21 January 2013

Read Full Jaipur Congress draft declaration 56 points agenda for 2014 elections

Read Full Jaipur Congress Party 13page draft declaration 56 points agenda for 2014 elections

On the third and the final day of the Congress’ Chintan Shivir in Jaipur
Congress Party on Sunday came out with a 56-page draft declaration in which it stated that it would boldly and fearlessly take on political parties, which are elitist, parochial, sectarian, or exclusionary.

Read the complete 13 page 56 points Jaipur Declaration by Congress Party


Conscious  of  its  historic  responsibility  as  the  Party  that  led  the  struggle  for
freedom  and  formed  successive  governments  in  the  first  thirty  years  after
Independence as well as subsequently;

Recalling  its  seminal  contributions  to  India’s  unity,  integrity,  secular  polity  and
democratic federalism;

Acknowledging with humility and gratitude the trust reposed in the Party by the
people of this country;

Mindful  of  its  special  obligations  to  the  poor  and  weaker  sections  of  the  people,
especially  women,  Scheduled  Castes,  Scheduled  Tribes,  Other  Backward  Classes
and minorities;

Recognising  that  it  is  the  Party  which  is  the  principal  instrument  of  political
change and the preferred vehicle of political expression for millions of young men
and women who wish to contribute to the political life of the country;

Proud of its role as the Party that set the direction of the economy of the country,
especially at critical turning points in its history;

Aware  of  the  challenges  thrown  up  by  undemocratic,  divisive  and  exclusionary
political and social formations;

Resolving  to  confront  the  challenges  with  determination  and  remain  the
authentic  voice  and  representative  of  the  vast  majority  of  the  people  of  the
country who occupy the middle ground;

Looking  back  on  the  eight  years  during  which  the  Party  has  been  at  the  head  of
the  Government  at  the  Centre  and  the  spearhead  of  an  economic  and  social
transformation that is still underway;

And preparing for the electoral battles that lie ahead in 2013 and 2014,

the  Indian  National  Congress,  having  conducted  a  unique  deliberative  exercise
over the last two days and holding a meeting of its highest executive body, the All
India Congress Committee, has adopted this day the following Declaration which
shall be called


Political Challenges

The  Indian  National  Congress  stands  fully  determined  and  confidently
prepared  to  face  the  political  challenges  ahead:  governance  amidst  an
economic  slowdown,  launching  the  XII  Five  Year  Plan,  and  political
mobilization for the various Vidhan Sabha elections in 2013 and the Lok
Sabha elections of 2014. The Congress will go to the people on the basis of
the  performance  of  the  Congress-led  UPA  government,  the  promise  of
stability  and  good  governance,  and  a  restatement  of  its  core  values  and
ideology  –  secularism,  nationalism,  social  justice,  social  cohesion,  and
economic growth for all, especially the aam aadmi representing the poor
and the middle-classes.

The Indian National Congress recognizes the fundamental need to give a
sense of security to every Indian – to him or her, to his or her family and
to his or her community. It vows to mobilize all the resources of the State
to maintain law and order and provide maximum possible security to all
Indians, against both external and internal threats.

The  Indian  National  Congress  rejects  the  outdated  ideologies  and
obscurantist  philosophies  of  opposition  parties,  and  re-commits  itself  to
the principles of economic growth and social justice which have come to
define  the  inclusive  growth  model  of  the  Congress-led  UPA  government.
It calls on all secular and progressive forces of the country to unite in this
ideological  battle  against  those  who  polarize  and  divide  our  society.

The  Indian  National  Congress  unequivocally  re-commits  itself  to
representing  India’s  ‘middle-ground’,  speaking  for  the  vast  majority  of
the  people  of  India,  and  fighting  against  fringe  elements  that  foster
divisive  and  destructive  ideologies.  The  Congress  is  the  Party  that  is
committed  to  science,  modern  technology,  inclusive  innovation
and  job-creating  growth  for  the  youth  of  India.  The  Indian  National  Congress
commits  to  strengthening  its  support  base  –  identifying  its  natural
supporters,  retaining  the  support  of  those  sections  that  are  with  the
Congress,  and  winning  over  those  sections  that  have  drifted  away.

