24 November 2012

Full Details Arvind Kejriwal Party Launched the Aam Aadmi Party

Full Details Arvind Kejriwal Party Launched the Aam Aadmi Party

On October 2, 2012, Arvind Kejriwal announced the formation of the party saying its official launch will be on November 26, the day Constitution was adopted in 1949.

Today Arvind Kejriwal launched party of Indians common citizens.

AAM Aadmi means common man

November 26 is the day the Constitution of India was adopted in 1949.

Now on November 26 we common people got new party Aam Aadmi

Party will give utmost respect to Indian Preamble, which other political parties have forgotten.

On Monday Aam Aadmi Party will be formally launched at Jantar Mantar

all those who turn up at Jantar Mantar on Monday will be treated as founding members of the party.

Arvind Kejriwal finally named his party today –
the Aam Aadmi Party.

party will not have a President, Vice President, or General Secretary
Party will not have a "high command style of functioning
there will be no "hierarchical structures

300 members attended first meeting, party adopted formally constitution for the party, and a national council of the party has been set up

Now The national council will next elect a 30-member national executive, which will be the party's highest decision-making body.

national convenor will be elected by the national executive

Arvind Kejriwal told to media that

Party's vision is Swaraj.

People should get the 'raj'.

That vision will be finalized.

25-30 issues will be discussed which all issues need to be taken first by the party. Committees will be formed.

They will make drafts in four-five months.

There will discussions through the country

One Family One Election Ticket rule will be followed

Party membership fee is Rs. 10

Party accounts will be transparent

Arvind Kejriwal  said that party would have two kinds of members -- ordinary and active members. Anyone can enroll himself as an ordinary member by paying Rs 10 as fee for three years and an ordinary member who works for the nation and party tirelessly for four months then he will be made active member.
The decision on making one an active member will be taken by the committees.

If one becomes a member of the State Executive or National Executive Councils, his or her relatives will not find place in any councils.

Party will have the Right to Recall and it will be implemented in National Executive council, State Executive Council and District Executive Council.

The party's functioning will be transparent and donors list and expenses list will be uploaded on the website from time to time

Party will also have an internal Lokpal at the Centre and Lokayuktas at every state and district.

Any person can lodge a complaint against any party member and if the Lokpal or Lokayukta finds a prima facie case then the person will be probed

Party is committed to provide at least 33 per cent seats to women for contesting elections.

Party will try to bring a legal system where people get justice without having to spend money. Getting justice has become costly because lawyers charge heavily from people for fighting their case. Common man should have easy access to higher judiciary

Party will try and see that gram sabhas, the mohalla sabhas in the cities to be actively involved in law making except for major issues like that on foreign policy and external security

Aam Aadmi Party will contest next general election due in early 2014.

Suggested Reading –

40 Facts about Arvind Kejriwal Short Biography of Arvind Kejriwal

Photo AAP

Reality views by sm –

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Tags – AAP Aam Aadmi Party Arvind Kejriwal


Destination Infinity November 24, 2012  

I hope people will get into their senses and vote for this party. At least one party is trying to do some good/correct things.

I think they should involve all the people and work transparently. They should get a good social media presence and debate various policies they are going to adopt openly and get feedback from the people.

Internet enables faster communications and greater reach. Please use it Aam Aadmi!

Destination Infinity