21 November 2011

Guj. High Court orders new FIR against Police Offers for murder of Ishrat Jahan SIT Final Report Ishrat Jahan encounter was fake

Gujarat High Court orders new FIR against Police Offers for murder of Ishrat Jahan
SIT Final Report Ishrat Jahan encounter was fake

on June 15, 2004 Ishrat, a 19-year-old college girl, along with Javed Sheikh alias Pranesh Pillai, Amjad Ali Rana and Zeeshan Johar were killed by Ahmedabad Crime Branch.

A team of Ahmedabad crime branch had intercepted an Indica car and later on killed them in encounter.

the police team headed by IPS DG Vanjara and Crime Branch said that four were members of terror group Lashkar-e-Toiba and were on a mission to kill Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi.

After the encounter mother [of Ishrat Jahan ] Shamima Kausar and Gopinath Pillai filed a petition raising the questions about the police claim.

After that High Court constituted SIT to investigate the genuineness of the encounter of Ishrat Jahan and High supervised the SIT.

In September 2009 Ahmedabad metropolitan magistrate SP Tamang said that encounter was fake.

In August 2010: Gujarat High Court asks Supreme Court-appointed SIT headed by former CBI director RK Raghavan (investigating the Gujarat riots) to take up the case.

September 2010: The High Court constituted a new SIT after Raghavan-headed SIT expressed its inability to undertake the investigation.

After that Gujarat Government filed a appeal in the Supreme Court.
In November 2010 The Supreme Court rejected the Gujarat government’s plea challenging the High Court order to form the new SIT.

After this 3 member team of SIT started its investigation.
The three member SIT was headed by Bihar cadre IPS Rajiv Ranjan Verma.

In January 28, 2011 SIT member Satish Varma filed an affidavit stating that the encounter was a fake one

In April 8, 2011 Gujarat High Court ordered the Government of Gujarat that if
the state authorities do not allow SIT to investigation without hindrance then High Court will hand over the Case to the CBI or NIA.

On October 7 The Gujarat high court asked the Special Investigation Team (SIT), investigating the encounter of Ishrat Jahan and three others, to submit its final report by November 18.

On Monday in a Final Report SIT told to Gujarat High Court that the Ishrat Jahan
encounter was fake. The 4 were murdered by Police officials.
In Final Report SIT said that the evidence collected by the SIT team shows that encounter was staged.
The SIT has also informed the court that Ishrat and three others were killed prior to the date of encounter on June 15, 2004

After this Gujarat High Court ordered filing of a new FIR against the police officers under Section 302.

The court has ordered the handing over of the case to a central agency.

Now I think that a fast track court should try the case and give the Final order in a 3 month of Time.

As otherwise like other cases this case the justice will be given after 15 or 20 years or 50 years.

To give Death Punishment to accused our Indian Courts follow the principle of rarest of rare case.
This case fits best in this principle.
Thus guilty should be given death Punishment who ever murdered the innocent 4 people.

Justice delayed is Justice Denied.

Reality views by sm –

Monday, November 21, 2011

Tags – SIT of Ishrat Jahan Murder Time Line FIR


Kirtivasan Ganesan November 22, 2011  

Fake encounters, stage managed riots, business by climbing imaginary stairs. I wonder where Gujarat is leading to?