5.  The  Congress  rededicates  itself  to  the  cause  of  the  poor  and  the
marginalized,  especially  dalits,  adivasis,  OBCs,  minorities  and  women,
for  which  it  has  always  stood.  In  addition,  the  Congress  recognizes  that
there  is  a  new  aspiration  for  advancement  among  the  people,  especially
among the youth and the middle-class. This itself is a result of the policies
and  programmes  of  the  Congress  and  its  governments.  The  Congress   
pledges  to  speak  for  both  the  young  middle  class  India  and  the  young
deprived India. The Party will be responsive to the new aspirations of the
youth  and  will  offer  credible  policies  and  programmes  for  them,
especially job creating programmes.

The Indian National Congress has stood firmly in favor of
empowerment of the weaker sections of society.  It has shown its
unwavering  commitment  to  their  causes  through  its  deeds  such  as  the
enactment of reservations in educational institutions and in recruitment
and promotions in government jobs. The Congress will continue to work
relentlessly until it achieves the objective of empowerment of all, and will
boldly  and  fearlessly  take  on  the  political  parties  that  are  parochial,
sectarian, elitist or exclusionary.

The  Indian  National  Congress  will  continue  to  be  at  the  forefront  of
fighting corruption at all levels, especially corruption at the bureaucratic
and political levels.  The Congress-led UPA Government has already got
the Lok Pal Bill passed in the Lok Sabha and has also undertaken a series
of measures to improve transparency and accountability in governance
and to fight corruption.  These achievements need to be communicated
clearly and articulately by party workers to the people. The Party will also
pursue vigorously an agenda for electoral reform and judicial reform.

The Indian National Congress reaffirms its political commitment to good
governance and better delivery of services to the people. In this regard, it
urges the government to ensure a timely and effective implementation of
the  Aapka  Paisa  Aapke  Haath  initiative,  which  will  ensure  that  benefits
reach the people directly, on time and at their doorstep, while eliminating
corruption and leakages.

The Indian National Congress makes a firm political commitment to
addressing India’s human development, especially the challenges of
malnutrition, infant and maternal mortality, access to water, sanitation
and  basic  healthcare,  and  housing  in  both  urban  and  rural  India,  which
continue to hold India back despite rapid economic growth.  These are
issues not just for governments to handle but that are fundamental to the
Congress Party’s political action and political mobilization.  While major
strides  have  been  made  in  the  last  eight  years,  with  big  increases  in
resources allocated to human development, more needs to be done. This
is not just a socio-economic challenge, it is a political challenge to which
the Congress Party reaffirms its commitment.

The Indian National Congress reaffirms that political mobilization is
critical  to  ensuring  peace  in  areas  where  militancy,  insurgency
and  left-wing  extremism  exist.  It goes without saying that security operations
have  to  be  strengthened  and  development  activities  for  creating  social
and  physical  infrastructure  have  to  be  taken  up  simultaneously.  But, at
the same time, the Congress Party believes intensive political
mobilization  is  required  to  tackle  the  problems  at  their  root.  The Party
will take the lead in this regard.  We also call for the vigorous
implementation of PESA, 1996 and the Forest Rights Act, 2006 to ensure
that  adivasis  are  empowered  and  brought  into  the  mainstream  of
developmental activities. The widespread perception that the Forest laws
impede  our  ability  to  deal  with  left-wing  extremism  must  be  recognized
and addressed.

Indian National Congress has always acknowledged the exemplary
contribution  being  made  by  our  jawans  and  para-military  forces  to  the
nation. The Party has always accorded the highest possible priority to the
welfare of our ex-servicemen.  We call upon the Government to ensure
that the concerns of ex-servicemen and their families are fully addressed
and  that  ex-servicemen  continue  to  be  involved  in  nation  building

The Indian National Congress realizes the large regional disparities that
exist  both  at  national  and  state  levels  and  pledges  to  work  for  the
progress of the backward regions of the country.  Until balanced and
inclusive  development  of  all  regions  is  ensured,  India  cannot  make
progress.  While migration is a natural phenomenon in a developing
country, we will work to ensure that there are adequate new investments
to  create  jobs  and  opportunities  for  self-employment  for  migrants  and
that they have access to basic services and public infrastructure.

