11 February 2013

2G Scam CBI Prosecutor Colluded with 2G Accused Unitech Managing Director Sanjay Chandra

2G Scam CBI Prosecutor Colluded with 2G Accused Unitech Managing Director Sanjay Chandra

CNN IBN Expose –

Today CNNIBN played the audio tape of the conversation between A K Singh, the CBI prosecutor and accused Sanjay Chandra Managing Director of Unitech in which Singh purportedly suggests how a key prosecution witness would depose in the special court regarding 2G Scam and even detailing a three judge Supreme Court judgement which could be used as a reference in the 2G case.

The audio tape is recorded in September last year.

Later CBI said that Singh has been removed from the 2G case trials prosecution team and a Preliminary Enquiry has been registered to verify all the allegations and CBI has informed the court

CBI has also appointed another prosecutor in 2G scam case.

CBI director told to media that the prosecutor has come under a cloud he has been transferred from the case.

Watch the video 2G: CBI finds its own prosecutor colluding with accused

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Monday, February 11, 2013

Tags – 2G scam CBI Advocate Unitech