05 October 2012

50 Important Facts,Tips A Practical Guide to the CAT 2012 11 October – 6 November 2012

50 Important Facts,Tips A Practical Guide to the CAT 2012 11 October – 6 November 2012

The  Common  Admission  Test  (CAT)  2012  will  be  conducted  over  a  21-day  testing  window  between Thursday, 11 October and Tuesday, 6 November 2012.

The  window  for  registration  &  scheduling  starts  on  Monday,  30  July  and  ends  on  Wednesday,  19 September and you will not be allowed to make any further changes to your profile, application or test schedule  after  this  date.

However,  you  may  still  log  on  to  https://iim.prometric.com  using  your username  and  password  to  print  your  Admit  Card.

This facility will be available until the end of the testing window.

All registered candidates must attend their most recently scheduled session and bring along their most recent Admit Card on test day.

Candidates are also encouraged to watch the Test Day Procedures video on www.catiim.in before coming for the test.

Reporting for the Test – You should arrive at your allocated test centre at least one and half-hours (1Hr. 30 Min) before your scheduled appointment.

This will allow time for security checks, identity verification, and checking in.

If you have registered for Session 1 (morning session), you should be at the test centre by 8:30am. Testing will begin at 10am.

If you have registered for Session 2 (afternoon session), you should be at the test centre by 1:45pm.

Testing will begin at 3:15pm.

Please  make  sure  you  have  your  most  updated  Admit  Card  and check your date, time and test location carefully.

Bring the valid ID proof as prescribed

What to Bring? Candidates must bring one. CAT 2012 Admit Card 2.  One original and valid (not expired) photo identification

In addition,  Scheduled  Caste  /  Scheduled  Tribe  (SC/ST)  candidates  will  also  need  to  bring  a  valid document as proof of SC/ST eligibility.

Differently  Abled  (DA)  candidates  requiring  support  during  the  test  must  also  bring  along  an authorization from Prometric and photo identification of a scribe if applicable

Acceptable  forms  of  photo  identification  types  are:    Driver's  license,  Passport,  PAN  Card,  Voter  ID, College  ID  (this  must  be  supported  with  a  valid  ATM/Debit/Credit  Card  with  your  name),  Employee identification  card,  UID  card  or  a  notarized  Affidavit  (in  English)  with  Photo,  Signature,  Date  of  Birth and Residential Address. Photocopies of the original are not acceptable. If in doubt, bring a notarized Affidavit.

Candidates  will  not  be  permitted  to  take  the  test  if  valid  photo  identification  or  Admit  Card  is  not presented.  If  your  name  has  been  changed  due  to  events  such  as  marriage,  you  must  show  the documents  such  as  Marriage  Certificate,  Divorce  Decree,  Legal  Name  Change  etc.  and submit a photocopy at the time of the test, interview and at the time of joining a programme.

You  will  be  required  to  keep  any  small  personal  items  in  a  bag  which  will  be stored  away  from  the  testing  area.  Candidates  will  not  be  permitted  to  take anything  into  the  testing  area,  including  but  not  limited  to  wrist-watch,  pen, cellphones, calculators, etc. Do not bring bags, valuables or any large items to the test centre as Prometric will not be able to store these for you.

DA candidates who have been approved for special requirements such as wheelchair or hearing aid will need to bring along those devices. Only the magnifying screen will be provided by Prometric Maps  and  directions  to  each  test  centre  are  available  on  www.catiim.in. Please ensure you allow for sufficient travel time.  It  might  also  be advisable to make a trip to your allocated test centre a day or two earlier to familiarize  yourself  with  the location, travel time and traffic conditions. Look out for signs and staff wearing official IIM CAT jackets to assist you once you arrive.

Identity  checks  will  be  made  upon  arrival  at the  test  centre  to ensure  that  there  are  no  unauthorized candidates and that you are at the right test location on the right day and time. Please be patient, get in line, and await your turn. Only registered CAT 2012 candidates will be allowed into the test centre.

Friends or relatives who accompany you to the test centre are not allowed to wait in the test centre or be in contact with you while you take the test.