Emerging Socio-economic Challenges

The  Indian  National  Congress  firmly  believes  that  India  stands  at  the
threshold of great social advancement and economic prosperity. We hold
an unwavering belief in the future of our country and to that end we have
not  allowed,  and  will  not  allow,  economic  growth  to  be  undermined  by
vested interests.  Our biggest socio-economic challenge is to ensure
inclusive growth with jobs to reduce inequality.

The  Indian  National  Congress  is  deeply  mindful  that  a  large  number  of
our  brothers  and  sisters  still  live  in  poverty  and  deprivation  without
access to basic services or tools of self-empowerment. We will continue to
work tirelessly for their socio-economic upliftment.  We commit to
ensuring the elimination of hunger and malnutrition in India by the year

The  Indian  National  Congress  also  acknowledges  the  fact  that  there  is  a
rising  educated  and  aspirational  middle  class,  especially  in  urban  areas.
We  will  continue  to  create  new  opportunities  for  them  and  a  climate
conducive to their advancement.

The  Congress-led  UPA  government  has  enacted  many  progressive  socio-economic
rights-based  legislations  in  the  last  eight  years,  such  as  the
Right to Information Act, Right to Education Act, Mahatma Gandhi
NREGA, Forest Rights Act, etc. New legislations are also underway, such
as  laws  on  compensation  and  resettlement  and  rehabilitation  (R&R)  in
land acquisition and food security.  The Indian National Congress will
play an active role in making people aware of these legislations and how
to benefit from them.  It will also make people aware how they can
become  a  force  for  improving  implementation  and  monitoring  of  these
Indian National Congress pledges to continue untiringly its fight
against  inflation,  which  affects  the  everyday  life  of  the  aam  aadmi.  The
path  that  we  have  chosen  -  increasing  production  of  goods  and  services,
improving productivity, containing wasteful expenditure, and fiscal
prudence  –  will  in  the  medium  term  moderate  inflation  and  bring  relief
to the common man.

The Indian National Congress is concerned about the insufficient
allocations and utilization under the Tribal Sub Plan and Scheduled Caste
Special Component Plan in Central and States budgets.  The Party calls
upon the Government to consider bringing a national legislation to assure
allocation of sufficient resources to these plans, as has been recently done
by the Congress government in Andhra Pradesh.

The Indian National Congress acknowledges that the rights of the
minorities have not yet been fully secured.  The Party urges the
Government  to  make  all  efforts  to  protect  the  rights  of  the  minorities
including  equality  before  law  and  the  equal  protection  of  laws.  The
recommendations of the Sachar Committee are relevant and should serve   
as a guide to the Government when it implements the Prime Minister’s 15
point programme and other minority related programmes.

The Indian National Congress pledges  to  create  a  business  environment
conducive  to  investment  and  entrepreneurship.  We  must  position  India
favourably to both domestic and foreign investors. The Party believes that
Government  must  take  initiatives  that  will  create  more  incomes  for
farmers  and  create  new  opportunities  for  employment.  One  such
initiative  was  the  decision  to  allow  foreign  investment,  besides  domestic
investment, in the retail sector. The Party also believes that Khadi, Micro,
Small  and  Medium  enterprises  should  be  given  all  possible
encouragement  to  generate  more  jobs.  The  revival  and  growth  of  the
handloom industry should receive the highest priority.

The  Indian  National  Congress  believes  that  ensuring  good  governance,
especially  at  the  grassroots,  is  the  prerequisite  to  ensure  that  our  socio-economic  policies  actually  achieve  their  desired  objectives.
Redressal  of public grievances at the grassroots level within a specified period of time
is necessary, and the Citizens Right to Grievance Redress Bill, introduced
by  the  UPA  government  in  Parliament,  is  a  step  in  this  direction.  The
implementation  of  the  recommendations  of  the  Second  Administrative
Reforms  Commission  set  up  by  the  UPA  government  will  also  be
completed  within  the  next  12  months.  We  also  commit  to  implementing
key e-governance initiatives.

The  Indian  National  Congress  believes  in  further  empowering  local
governments  -  Panchayati  Raj  Institutions  and  Urban  Local  Bodies  –
especially  with  regard  to  implementation  of  government  schemes  and
public  services.  Stakeholders  should  also  be  made  responsible  for  the
implementation of all schemes.

