21 June 2011

Nepal First Time Same Sex lesbian Couple marries at goddess Dakshinakali's temple on the outskirts of Kathmandu valley as per Hindu traditions

Nepal First Time Same Sex lesbian Couple marries at goddess
Dakshinakali's temple on the outskirts of Kathmandu valley as per
Hindu traditions

3 years back Supreme Court of Nepal Legalized, recognized the gay or lesbian same-sex unions.

In 2007 Nepal's Supreme Court recognized people of the third gender, their human rights and directed the government to form a committee to explore the possibilities of same sex marriage.

After that government formed the committee and media has reported that government will legalize the gay and lesbian relationships and marriage between them

Last Year also Blue Diamond Society organized Nepal's first wedding ceremony for a gay couple in that ceremony Briton and Indian united , it was a private ceremony attended by few people only.

Five years ago they met , and fall in love and now they got married happily.
They have adopted a girl child.

An American lesbian couple Sarah Welton, 48, a lawyer and Courtney Mitchell, 41, a psychology professor from Colorado married in a temple here in accordance with Hindu tradition.
At the temple, 14 miles (22 kilometers) south of Katmandu, Mitchell wore trousers, a hat and vest while Welton wore a red sari and covered her head with a veil.
A Hindu priest 25-year-old priest, Upendra Lamichhane performed ceremony.
The couple put flower garlands on each other while Mitchell put red vermillion powder on Welton's forehead.

Courtney Mitchell was in Nepal from 1998 to 2003 as a Peace Corps Volunteer and also worked at the United Nations

The lesbian couple told to media that they have filed papers for domestic partnership in Colorado and are thinking of getting married in Iowa which allows same sex marriage.

Nepal Parliament member Sunilbabu Pant, a gay rights activist, Pant and his group, called Blue Diamond Society, have been fighting for their rights said it was the first public wedding of a lesbian couple in the mostly conservative nation.

this is the first same sex marriage in Nepal where a government panel is currently considering legalizing the practice.

Reality views by sm-
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Tag Keyword – Nepal Lesbian Marriage Hindu Tradition First Marriage Gay Lesbian


SANDEEP PANWAR June 21, 2011  

आखिर ये भी शुरु हो ही गया है, नेपाल में।

sm,  June 21, 2011  

जाट देवता (संदीप पवाँर),,

raji June 23, 2011  

amazing and daring act!really.

sm,  June 23, 2011  