After security checks, you will proceed to check-in for your test. Only  your Admit Card, photo identification, SC/ST certificate (if applicable)  and  DA  Scribe  Document  (if  applicable)  will  be allowed  to  be  brought  in  beyond  this  point.  The check-in procedure includes your image and fingerprint capture. This  is a security feature which will allow the IIMs to verify your identity should  they  call  you  up  for  an  interview  after  your  results  are announced. Once escorted to your designated lab (indicated by the site code on your Admit Card) and assigned workstation, a Test Centre Administrator (TCA) will sign you in. Your image will appear on the computer screen once you are signed in. You may have to wait in your seat for some time for all candidates to be signed in.

During this time, if you need to visit the restroom, please inform the TCA. Your Admit Card and photo identification will be checked when you are escorted back to your workstation so please carry that with you at all times. Note that no further restroom breaks will be allowed 30 minutes prior to the test time or during the test.

The  lab  door  will  close  30  minutes  before  the  start  of  the  test.  Two  pencils,  an  eraser  and  scratch paper  will  be  distributed  to each candidate. Listen to the TCA’s instructions to begin the test. During the test, you may use the scratch paper to do your calculations. Each workstation will be blocked on three sides – front, left and right. Do not look around at other candidates, as there will be surveillance cameras that record both audio and video. Any suspicious or disruptive behavior could lead to your test being invalidated by the IIMs. For any issues during the test, raise your hand to notify a TCA.  A technician will also be on stand-by at every site. In case of any major disruptions, rest assured that if you are a registered candidate, you will get to test within the testing window. All scratch paper must be returned to the TCA after the test. Any attempt to take away the scratch papers out of test centers will be considered as disruptive behaviour and liable for disqualification.

Test Duration and Pattern = The actual length of the test is 2 hours and 20 minutes (70 minutes per section). DA candidates with scribe  requirements  will  be  scheduled  for  an  extra  hour,  distributed  evenly  across  both  sections  (i.e. DA candidates with scribes will have 100 minutes per section). Prior to the start of the test, there will be  a  15-minute  optional  tutorial  to  familiarize  candidates  with  navigation  and  functionality  available during the test. Candidates are strongly advised to go through this tutorial.

All candidates will start the test at the same time. Candidates are to remain at their seats for the entire duration of the test even if they complete their test early. No breaks will be given during the test.

There are two sections within the test.  Candidates will first be presented with the section on Quantitative Ability & Data Interpretation, followed by Verbal Ability & Logical Reasoning. Each section will contain 30 multiple-choice questions.  Candidates will have 70 minutes to complete each section. An on-screen timer will be available for candidates to check how much time they have left for each section. Once a section has ended, candidates will no longer be able to go back to it. TCAs are not allowed to answer any questions pertaining to the test content. If you do not understand a question on the test, you should answer the question to the best of your ability. Three (3) points will be awarded for each correct answer; one (1) point will be deducted for each wrong answer. There is no penalty for questions that are left unanswered.

A practice test will be available on www.catiim.in to familiarize you with the navigation and functionality of the CAT.  The  sample  questions  in  the  practice  test  are  NOT  representative  of  the  content  or difficulty level of the actual test. You may try the practice test as many times as you like.

Tutorial = Candidates  are  advised  to  go  through  the  15-minute  tutorial  prior  to  the  start  of  the  test  which  will demonstrate the following: a]  Navigating  around  the  screen  –  question  number,  on-screen  timer,  Next,  Previous,  Mark  and  Review buttons [ b]  Reviewing  questions – how to identify  which questions are complete, marked or incomplete; and how to go directly to a specific question or review all marked or incomplete questions [ c]  You  will  notice  that  the  question  number  appears  at  the  top  centre  of  the  screen  and  the  timer appears on the top right

Selecting / de-selecting answers = Every question will have 4 options – A, B, C and D. Read the question on the screen and click on the circle  next  to  your  selected  answer.  You  can  change  their  answer  simply  by  clicking  on  any  other circle. If you have already selected an answer but later decide that you would prefer not to answer that question, all you need to do is click on the clicked circle again.

Marking questions for review If you are unable to answer a particular question or unsure if your response is correct, you may ‘mark’ it and return to review it later. Simply click on the ‘Mark’ button on the bottom of the screen. Once clicked,  the  button  changes  to  red  so  you  know  that  it  has  been  marked  successfully.  To unmark it, click the red ‘Marked’ button. Note that if you have selected an answer, it will be evaluated even if it remains ‘Marked’ when you end the test. The ‘Mark’ feature only serves as a reminder to you

Reviewing questions = At  any  time  during  the  test,  you  can  go  to  the  review  screen  to  see  which  questions  you  have completed, marked, or are incomplete. Click on the ‘Review’ button on the bottom of any question screen to do so.  The  review  screen  shows  a  list  of  all  the  questions,  along  with  a  symbol  next  to  it which indicates if it is marked, complete or incomplete. From here, you can double-click on a particular question to go directly to it, or select ‘Review Incomplete’ or ‘Review Marked’ from the bottom of the screen. Selecting ‘Review Incomplete’ or ‘Review Marked’ takes you to the first ‘Incomplete’ or ‘Marked’ question respectively.

