21 January 2013

Full Text Vice President Rahul Gandhi’s speech at AICC Session Jaipur

Read Full Text Speech  of Vice President Rahul Gandhi’s speech at AICC  Session Jaipur 

Read the full text of Rahul Gandhi his first political speech as the party's vice-president at the Chintan Shivir in Jaipur

Transcript of Shri Rahul Gandhi’s speech at AICC Session, Jaipur
Congress President Sonia Gandhi ji, Pradhan Mantri Dr Manmohan Singh ji, Members of the
Congress Working Committee, PCC presidents and Chief Ministers of States and Rajasthan,
AICC Members, Delegates of the Chintan Shivir, Friends, I would like to welcome all of you here
and thankyou very much for all the support you have shown to me. 
There are a lot of our workers who are not here today. I would also like to thank them for the
work they do and for the blood and sweat they give to this party. 
Before I begin, I would like to state that this is a huge honour for me. Over the last 8 years, this
party has taught me a tremendous amount. I have learnt from the senior leaders and the
youngsters of this party and I want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for all the help
and direction you have given me.
There are people in South India who would like me to speak in English and there are people in
North India and as is the tradition, I will speak in English and then I will speak in Hindi. 
In 1947 India was librated not by arms but by unleashing the voice of our people, other
countries fought violently, other countries fought with weapons, other countries fought with
death, India fought with non- Violence and with voice. 
Everybody   told us that it can be done; everybody told us that if you want to get rid of British
you have to use violence and the Congress party said no we are not going to use Violence we
are not going to use Violence and we defeated the biggest empire of its time and we send them
home. This was energy behind of freedom movement voices million and millions of our voices. 
Gandhi ji success us led by Jawahar Lal Nehru feed the voice of every Indian by ensuring the
democracy became the better of our constitution.  Relentlessly championing the voice of every
Indian will always be the essence of the congress party and not a Indian one caste or one
religion I would like to repeated every single Indian is going to be supported.
No matter who he is, if he is Indian we work for him. Let’s look at the last 60 years of India’s
successes. They have all come when we gave up the people voice. The Green revolution, to
restore the voice of the farmer, Bank Nationalisation to restore the voice of the poor and the
market for credit. The IT and Telecom revolutions literaly gave the people voice, millions of
people’s voice and if you have a cellphone in your pocket today it is result of that revolution. 
And it’s an honour that Manmohan Singh ji is sitting here because he speare headed another
revolution in 1991, he unleash the voice of thousands in the field of entreprenuership and
change the country forever. The UPA Government is followed Gandhiji’s Model. It is created the
platforms for those denied their voice in the political system, for the first time in our history our
people is being gureenteed their basic rights, social and economic heads. The food bill will
ensure that true mother sees her child go hungry at night, the RTI allows every single Indian to
personally take on the battle against corruption. MANREGA is given millions of Indians pride in
their work, Right to Education enables every child to espire to greatness. All of these radical 
innovations were possible only because of the growth provided by the congress party and the
UPA. But there are many challanges ahead. The voices of the billion Indians are today that they
want to greater say in government, in politics and in administration.
This can’t be decided by hand full of people behind closed doors who are not fully accountable
to them. They are telling us that India’s governmental system is stuck in the past it is become a
system that robs people of their voice, a system that dis-empowers instead of empowering.  But
why we are in this situation, why is it I ask you, that our ministries do the work of Panchayats.
Why is it the Supreme Court handle the load of lok houses of justice? Why is it the CMs need to
appoint a teacher? Why a VCs chosen by people who far removed from their education
systems? No matter what state you look at, No matter which political party you look at why do a
handful of people control the entire political space?  
Power is grossly centralized in our country we only empower people at the top of a system. We
don’t believe in empowering people all the way to bottom. Every single day I meet people who
has tremendous understanding deep insight and no voice and all of us meet them, they are very
where. But almost always they are kept outside ours systems, no one can their voice, no matter
how much they try to speak no one listens. And then I meet people holding high positions with
tremendous voice but no understanding for the issues at hand. Why this happens is because we
don’t respect knowledge.
And it does not matter how much wisdom you have.. you mean nothing.. This is the tragedy of
India.. Why is our youth angry.. why are they out on the street.. They are angry because they
are alienated… They are excluded from the political class. They watch from the sidelines.. as
the powerful drive around in their Lal Battis…