The  Indian  National  Congress  has  always  recognized  the  critical
importance of education, especially school education. The Party will urge
the Government to promote access to education for all, quality education,
quality instruction by qualified teachers, and expansion and upgradation
of  the  government  school  system.  Party  workers  will  be  encouraged  to
play a proactive role to ensure that these objectives are achieved.

The  Indian  National  Congress  is  a  Party  that  has  always  acknowledged
the crucial role the youth of our nation play in its development. We are a
Party  that  has  a  strong  and  proactive  youth-driven  cadre.  We  are  a
fortunate  nation  with  a  young  workforce.  The  Indian  National  Congress
will take all steps to enable India reap this demographic dividend. We will   
create  10  million  jobs  every  year  and  impart  skills  training  to  youth  to
take up these jobs.

The Indian National Congress is especially mindful of the  significance of
the agriculture sector. The prosperity of the Indian farmer is our foremost
concern.  We  will  offer  a  fair  and  remunerative  Minimum  Support  Price
(MSP)  for  critical  farm  products  and  support  programmes  to  increase
productivity  and  profitability  of  agriculture,  horticulture,  livestock,
aquaculture and other farm-related sectors. We commit to increasing the
agricultural  growth  rate  to  over  4%  and  disseminating  the  fruits  of
agricultural  research.  We  will  accelerate  efforts  to  conserve  water,
especially through recharging groundwater, and optimising our irrigation
potential.  We  remain  deeply  committed  to  the  urgent  enactment  of  a
strong National Food Security Act.

The Indian National Congress has taken many measures - legislative and
administrative-  to  empower  the  common  man  in  relation  to  the
Government.  In continuation of the rights-based approach to legislation,
we  have  drafted  and  introduced  a  new  law  on  land  acquisition  and
resettlement  and  rehabilitation  (R&R).  The  new  law  will  replace  an
archaic law and put the compensation, rehabilitation and resettlement of
the affected parties as its primary concerns. We will take all possible steps
to ensure the timely enactment and implementation of this law as well as
updation of land records.

The  Indian  National  Congress  is  committed  to  the  rapid  development  of
public  infrastructure  such  as  roads,  highways,  ports,  railways  and
electricity.  We  firmly  believe  that  infrastructure  is  the  backbone  of  a
strong  nation  and  a  strong  economy.  We  will  work  towards  the
identification  and  completion  of  all  pending  projects  on  time.  We  will
expedite  the  implementation  of  the  industrial  corridor  projects  and
ensure full road connectivity to all rural habitations.

The  Indian  National  Congress  acknowledges  that  labour,  including
contract labour and labour in the unorganized sector, is a crucial factor in
economic  development.  We  will  ensure  the  implementation  of  laws  and
regulations  concerning  minimum  wages,  social  security  benefits
including  pension,  and  fair  labour  practices  in  order  to  fully  involve  the
working class in economic development.

The  Indian  National  Congress  has  always  been  committed  to  making
technology  and  innovation  important  drivers  of  India’s  inclusive  growth
model.  Successive  Congress  governments  have  had  the  vision  to  deploy
science  and  technology  to  improve  the  life  of  the  aam  aadmi.  The
initiative  of  the  Congress-led  UPA  government  to  take  broadband
internet  to  every  panchayat  in  India  in  order  to  connect  and  empower
every  Indian  is  an  important  step  in  this  direction.  The  Direct  Benefits
Transfer  (DBT)  –  Aapka  Paisa,  Aapke  Haath  –  initiative  is  another
concrete example of technology being used to improve the day-to-day life
of  the  aam  aadmi.  The  Congress  commends  the  reports  of  the  National
Knowledge Commission and will support initiatives to promote inclusive
innovation in the pursuit of socio-economic objectives.

