25 September 2011

Know 14 Facts about ballistic missile Shaurya successfully test fired with final configuration

Know 14 Facts about ballistic missile Shaurya successfully test fired with final configuration

Today India successfully test-fired its surface-to-surface ballistic missile 'Shourya' the 600-km-range supersonic missile.

Shourya Missile was launched at 2.30 p.m. from a canister in a ground launch mode at the Integrated Test Range (ITR) at Chandipur in the coastal district of Balasore, about 230 km from Bhubaneswar.

The missile was successfully test-fired from the Integrated Test Range at Chandipur, Orissa, on Saturday 24th September-2011, in its final configuration.
The missile flew at 7.5 Mach, that is, 7.5 times the speed of sound and covered its full range of 700 km in 500 seconds.

Shaurya is a Sanskrit word for Valor, and Sagarika is a Sanskrit word for “Oceanic”.

For Long range India got Agni Missiles and for mid range now India got Shaurya and Sagarika Missiles.

Now Let us know about the Missile Shourya –

1. Shaurya and Sagarika both missiles can be launched from multiple platforms that is ground, submarine and mobile launcher.

2. Shaurya and Sagarika share a common design. The missile is sealed and can be launched from a moving submarine at 50 meter depth.

3. The missile supports a range of unitary warhead configurations, weighing 180 to 1,000 kg.

4. Land based army version is called as Shaurya and Naval base version is called as Sagarika.

5. The Shaurya missile is a canister launched hypersonic surface-to-surface tactical missile developed by the Indian Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) for use by the Indian Armed Forces.

6. It has a range of between 750 to 1900 km

7. The missile development was initiated as project K15 and was first flight tested on 27 October 2004 in the guise of solid fueled Prithvi-III

8. Shaurya is a compact, slender, two-stage, solid fuel missile designed as a wooden round.

9. It is stored, deployed and launched in a fiberglass composite canister, which is easy to handle, mobile and can be flexibly deployed on different types of surface and sub-surface platforms.

10. The 6.2 tonne Shaurya is 10 meters long, and has two solid fuel stages of 0.74 meters diameter.

11. The first stage booster is about two meters long and the second about six meters long.

12. The wooden round design sealed in a fiber glass canister with the aero fins folded inside in a clean & controlled environment makes it maintenance free and tamper proof. The missile is launched by a hot gas generator eveloping 15-200 bar pressure using high burn rate HTBP based composite propellant. The thick dark gas cloud greatly reduces the thermal signature of the missile.

13. Shaurya missiles can remain hidden or camouflaged in underground silos from enemy surveillance or satellites till they are fired from the special storage-cum-launch canisters.

14. Shaurya can carry both nuclear and conventional warheads.

Watch the Video - K-15 Shaurya short range surface-to-surface missile at DefExpo 2010

Reality views by sm –
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Tags – News India Weapons K15 Shaurya Missile Nuclear War Head


Rakesh Kumar September 25, 2011  

Nice informative post,SM.
Thanks for good presentation.