Why are the women suffering.. because theirvoice is being trampled upon by people who have arbitrary powers over their lives. Why are thepoor confined to powerlessness and poverty.. because decision the decision over their lives..and the services they need… are decided by people far away, answerable to them only intheory.. until we start to respect and empower people for knowledge and understand, we cantchange anything in this country… All our public systems, administration.. justice… education..political systems.. all of them… are designed to keep people with knowledge out.. They are allclosed systems.. They are designed to promote mediocrity… and mediocrity dominates..mediocrity dominates discussion while the voice of insight and thought are crushed by loudnessof those who have neither the understanding nor compassion.. success in these systems does
not come through building… it comes by excluding.. it comes not by pushing people forward…
but by holding people back…
To maintain the status quo. We do not praise our collegues or look at their strength and all of us
every single of one us does it. We won’t praise other people. We ask them bahiya what is your
weakness. We only look out the way to neutralize them and every single day all of us a face
with the hypocrisy of the system. We all see it सबको िदखता  है and then we pretend it is not
there. People who are corrupt stand up and talk about eradicating corruption…  and then people
who disrespect women everyday over day of their life…  talk about women rights. Until we start
to respect the empowered people for their knowledge , for their understanding we are never
going to change this country . We need the Aam Admi to participate in our politics . Even when

as I speak their future is decided in the disclosed room . There is an young and impatient India
and it is demanding the voice in the nation future. Let me tell you they are not going to watch
silently .Our priorities are clear . The time has come to question the centralized on responsive
and on accountable system, decision making and governance, administration and politics . The
answer not to people say we need to run the system better.. The answer is not in running this
system better.
We have to relook at things in system and we have to transform them completely…  yet I am
optimistic, I am not pessimistic, and I am going to tell you why I am optimistic I am optimistic
because we have already put the building blocks of the revolution in place, and to a big degree I
would like to thank the Congress President, the Prime minister and the Congress party for
putting these building blocks in place. Let me tell you what these building blocks are, first of all
India is more connected today than it is ever being, we have the networks of roads, information,
communication, people and media for new idea to immerge for them to develop and take flight.
It is no longer possible to limit an idea whose time has come. Aadhar, let me speak about
Aadhar, it gives us unprecedental mechanism to recognize the unique journey of aspiration of
every single India no matter where he is. Direct cash transfer, is going to allow us to respondus
these dreams with an empowering delivering system.

