02 August 2012

Read Delhi Police Letter to Team Anna asking them get hospitalized end fast

Read Delhi Police Letter to Team Anna asking them get hospitalized end fast

Team Anna is fasting for the benefit of India.

Now Delhi Police has written a letter to Team Anna
The Delhi Police said that the Team Anna members Arvind Kejriwal, Gopal Rai, and Manish Sisodia should be hospitalized immediately.

On 8th day, Team Anna Member Arvind Kejriwal said that
"I am not committing suicide, I am sacrificing life for country,"
He said, "I challenge the government to imprison the 15 ministers. I will call off my fast then."
Arvind Kejriwal said that henceforth government doctors will not be allowed to examine them. He alleged the RML report was "fabricated" and was the result of a government conspiracy.
Further, he said that Jai Prakash Narayan was slowly poisoned in jail.
There is a conspiracy against my life.
All my parameters are fine,"
He said if they were hospitalized forcefully, they will continue to fast.
"If we are force-fed, we won't swallow.
The food will not go down our throats.
We'll rip out any tubes or drips attached to us,"

Below is the full  Letter Read the letter written by Delhi Police to Team Anna

No. 63405/ND(X) dated New Delhi, the 01/8/12


Neeraj Kumar,


India Against Corruption,



Ghaziabad-201 010,

Uttar Pradesh

Subject: Fast at Jantar Mantar from 25th July to 8th August 2012


On 31.07.2012, Dr. Vivek Arya and Dr. Kanika of Dr. R.M.L. Hospital and Drs Vipin Mittal Atul Gupta, attending to the medical needs of the demonstrators, have examined Shri Anna Hazare, Shri Arvind Kejriwal, Shri Gopal Rai and Shri Manish Sisodia. Today, Dr. T.S. Sidhu, the Medical Superintendent, Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, has through D.O. No.12- 4/2012-RMLH(MS) dated 01.08.2012 (copy enclosed), forwarded the medical checkup reports of Dr. Vivek Arya dated 31.07.2012 and 01.08.2012. This team of doctors has advised that Shri Arvind Kejriwal, Shri Gopal Rai and Shri Manish Sisodia need immediate medical intervention of a hospital and should, therefore, be shifted to one. Dr. T.S. Sidhu has endorsed this view vide the D.O. at hand. Moreover, their continued fasting, resistance to accepting medical intervention and announcing from the dais that there would be dire consequences following their forcible removal by the government, is not as per the terms and conditions that were mutually agreed upon and may lead to adverse law and order situations.

2. Your attention is also drawn to para 13 of the Undertaking furnished by you on July 7, 2012 for organizing fast from July 25 to August 8, 2012, whereby you agreed to comply with all lawful directions given to you by any police officer on duty at any stage of this agitation. Being the organizer of this agitation, it would also be your responsibility to ensure the wellbeing of the persons sitting on fast.

3. You are, therefore, advised to follow the doctors' recommendation and take steps for immediate hospitalization of Sh. Arvind Kejriwal, Sh. Gopal Rai and Sh. Manish Sisodia, to prevent harm to their lives and wellbeing failing which you would be squarely responsible for any untoward incident. Delhi Police is ready to render all help by way of ambulances etc. in this regard.

End: 1. D.O. of Dr.T.S. Sidhu dated 01.08.2012 2. Report of Dr.Vivek Arya dated 31.07.2012 3. Report of Dr.Vivek Arya dated 01.08.2012

Yours faithfully,






Government of India

Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital

New Delhi - 110001

Dear Shri Dwivedi,

Date 1st August 2012

Reference Directorate General of Health Services letter No. Dy. No. 3416/12-F,MR dated 25`h July, 2012, a team of Doctors was constituted to regularly monitor the health status of Mr. Anna Hazare and his team who are fasting at Jantar Mantar. The physicians who examined them today have submitted their report wherein it is strongly advised that Shri Arvind Kejriwal, Shri Gopal Rai and Shri Manish Sisodia should be immediately moved to the Hospital and admitted for further management. A copy of the report is enclosed. Copies of medical report dated 31.8.2012 are also enclosed herewith.