Women’s Empowerment and Gender Justice

The  Indian  National  Congress  is  a  Party  that  has  gone  beyond  the
rhetoric  and  hyperbole,  relied  on  by  most  parties,  when  it  comes  to  the
empowerment of women. It is the only Party that has a long track record
of enacting laws for the welfare of women. It is the Party that has been led
by  many  women  presidents  and  the  only  Party  that  elected  a  woman
Prime Minister, a lady of iron will who led the nation in some of its most
difficult  times.  It  is  to  her  memory  that  we  rededicate  our  commitment
towards  ensuring  equality  for  women  and  their  empowerment.

The  Indian  National  Congress,  acknowledging  that  our  sisters  and
mothers have suffered several historical disadvantages, is ever mindful of
a pressing need to take far reaching measures to correct these injustices.
We  held  a  Mahila  Sashaktikaran  Adhiveshan  in  2002  with  the  sole
objective  of  preparing  a  comprehensive  agenda  for  the  empowerment  of
women; that agenda was embodied in the Declaration adopted at the end
of  the  event.  Today,  we  pledge  to  ensure  the  rapid  and  complete
realisation of the goals stated in that Declaration.

The Indian National Congress, mindful of and saddened by the atrocities
that  have  recently  rocked  our  collective  conscience,  acknowledges  the
plight  of  women  in  matters  concerning  their  safety  and  security.  We
pledge  to  ensure  that  all  measures  are  taken  to  make  women  safe  and
protected.  We  will  expedite  such  measures  as  the  creation  of  helplines
with  a  standard  number  ‘181’  in  all  major  towns  and  cities  for  prompt
grievance  redressal  for  women,  exclusive  transport  facilities,  and  gender
sensitivity  classes  for  police  men  and  women  particularly  in  registering
and investigating  complaints made by women.

The Indian National Congress has always placed a high premium on the
education of girls. Special scholarships that have been provided for girl
children will be stepped up.

The  Indian  National  Congress,  aware  of  the  development  perils  that
women  face,  will,  along  the  lines  of  the  Special  Component  Plan  (SCP)
and  Tribal  Sub  Plan  (TSP),  urge  the  governments  to  earmark  30%  of  all
funds  flowing  into  Panchayats  and  Nagarpalikas  for  the  development  of
women and children and focus on the special needs of female agricultural
labour and women cultivators.

The Indian National Congress, taking cognizance of the need for stronger
legal protection and equality for women, has enacted several progressive
laws. We remain committed to the cause of reservation of one-third of the
seats  for  women  in  the  Lok  Sabha  and  the  Vidhan  Sabhas  and  to  the
enactment  of  laws  broadening  the  definition  of  sexual  atrocities,
providing  for  speedier  justice,  and  containing  enhanced  punishment  for
aggravated sexual assault.

The Indian National Congress, true to its long history, will take measures
to  enable  increased  participation  of  women  at  all  levels  within  the
government,  including  through  reservations.  A  prescribed  percentage  of
the  total  police  officers,  inspectors,  sub-inspectors  and  constables  at
every  police  station  in  the  country  must  be  women  and,  eventually,  the
proportion shall be not less than 30%.

The  Indian  National  Congress  shall  continue  to  build  the  capacity  of
women  Self  Help  Groups  (SHGs).  Smt.  Indira  Gandhi  had  established
NABARD  30  years  ago  to  stimulate  agriculture  and  rural  development.
The  Congress  believes  that  now  is  the  time  to  establish  a  dedicated
National  Bank  for  Women  to  provide  financial  services  to  women  in
general and women SHGs in particular.

The  Indian  National  Congress  will  ensure  that  women  who  are
particularly vulnerable are provided a decent pension after the age of 60
years.  Destitute,  deserted  and  widowed  women  between  18-60  years  of
age will also be given a decent pension.

The  Indian  National  Congress  also  pledges  to  mainstream  gender  issues
within  the  Congress.  We  will  set  up  a  women’s  grievance  redressal  and
legal  cell  within  the  Party.  We  will  ensure  30%  reservation  for  women  –
in  line  with  the  existing  provision  -  at  every  level  of  the  Party.  We  will
launch  a  political  campaign  at  the  national,  state  and  district  levels,  to
generate  awareness  about  women-related  legislations,  schemes,
programmes and entitlements.