My father use to speak about 15 paisa tothe rupee reaching the people and we today are preparing the system that is going to answerthat question, we are going to answer that question and 99% of people need money can go tothem, it is a revolution, it is a revolution and no other country has done it and we are preparingthat revolution
Congress is giving the people they due, is now called bribing the country , they say because
they scared , they  understand what kinds terms they can do  , and most important they can’t
understand for people in the Congress party , what the thinking in the Congress party ,
Panchayati Raj and women self have improvement  , they given the platform for democracy the
balance of national decisions…..must shift away to Delhi and  the state capitals to the
panchayat and to the world and Congress Party must continued to way to eventual battle to
overcome social presidium and discrimination against women, dalit , minorities  and tribes  I am
optimistic because of the buildings block ….. but am most optimistic and excited  because I see
the energy, the passion and capability  in our youth , bringing to respond to  their urgent
demand for jobs now, our institutions , learning and training must first informed us to repairing
youth in scales for best jobs in scale for the best job in the world , equally decisions that matter
to creating jobs need to be further liberated irrational red tape and outdated laws. So that the
tremendous energy of India youth will be fully unleashed   अब . थोडा िहंदी . संगठन के बारे .
बोलना चाहता हँ अपने मुझे ये बहत बड़ी िज़Bमेदारी दी हैू .. और ये पाटF कहलाती है पर सचमुच  . यह
एक हम पिरवार है  इस बात को आप मानते है यह िहंदMतान का शायद  दिनया का सबसे बड़ा पिरवार 
है और इसमे . िहंदMतान . सब लोग Pदर सकते है आप को Qया लगता है बदलाव की Tरत है
......तेज़ी से बदलाव की Tरत है मगर सोच समझ के बदलाव की Tरत है और सबको एक साथ
लेकर बदलाव की बात करनी है और बदलाव लाना है Uयार से करना है सोच समझकर करना है और
आपकी आवाज़ को सुनकर करना है समझ कर करना है . पहले यूथ कांVेस का जनरल सेWेटेरी हआ
करता था ,एन एस यु आई का जनरल सेWेटेरी हआ करता था अब . कांVेस पाटF . vice  Yेिजड. हँू
आपको यह लगना  नहीं चािहए की राहल गाँधी युवाओ की बात करता है राहल गाँधी  का पिरवार यूथ
कांVेस , एन एस यु आई , कांVेस पाटF ,मिहला कांVेस सबके सब है और आज से राहल गाँधी सबके
िलए काम करेगा और  सबको .......कांVेस पाटF राहल गाँधी और सबको . आपु को वायदा करना चाहता
हँ ...सुिनए सुिनए और . आपसे वायदा करता हँू.. 
एक ही आंख से एक ही तरीके से देखूंगा... चाहे वो यूथ कांV का हो चाहे वो बुजुग\ हो, चाहे
Unexperience हो, experienced हो, मिहला हो जो भी हो जो आप कह.गे मै से सुनूंगा और समझने की
कोिशश ^ंगा राजहनीित . _ 8 9 साल से हं और _ एक बात समझा हं काम करना है सोच समझ ूकर करना है गहराई से करना है और `दी से नही करना है बदलाव हो तो Bबे तौर पर हो ऐर गहराई
से हो एक दो चीज. _ आप से कहना चाहता हंू.. बदलाव की बात आपने कही.. नीयम और कानून की
बात _ कहना चाहता हंू.. कांV पाटF एक ऐसा संगठन है दिनयां का सबसे बड़ा राजनीितक संगठन है
मगर इसम. िनयम और कानून नही चलते _... शायद एक भी िनयम और कानून इस पाटF . नहीं है
हम हर दो िमनट नये िनयम बनाते _ पुराने िनयम दबा देते _ और यहां शायद िकसी को भी नहीं
मालूम कांV पाटF के िनयम िकया है। मज़ेदार संगठन है कभी कभी पूछता हं _ अपना आप से िक
भैया ये चलता कैसे है ये Election कैसे जीतता है.. ये बाकी पाटFe का खतम कैसे कर देता है... समझ
नही आती है बात मगर Election के बाद धड़ाक से कांVेस पाटF जीत गई.. वक\ खड़ा हो गया नेता खड़े
हो गए... शीला जी मुझे कह रही थी िक भैया पता नही Qया होता है िक Election के पहले सब खड़े हो
जाते _ और धड़ाके से लड़ जाते _.........
इसम. िहPMतान का DNA भरा है। और जो हमारे िवपg दल _ वो समझत. नहीं _ इस बात को। वो
देखत. _ और कहत. _ िक ये हो Qया रहा है। कोई कहता है िक हम िकसी एक जात की पाटF है.. कोई
कहता की _ िकसी एक धम\ की पाटF हंू.. और कांVेस पाटF कहती है िक हमारी DNA तो िहPMतान की ुहै। हम जात पहचानत. _.. धम\ पहचानत. _.. हम िसफ\ िहPMतान की DNA पहचानत. _.. सबके सब है।
तो नीयम और कानून की Tरत है.. पहली बात.. दसरी बातू .. हम leadership development पर focus
नहीं करते। आज से 5-6 साल बात ऐसी बात होनी चािहए िक अगर िकसी state . हम. Chief Minister
की Tरत हो.. तो जैसे पहले photo हआ करती थीु .. 40 फोटो हआ करती थी कांVेस पाटF कीु ... नहT
जी.. पटेल.. आजाद.. giants हआ करते थेु .. उनमे से कोई भी देश का Yधान मंj बन सकता था.. ये
बात हमने करनी है.. हम. 40-50 नेता तैयार करने _.. जो देश को चला सक... िसफ\ Yदेश को नहीं..
देश को चला सक... 40-50 नेता ऐसे तैयार करने _ हर Yदेश ... हमारे पास 5-6-7-10 ऐसे नेता e जो
Chief Minister बन सक. और हर District . ये बात हो.. हर Block . यह बात हो.. और अगर हमसे
कोई पूछे की कांVेस पाटF Qया करती है.. कांVेस पाटF िहPMतान के भिवk के िलए नेता तैयार करती ुहै.. कांVेस पाटF सेQयूलर नेता, ऐसे नेता जो गहराई से िहPMतान को समझते _ , जो जनता से जुड़े हए ुह_ वैसे नेता तैयार करती है। ऐसे नेता तैयार करती है, िजनको िहPMतान के सब लोग देख कर कहते _ ुभईया हम इनके पीछे खड़ा होना चाहते _ तो लीडरिशप डेवलपम. की Tरत है और इसके िलये ढांचे की Tरत है िसMटम की Tरत है इंफामmशन की Tरत है Qeिक यहां पे जो नहीं होता है, इसिलये नहीं होता है िक कोई चाहता नहीं है, इसिलये नहीं होता है िक कोई िसMटम नहीं है और िसMटम बनाया जा सकता है और इस िसMटम को आप लोग बनाओगे और आप लोग चलाओगे। हम िटकट की बात करते ह_, जमीन पे हमारा काय\कता\ काम करता है यहां हमारे िडिMnQ Yेिसड. बैठे _, oलॉक Yेिसड.q _ oलॉक कमेटीज _ िडिMnQ कमेटीज _ उनसे पूछा नहीं जाता, _ यहां िडिMnQ Yेिसड.? _ िटकट के समय उनसे नहीं पूछा जाता, संगठन से नहीं पूछा जाता, ऊपर से िडसीजन िलया जाता है भईया इसको िटकट िमलना चािहए, होता Qया है दसरे दलe के लोग जाते _ चुनाव के पहले जाते _ , नहीं सुनो, सुनो।
जाते _, चुनाव हार जाते _ और िफर चले जाते _ और हमारा काय\कता\ कहता है भईया, वो ऊपर
देखता है चुनाव से पहले ऊपर देखता है, ऊपर से पैराशूट िगरता है धड़ाक! नेता आता है, दसरी पाटF से
आता है चुनाव लड़ता है िफर हवाई जहाज . उड़ के चला जाता है।
सबसे पहले कांVेस पाटF के काय\कता\ की sजत होनी चािहए और िसफ\ काय\कता\ की sजत नहीं,
नेताओं की sजत, नेताओं की sजत का मतलब Qया है? िक अगर नेता ने tछा काम िकया है, अगर
नेता जनता के िलये काम कर रहा है चाहे वह जूिनयर नेता हो या सीिनयर नेता हो, िजतना भी छोटा हो,
िजतना भी बड़ा हो अगर वो काम कर रहा है तो उसे आगे बढ़ाना चािहए, अगर वो काम नहीं कर रहा है
तो उसको कहना चािहए भईया आप काम नहीं कर रहे हो और अगर 2-3 बार कहने के बाद काम नहीं
िकया तो िफर दसरे को चांस देना चािहए। और अंत . जो हमारे ही लोग हमारे िखलाफ खड़े हो जाते _ ूचुनाव के समय इंिडप.. खड़े हो जाते _ जो इंिडप.. को खड़ा कर देते _ उनके िखलाफ Qशन लेने की जTरत है। आप सब ये चीज. जानते _ _ भी जानता हं सब लोग जानते _ कमी इंिUलम.टेशन . है और ूहम इंिUलम.टेशन अगर िमल के कर.गे, यहां पे vान है, जानकारी है हम ये काम कर सकते _ और िजस िदन हमने ये काम कर िदया, हमारे सामने कोई नहीं खड़ा रह पायेगा। िजस िदन जनता की आवाज कांVेस पाटF के अंदर गूंजने लगी, आज गूंजती है बािकयe से sयादा गूंजती है, मगर िजस िदन गहराई से गूंजने लेगेगी, िजस िदन पंचायत, वाड\ के लोग यहां के बैठ जाय. उस िदन हम. कोई नहीं हरा पायेगा,और होगा Qया िक जो आज हमारे अंदर कभी-कभी गुMसा आता है दःख होता हैु , xMटेशन आती है वो कम हो जायेगा, मुMकुराहट. जाय.गी, लोग कह.गे भईया मजा रहा है िवपg पािट\e को हराते _मजे से लड़.गे, मजे से जीत.गे।  

