20 June 2011

Complete details Report of 8th meeting of Lokpal Bill drafting committee held on June 20, 2011

Complete details Report of 8th meeting of Lokpal Bill drafting committee held on June 20, 2011

8th meeting of Lokpal Bill drafting committee held on June 20, 2011 between the civil society members and government of India servants failed.

Civil society bill and Government of India servant’s bill will be again discussed in next meeting which will be held on Tuesday that 21 june ,2011.

Prashant Bhushan said that Government's bill suggests that only the government can make complaints against the Lokpal in the Supreme Court.

Why we citizens the owners of this country can not make a complaint against Lokpal if on the facts it is visible that Lokpal is protecting politicians that is law makers of India.

Arvind Kejriwal civil society member said that There is a difference of opinion on selection and removal of the Lokpal. The government wants to control the selection and fairness of the Lokpal,"

Currently on which issues civil society members and government of India servants do not agree.

Civil society demand versus Government of India servants Demand or Views.

Civil society demand - Prime Minister and higher judiciary will be under the purview of the Lokpal.
Government of India servants view – Government position is not clear .

SM View - Nothing is wrong 11 members or 21 members of Lokpal will conduct the inquiry against Prime Minister and Judiciary which will include politicians also.
Does Prime Minister and Judiciary is not under IPC, income tax departments

Civil society demand – conduct of MP included
Government of India servants view - servants say that Conduct of MPs within the house will be excluded

SM View - If I am a drunkard I will never agree that company should test me and check that I come to company after taking drinks or if I do not take drinks then I will never object such tests as I know I never get drunk, I do not drunk.So no objections let the company check me hundred times daily.

Civil society demand - Central Bureau of Investigation's vigilance wing and Central Vigilance Commission will be merged with the Lokpal.
Government of India servants view - Do not agree, position is not clear.

SM View – Nothing is wrong in this demand, government should clear the position or give this agencies independence like election commission.

Civil society demand - Comptroller and Auditor General will be part of Lokpal.
Government of India servants view - Do not agree, position is not clear.

SM View - If not under Lokpal , government should make it independent and should give them Prosecution power power to file cases in the court of law directly no need to inform the politicians. Direct action on suspected corrupt

Civil society demand - All bureaucrats will be included
Government of India servants view - Only higher bureaucracy will be included

SM View -
Without the help of lower end low rank officer’s corruption is not possible.
Lower end will do the corruption and higher officers will enjoy benefits and they will say to Lokpal I am clean, I will see that lower end has done corruption or not and higher officers will give protection to the lower end officers whose promotions depend on higher officers thus lower end officers will have to do what higher officials demand that is corruption and benefits to the companies which help and pay the higher officials and their friends.

Civil society demand – Power to prosecute , power to tap phone
Government of India servants view - No power to Prosecute and must take permission for tapping from the elected politician that is Home secretary.

SM View – If Lokpal has no right to file complaint then what happens we know that currently many times state Lokpal that is Lokayuta gives suggestion file a complaint or fire the corrupt from his job, but politicians reject it and the suggestion goes into dustbin.
Why government is afraid, if Lokpal files a wrong complaint the judge will reject that complaint. It is so simple.
Once Lokpal gets this power the politics of Black mail by government of India servants will stop.

Civil society demand – Punishment from six months to life imprisonment
Government of India servants view – No life imprisonment only Ten years of punishment

SM View – Death Punishment or 1000 Years of Imprisonment

Civil society demand – Any one can file a complaint to remove Lokpal
Government of India servants view - Only Government of India servants can file complaint

SM View - Every Indian should get this right we got equality before the law.
If government of India servants and Lokpal become friend what we the citizens of India will do thus we everyone should get this power, if complaint is wrong Judge will reject that demand.

Now after reading this you will understand that government of India servants do not want strong Lokpal bill.

Do you remember any politician or government servant got punished under prevention of corruption law.
What happens government officer found indulging in corruption , inquiry commission 2 or 4 commission, evidence destroyed, suspension and after 1 year the officer gets promotion and he joins his job.

Be prepare for peaceful and only peaceful civil war against corruption

Support Civil Society

Do you want your kids also stay and enjoy the life of Gutter and no clean water , no 24 hours of light and many more.

If you want good life for kids Support Civil society Members Support Anna

Reality views by sm-
Monday, June 20, 2011

Keyword Tag – 8th meeting Lokpal June 20, 2011


Shalini kaushik June 20, 2011  

this is the politics .

sm,  June 21, 2011  

शालिनी कौशिक,,

Kirtivasan Ganesan June 21, 2011  

Very informative. And your views are to the point and effective.

sm,  June 21, 2011  
