21 November 2011

Resolution Passed to Divide Uttar Pradesh into 4 Sates by Mayawati Government Uttar Pradesh Assembly passed resolution to divide UP in 4 states

Resolution Passed to Divide Uttar Pradesh into 4 Sates by Mayawati Government Uttar Pradesh Assembly passed resolution to divide UP in 4 states

The two day winter session started on Monday.
In Uttar Pradesh next elections will be held in March-April 2012

Showing her Power and Intelligence and a decision maker politician Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Mayawati got the resolution passed to divide Uttar Pradesh into 4 States.
Names of 4 new states are as follows.

1. Purvanchal (Eastern UP)

2. Harit Pradesh (Western UP)

3. Bundelkhand

4. Awadh Pradesh (Central UP)

Today that is Monday Uttar Pradesh assembly passed a resolution seeking to divide
Uttar Pradesh into four new states. The resolution was passed with a voice vote.
The UP assembly was adjourned sine die immediately that is the House was adjourned indefinitely.

The opposition political parties opposed the division of Uttar Pradesh.

In short about new 4 states of Uttar Pradesh States will look like

1. Purvanchal will have 22 eastern districts of the state including Gorakhpur to Purvanchat

2. Lucknow, the capital, would be a part of Awadh Pradesh which will have 14 districts

3. Bundelkhand has seven districts;

4. Paschim Pradesh will get 22 districts and would include Meerut and Ghaziabad.

I think that opposition parties opposed the decision only for the benefit of their own political gains.
They did not think about the future of Uttar Pradesh.

But Mayawati is a strong leader, an action taking leader and India needs a Prime Minister like her not a someone who never speaks or does nothing.

From year 2007 Mayawati was trying this and today she did it with full confidence, full power for the benefit of Uttar Pradesh.

CM Mayawati even wrote the letter to Centre but what happened to that letter only God Knows.

Read More –

Know Everything about Harit or Braj or Pashchim Pradesh –
Harit Pradesh – Demand for New state from Uttar Pradesh


Reality views by sm –

Monday, November 21, 2011

Tags – UP 4 states Resolution Passed CM Mayawati


Kirtivasan Ganesan November 21, 2011  

It is a step backward. How can it be a step forward?
All India should be one. This should be our focus and aim for future. Therefore this will imply UP combining with MP as one of the steps. So, for India to be one, UP should expand and not contract.
Anyway, many Indians want to go back. To older times. To times without electricity too. Let us enjoy the journey.

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