India and the World

The  Indian  National  Congress  is  committed  to  the  articulation  and
implementation  of  a  robust  and  dynamic  foreign  policy.  We  believe  in  a
policy  that  is  predicated  on  the  enduring  principles  of  non-alignment  as
enunciated  by  Pandit  Jawaharlal  Nehru,  yet  creatively  adapted  to  meet
the  needs  of  relationships  between  nations  in  a  rapidly  changing  global

The Indian National Congress is of the firm belief that a peaceful,  stable
and economically vibrant South Asia should lie at the heart of our foreign
policy. There is a need to re-position India’s leadership in South Asia. At
times, it may be necessary for India to take unilateral economic initiatives
in  the  region.  At  the  same  time,  India’s  neighbours  and  partners  must
recognise  our  legitimate  security  interests  and  concerns.  Any  dialogue
must  be  based  on  accepted  principles  of  civilised  behavior  and  when
these  principles  are  violated  India  should  not  hesitate  to  take  credible
action. It is also imperative that concrete measures be taken to dismantle
the  infrastructure  of  terror  operating  in  the  South  Asian  region  and  the
Government of India must continue to impress upon the governments of
the region on the need to work together for ensuring peace and harmony.

The Indian National Congress is of the unwavering view that India has a
central role to play in the process of Asian economic integration. We must
advance India’s Look East Policy because it is an economic and strategic
imperative  for  the  whole  country  and  especially  for  the  North-Eastern

The Indian National Congress firmly believes that terrorism is the biggest
threat  facing  the  world  today.  We  believe  that  fighting  terrorism  in
today’s  world  of  global  terror  networks  requires  deep  and  sustained
cooperation  between  countries.  A  collaborative  effort  is  required  to
effectively cut off financial flows to terror outfits. The global fight against
terror  can  and  will  be  won.  The  Congress  Party  will  continue  to  work
tirelessly in this direction.

The  Indian  National  Congress  takes  great  pride  in  the  outstanding
achievements  of  the  25  million  strong  Indian  diaspora,  our  true
ambassadors,  across  the  world.  Protecting  Indians  overseas  from
exploitation  or  threats  will  remain  a  paramount  concern  of  the  Party. 

The Indian National Congress bears the proud distinction of being one of
the largest political parties of the world. We have an obligation to actively
pursue  party-to-party  relations  and  engagement  with  other  political
parties  across the globe  that share a similar world-view,  and  we  shall do

The  Indian  National  Congress  is  proud  that,  in  addition  to  its  political
and  economic  role,  India  has  an  important  cultural  role  to  play  as  well.
We  are  committed  to  the  furthering  of  a  new  kind  of  diplomacy,  that  is
‘Cultural  Diplomacy’.  We  must  showcase  India’s  plural  society  and
culture.  To  this  end  we  believe  that  our  Government  should  pursue  the
establishment of Cultural Centres in other countries with renewed vigour.

The  Indian  National  Congress  believes  we  must  remain  sensitive  to  the
changing  global  scenario.  The  end  of  the  Cold  War  has  meant  the
emergence of a completely new world with multiple centres of power. It is
therefore important for India to consolidate its relations with traditional
partners, while forging meaningful ties with other countries of the world.
Each  and  every  country  is  important  to  India  and  to  its  economic,
political and cultural interests.

48.  T
he Indian National Congress believes that India’s role as a global power
comes with great responsibilities on the global stage. The Congress Party
believes that India has and must continue to be at the forefront of major
multilateral  negotiations  and  continue  to  play  a  constructive  role  on  the
issue  of  the  reform  of  the  United  Nations,  particularly  the  Security
Council, and reform of the international financial institutions. India must
be  seen  as  the  one  that  provides  solutions  that  are  acceptable  to  all
countries. It must continue to use its influence to create consensus while
ensuring that its national interests are fully protected.

Organisational Issues
The Indian National Congress bears the unique and proud distinction of
being  the  largest  and  most  inclusive  political  party  of  the  country.  To
continue  this  grand  tradition,  we  will  ensure  adequate  representation  of
all  sections  of  society  in  the  Party.    The  leadership  of    BCCs  and  DCCs
should  emerge  from  the  elected  members  of  panchayats  and
nagarpalikas,  with  significant  representation  for  Scheduled  Castes,
Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes, minorities and women.