It is requested that the action taken report on this matter should be urgently communicated to the undersigned.

With regards,

Yours sincerely


Reality views by sm –

Thursday, August 02, 2012

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Delhi Police Letter Team Anna


virendra sharma August 02, 2012  

मौन सिंह इस मर्तबा १५ अगस्त को लाल किले पर नहीं चढ़ पायेंगे .आठ अगस्त को ही बाबा रामदेव को दिल्ली पहुँचने से पहले गिरिफ्तार कर लिया जाएगा /मरवाया भी जा सकता है .लाखों समर्थक ९ अगस्त को दिल्ली पहुँच नहीं पायेंगे .इससे पहले देश में साम्प्रदायिक झगडे करवा दिए जायेंगे .उसी में कुछ होगा .मौन साधे बैठी साम्राज्ञी पुणे के बम विस्फोट पे शांत है इस आतंकी हरकत को इन्डियन मुजाहिदीन की करतूत बतलाने से अकलियत के वोट जो कट जायेंगें .
करेंगे मिलकर भ्रष्टाचार ,
क्या कर लेंगे भकुवा वोटर ,
जन गन मन भी है लाचार .

सलमान खुर्शीद कहतें हैं देश रमजान में व्यस्त है .पुणे के धमाके क्या नव नियुक्त गृह मंत्री के स्वागत में किए गए हैं .कितना महान है देखो भारत देश ये तो साइकिल बम ही हैं यहाँ आके तो आतंकी भी शहीद हो जातें हैं .शहीद पद पा जाते हैं .आतंकी दस्ते .शहीद होने ही आतें हैं इस महान देश में .
नौ अगस्त से पहले राम देव जी के दिल्ली आवाहन से पहले दिल्ली पुलिस फिर उन्हें दिल्ली के बाहर ही सलवार पहन वायेगी .

वह महारानी जिसने पूडल पाल रखे हैं यह नहीं समझती देश पहले ही एक बार धर्म के आधार पर बंट चुका है .चुप्पी साधे बैठी है .और ये मौन सिंह इन महाशय के नामकरण में गलती हो गई ग्रंथि से ,राशि वही रही मनमोहन सिंह नहीं यह मौन सिंह हैं .

देश की बे -इज्ज़ती होने के बाद भी यह कहतें हैं : देश की नहीं मन मोहन सिंह की तौहीन हुई है ब्रिटेन में .
अरे भाई पुणे के विस्फोटों को लोकल इफेक्ट क्यों नहीं बतलाते ?

लोकल सबोतेज़ को क्यों नहीं मानते आप ?

कहीं अकलियत का वोट न चला जाए ?

और ये चैनालिए कहतें हैं पांच ब्लास्ट हुए हैं लोग महाराष्ट्र में खुशियाँ मना रहें हैं नव -नियुक्त गृह मंत्री का स्वागत कर रहें हैं .

हाय हाय वोट !अकलियत का वोट .अल्पसंख्यकों का वोट .
आई एम् में नहीं है खोट .
आई एम् बोले तो -इन्डियन मुजाहीदीन .

Bart August 02, 2012  

i dont get the point of fasting.

MEcoy August 02, 2012  

she reminds me of this hero who died to end a dictatorship here in our country

Arti August 02, 2012  

Hope he succeeds in achieving something good for our country. Good post sm.

Content Hedgehog August 02, 2012  

How is sacrificing your own life not suicide...?

GADAFINY August 02, 2012  

Good post, thanks for sharing.

Ayush August 04, 2012  

Agree.. Here I wish to say that when it comes to Higher education India, special credit goes to computer courses India after 12th , which changed the way we used to look at our bachelor's degree some 5-7 years back.