Time management = The  on-screen  timer  is  found  on  the  top  right corner  of  every  screen.  This  counts  down  from  1  hour and  10  minutes  for  each  section  so  what  you  see  is  the  time  remaining  for  you  to  complete  that section. For example, 00:35:48 means the time remaining is 35 minutes and 48 seconds to complete that section.  Do  check  this  timer  regularly  and  allocate  your  time  carefully  to  ensure  you  have sufficient time to attempt all the questions. Remember, once a section has ended, you will no longer be able to go back to it.

Final checks Allow some time to do final checks before ending the test.

Ending the test (only available in Section 2) There will be no option to end the first section of the test before the full duration of 1 hour 10 mins is up.  In  the  second  section,  if  you  are  ready  to  end  your  test  even  if  there  is  still  time  remaining  (you would not be allowed to go out of the test centre until the test is over), click on ‘Quit Test’ at the bottom of the screen. If you have questions that are incomplete, you will be prompted by a pop-up box. Click ‘No’ to return to the test, or ‘Yes’ to end the test. Even if you have answered all the questions, you will still see a pop-up box to reconfirm if you would like to end the test. If you click ‘Yes’, your test will end. Be reminded that you will not be allowed to leave your seat until the entire test duration is up.

Getting Assistance = If you require any assistance during the test, please raise your hand and a TCA will come to you.

Results = CAT  2012  results  are  expected  to  be  available  on  the  CAT  website  www.catiim.in  from  9  January 2013.  Candidates must retain a printout of their results.  Candidates short-listed by the IIMs for interviews for PGP will be available on the individual IIM website. Each IIM will send interview letters to short-listed candidates. Please refer to the individual IIM websites for their selection criteria.

Candidate Care = The Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS) is available on 1-800-102-2256. You should use this as well as the FAQs found on www.catiim.in to help answer most of your queries. In case you are still facing issues, you may contact CAT Candidate Care by phone, or send a web query.

Phone support availability: =

Registration Phase: 30 July – 19 September 2012, 9am to 6pm from Mondays to Saturdays.

Pre-testing window: 20 September – 10 October 2012, 9am to 6pm from Mondays to Saturdays.

Testing window: 11 October – 6 November 2012, 8am to 7pm daily

Post-testing window: 7 November 2012 – 31 January 2013, 9am to 6pm Mondays to Fridays

Phone support will not be available on the following days: [a] Wednesday, 15 August 2012 – Independence Day [B]  Friday, 10 August 2012 – Janamastami [c]  Monday, 20 August 2012 – Idu’l Fitr [d]  Tuesday, 02 October  2012 – Mahatma Gandhi’s Birthday [e]  Wednesday, 24 October 2012 – Dussehra [f]  Tuesday, 13 November 2012 – Diwali [g]  Tuesday, 25 December 2012 – Christmas [h]  Tuesday, 01 January 2012 – New Year’s Day [i]  Saturday, 26 January 2012 – Republic Day

Webmail support availability: = Webmail  support  will  be  available  at  http://www.prometric.com/IIM-CAT/contactus  from  30  July  2012 till  the  end  of  the  first  week  of  February  2013.  Queries,  received  by  webmail,  will  be  responded  to within  2  working  days.  Do  not  send  the  same  email  multiple  times,  as  it  will  delay  the  response process.

Useful Links =[a]  www.catiim.in – information on CAT 2012 including Practice Test and test centre maps/directions [b]  https://iim.prometric.com – CAT Registration / Scheduling website [c]  Videos

CAT Registration & Scheduling Process = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gurJNWg9DVE

CAT Test Day Procedures http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNpvy4vWY2k

If you have limited connectivity, you may ring +91 124 451 7178 to listen to a short recording

Reality views by sm –

Friday, October 05, 2012

Tags - CAT 2012 Useful Tips Crack CAT


MEcoy October 05, 2012  

very informative sm nice post