The  Indian  National  Congress  has  begun  in  right  earnest  to  re-position
and re-organise itself based on ideology and issues in preparation for the
forthcoming  electoral  challenges,  especially  the  Lok  Sabha  elections  in
2014.  All  the  office  bearers  at  different  levels  such  as  AICC,  PCCs,  DCCs
and  BCCs,  as  well  as  in  the  frontal  organisations,  will  be  given  specific
responsibilities  to  discharge.  Cabinet  Ministers  belonging  to  the  Party
will  be  given  charge  of  specific  States  to  monitor  and  ensure  the
successful  implementation  of  the  schemes  of  the  UPA  government  in
those States and to address the shortcomings immediately.

The electoral strategy for the States which are ruled by the Congress Party
will  be  different  from  the  strategy  for  the  States  that  are  ruled  by
opposition parties. In States where it is in power, the Congress Party will
devise a clear plan of action to ensure the widest possible communication
of  our  policies  and  achievements.  The  PCCs  and  State  Ministers  will  be
charged with the responsibility of ensuring the successful implementation
of  our  manifesto  commitments.  In  States  where  it  is  not  in  power,  the
Congress  Party  will  draw  up  a  list  of  current  and  locally  relevant  issues
and  carry  out  aggressive  demonstrations  and  agitations,  from  the
grassroots  to  the  state  level,  on  a  consistent  and  regular  basis.  The
Congress  Party  will  ensure  that  it  presents  a  credible  alternative  to  the
Party in power in such States.

The  Indian  National  Congress  is  keenly  aware  of  its  larger  responsibility
to  ensure  the  strengthening  of  the  institutions  of  democracy.  The
Congress  Party  will  appoint  Booth  Level  Assistants  with  the  express
purpose  of  assisting  the  Election  Commission  of  India  in  enrolling  new
voters and preparing the electoral rolls.

The  Indian  National  Congress  has  prided  itself  on  its  ability  to  adapt  to
changing situations. The Party needs to be in a better position to harness
new information technologies and use them to communicate effectively to
the people through the traditional and the social media. The social media
can  give  the  Party  useful  feedback  on  how  the  people  perceive  the
government  and  what  they  expect  from  it.  Regional  and  local  media  will
also be actively engaged. The Party will also deepen and widen the use of
IT in the organization by setting up IT cells right up to the block level.

The  Indian  National  Congress  is,  at  the  core  of  its  heart,  a  Party  of  the
people. We  will  launch,  at different levels, a mass contact programme  to
share  our  achievements  and  gather  feedback  on  the  people’s  aspirations
and  priorities.  We  shall  hold  Party  Conventions  at  geographically
important centres across the country inviting everyone to participate and
share their hopes and expectations with us.

The  Indian  National  Congress  will  push  for  closer  integration  between
the  parent  Party  and  its  various  frontal  organisations.  There  must  be  a
robust and efficient system for monitoring and appraising performance of
the Party functionaries on a regular basis. It is of utmost importance that
when  senior  Party  leaders  recommend  particular  candidates  they  must
own  responsibility  in  case  of  failure.  Nepotism  in  the  organization’s
structure  is  a  cause  of  great  concern  and  there  is  a  need  to  arrest  this
tendency firmly.

The  Indian  National  Congress  must  create  a  new  organizational  unit  at
the panchayat level, as a link between the booth  level  unit  and  the block
level unit. Elected members of panchayats and nagarpalikas, particularly
women, dalits, adivasis, Other Backward Classes, and minorities, will be
nominated to various organizational positions at block and district levels.
A mechanism must be devised to ensure the absorption of outgoing office
bearers  of  frontal  organizations  in  the  parent  organization.  Winnability
alone  should  not  be  the  benchmark  for  deciding  nominees  of  the  Party
during  elections  and  a  balance  is  required  between  loyalty  and
winnability.  All  BCCs  and  DCCs  must  be  constituted  in  a  time-  bound
manner. The number of terms for presidents of the PCC and DCC should
be restricted to two and the tenure of each term should be no more than
three years.

Reality views by sm –

Monday, January 21, 2013

Tags – Congress Party Jaipur 13 Page Declaration Text


DWei January 21, 2013  

Yeah... I bet this is all for show.

klk January 21, 2013  