_ िपछले 8 साल से ये काम कर रहा हँ और _ने आपसे कहा की अपने मुझे िसखाया हैू , senior नेता
बैठे है कल _ने भोला जी का भाषण सुना िकतनी गहरी बात बोली Peने और युवा भी थे Peने ने भी
गहरी बात बोली, chidambaram जी थे  और Peने ने भी गहरी बात बोली, Anthony जी थे Peने ने
गहरी बात बोली। यहाँ पे capability की कोई कमी नहीं है, गहराए की कोई कमी नहीं है और िजस Yकार
ये party सोचती है िजतनी depth इस पाटF . है और कही नहीं है। Parliament . देखता है सब जगह
देखता है और _ आपको ये बताना चाहता हँ की _ सब कुछ नहीं जनता हँू , दिनया _ ऐसा कोई {यि|
नहीं जो सब कुछ जनता हो। मगर अगर आपसे पूछा Congress party _ करोडe लोग _ कही कही
जानकारी ^ _, _ आपसे ये कहना चाहता हँ की _ उस जानकारी को ढंढंगाू senior नेताओ से
पूछूंगा, Sheila जी यहाँ बैठी, Gehlot जी बैठे है, Alvi जी बैठे है,बहत सरे िजनके नामु  नहीं ले सकता हँ
उन सब से पूछूंगा और आपसे सीखूंगा Qयुकी इस party का इितहास आपके Pदर है, इस party की सोच
आपके Pदर है और _ िसफ\ आपकी आवाज़ को आगे बढ़ाऊं गा , जो सुनायी .गा उससे आगे बढ़ाऊं गा  
और fairness की बात होती है, कल _ने meeting _ कहा की कचेरी . दो लोग होते है एक lawyer
होता है दसरा judge होता है, _ judge का काम ^ँगा lawyer का काम नहीं ^ँगा। अब _ वापस थोडा
अंVेजी _ बोलना चाहता हँ Qयूंू की South India के लोग कह रहे eगे..
तिमल तो _ बोल नहीं सकता। तो थोडा _ आपको अब इमोशनल बात कहना चाहता हँ िदल की बात
कहना चाहता हँ।  
This morning I got up at night, 4 O’clock in the morning I got out into the balcony I thought “Now
you have a big responsibility in front of you and this people are standing behind you, people are
standing on your side.” It was dark and it was cold and I had decided I am not going to tell you
only what you wanted to hear, I decided I goanna tell you little bit about what I feel, I want tell
you about hope, and also want to tell you about power. 
When I was a little boy I love to play badminton. I loved it because it gives me balance in a
complicated world. I was taught how to play in my grandmother’s house by two police men who
protected my grandmother. They were my friends, then one day they killed my grandmother and
took way the balance in my life. I felt pain that I never felt before and many of us have
experienced this so you will understand what I am saying. 
My father was in Bengal and he came back the hospital was dark green and dirty. And there
was a huge crowd screaming outside they were very angry and as we entered they were
screaming and shouting. It was the first time in my life that I saw my father was crying, he was
the bravest person I knew and yet I saw him crying.
I was small but I could see my father was broken, he had taken away his mother and he was
broken. In those days our country wasn’t what it is today. In the eyes of the world we had
nothing. We wre worthless. We didn’t have money, we didn’t have cars, everybody said were

