlic Names –
Synonym- Lashuna, Ugargandha, Yavaneshta, Mahaushadha, Bhutaghna, Amlakanta. Rasayanavara, Mlenchchhakandaka, Jugupsita.
Marathi - Lasun
Hindi - Lahasuna
Gujarathi. - Lasan
Tamil. - Vella pundu
Telgu - Velluli
Mal. - Velluli
English - Garlic
Ayurveda and Garlic
a)Taste (Rasa):- Five, except sour. Pungent is the main
b)Post digestive effect(Vipak):- Pungent
c)Potency(Virya):- Hot
d)Attributes – heavy, unctous, penetrating,sticky, mild laxative
e)Action on Doshas - Anti Kapha, Anti Vata, Aggravates Pitta
Garlic Chemical Composition and Uses –
Allicin - Natural antibiotic - fights bacteria, Mainly responsible for pungent odor. When garlic cells are "injured," (i.e.cut, crushed, etc.) the enzyme alliinase converts alliin contained in raw garlic to allicin – the garlic produces allicin to protect itself from bacteria & other disease-causing organisms.
Allicinase - Inactivated by heat – cooked garlic does not have as strong an odor as raw garlic (nor nearly as powerful physiological effects)
Ajoene - Decreases blood cell clumping –
Selenium - Antioxidant contained in high quantities in garlic. Antioxidants fight oxidation & free radicals inside the body that wear out the body & may lead to cancer
Saponins - Lowers blood pressure, helps to control reduce chances of heart attack or stroke
Fructans - stimulate the immune system
Do not consume more than three to four raw cloves of garlic a day.
when Garlic is eaten excessively, it can leave a distinct odor on the skin and breath, can cause heartburn, upset stomach and allergic reactions.
It's best to avoid garlic before any surgery because it could probably disturb Anticoagulants.
Garlic nutrient analysis:
Total weight = 18 Gram
nutrient amount %DV
1)calories 26.82 1.49
2)calories from fat 0.81
3)calories from saturated fat 0.14
4)protein 1.14 g 2.28
5)carbohydrates 5.95 g 1.98
6)dietary fiber 0.38 g 1.52
7)soluble fiber -- g
8)insoluble fiber -- g
9)sugar - total 0.18 g
10)monosaccharides -- g
11)disaccharides -- g
12)other carbs 5.39 g
13)fat - total 0.09 g 0.14
14)saturated fat 0.02 g 0.10
15)mono fat 0.00 g 0.00
16)poly fat 0.04 g 0.17
17)trans fatty acids 0.00 g
18)cholesterol 0.00 mg 0.00
19)water 10.54 g
Garlic Vitamins –
1) vitamin A IU 1.62 IU 0.03
2)vitamin A RAE 0.08 RAE
3)A - carotenoid 0.16 RE 0.00
4)A - retinol 0.00 RE
5)A - beta carotene 0.90 mcg
6)thiamin - B1 0.04 mg 2.67
7)riboflavin - B2 0.02 mg 1.18
8)niacin - B3 0.13 mg 0.65
9)niacin equiv 0.32 mg
10)vitamin B6 0.22 mg 11.00
11)vitamin B12 0.00 mcg 0.00
12)biotin -- mcg --
13)vitamin C 5.62 mg 9.37
14)vitamin D IU 0.00 IU 0.00
15)vitamin D mcg 0.00 mcg
16)vitamin E alpha equiv 0.01 mg 0.05
17)vitamin E IU -- IU
18)vitamin E mg -- mg
19)folate 0.54 mcg 0.14
20)vitamin K 0.31 mcg 0.39
21)pantothenic acid 0.11 mg 1.10
Garlic and Minerals –
1) calcium 32.58 mg 3.26
2)chloride -- mg
3)chromium -- mcg --
4)copper 0.05 mg 2.50
5)fluoride -- mg --
6)iodine -- mcg --
7)iron 0.31 mg 1.72
8)magnesium 4.50 mg 1.12
9)manganese 0.30 mg 15.00
10)molybdenum -- mcg --
11)phosphorus 27.54 mg 2.75
12)potassium 72.18 mg 2.06
13)selenium 2.56 mcg 3.66
14)sodium 3.06 mg 0.13
15)zinc 0.21 mg 1.40
Garlic Saturated Fat
palmitic 0.02 g
All other types of Saturated Fats = 0 gram
Garlic Mono Fats = 0 gram
Garlic and Poly Fats –
linoleic 0.04 g
All other types of Poly Fats = 0 Gram
Garlic and fatty acid –
omega-6 fatty acids 0.04 g
omega-3 fatty acids 0.00 g
Garlic and Amino Acids =
1) alanine 0.02 g
2)arginine 0.11 g
3)aspartate 0.09 g
4)cystine 0.01 g 2.44
5)glutamate 0.14 g
6)glycine 0.04 g
7)histidine 0.02 g 1.55
8)isoleucine 0.04 g 3.48
9)leucine 0.06 g 2.37
10)lysine 0.05 g 2.13
11)methionine 0.01 g 1.35
12)phenylalanine 0.03 g 2.52
13)proline 0.02 g
14)serine 0.03 g
15)threonine 0.03 g 2.42
16)tryptophan 0.01 g 3.12
17)tyrosine 0.01 g 1.03
18)valine 0.05 g 3.40
Garlic and other nutrients
choline 4.18 mg 0.98
lutein+zeaxanthin 2.88 mcg
Garlic Photo
Reality views by sm –
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Tags – Garlic Health Benefits Eating Raw 50 Benefits
In South India we use garlic in rasam, which is then mixed with rice and eaten. The taste is lovely :)
Destination Infinity
@Destination Infinity
I don't really care how healthy garlic is. It tastes good and that's what matters.
well i hate garlic but i knew that is was quite healthy to be included on foods
I am glad that I use this wonder drug of kitchen in good quantity...good to know about blood thinning qualities of garlic.
sm, Thanks for this detail informative post about benefits of Garlic.