were a poor country. Nobody thought about us. Same evening I was my father addressing the
nation on television. I knew like me he was broken inside and even like me he was terrified of
what lay in front of him but when he spoke that night I felt the small glimmer of hope. It was like
a small ray of light in a dark sky. I can still remember what it felt like. If you think back lot of you
will also remember this. The next day I realized that many people had seen it. Today as I look
back and I has a political career of 8 years in 42 years I can see it was a small ray of hope in
the darkness that helped changed India into what I is today. Without hope you can not achieve
anything. You can have plans, you can have ideas, but unless you have hope you can not
change anything. I want to talk to you about power. Last night every single one of you
congratulated me, many of you came and hugged me and congratulated me. Everybody
congratulated me but last night my mother came to my room and she cried, why did she cried?
she cried because she understand that the power so many people seek its actually a poison she
can see it , what it does to a people around and to the people they love but the most important
that she can see it , she not attached to it , the only anti poked to this poison is for all of us to
see it for what it is really is and not become attached to it , we should not chased power for
attribute to some power , we should only use it to empower voices. In our work it is my mother
experience for the life time it is my experience for 8 years and am sure many of you to deal with
power every day , understand what I am saying and realize the positive and the negative, and
we must not forget that there is negative, that you have to be very careful when you doing
administer power , when you use power , today India is not like what it was in 1984. 
We are no longer worthless. 
Today the entire world is coating us today we are the future and as I said before nations are not
build on scheme and finance. There is a foundation of hope. I am standing here because I
believe that congress party is the symbol of this hope and as party has the potential to embody
here. I like to end again by saying that for me the congress party is now my life. The people of
India my life and I will fight for the people of India and for this party. I will fight with everything I
have and I invite all of you to stand up and take on this fight.  
Thank you 

Reality views by sm –

Monday, January 21, 2013

Tags – Rahul Gandhi Speech Jaipur


MEcoy January 21, 2013  

thats a pretty long speech

virendra sharma January 21, 2013