At 14 Hena Akhter a Muslim girl raped and publicly given 101 lashes which killed her
At 14 Hena Akhter a Muslim girl raped and publicly given 101 lashes
which killed her
Shariatpur, Bangladesh
villagers in Bangladesh's Shariatpur district passed harsh judgment on Hena Akhter a 14 year old girl.
She was raped but they found her guilty of adultery.
The imam from the local mosque ordered the fatwa, or religious ruling, and the punishment: 101 lashes delivered swiftly, deliberately in public.
But Hena dropped after 70 lashes and then Bloodied and bruised, she was taken to hospital, where she died a week later.
Hena's family hailed from rural Shariatpur.
Hena was the youngest of five children born to Darbesh Khan, a day laborer, and his wife, Aklima Begum.
They shared a hut made from corrugated tin and decaying wood
Hena's cousin Mahbub Khan came back to Shariatpur from a stint working in Malaysia. His son was Hena's age and the two were in seventh grade together.
Mahbub Khan eyed Hena and began harassing her on her way to school and back
Learning about this poor Hena's father complained to the elders who run the village about his nephew, three times Hena's age.
After few months Mahbub khan raped the Hena.
on a winter night, as Hena's sister Alya told it, Hena was walking from her room to an outdoor toilet when Mahbub Khan gagged her with cloth, forced her behind nearby shrubbery and beat and raped her.
Hena struggled to escape, Alya told CNN. Mahbub Khan's wife heard Hena's muffled screams and when she found Hena with her husband, she dragged the teenage girl back to her hut, beat her and trampled her on the floor.
The next day, the village elders met to discuss the case at Mahbub Khan's house
The imam pronounced his fatwa. Khan and Hena were found guilty of an illicit relationship.
Her punishment under sharia or Islamic law was 101 lashes; his 201.
The father and mother has no option but to watch their own innocent girl murdered by religious criminals.
Darbesh Khan and Aklima Begum had no choice but to mind the imam's order. They watched as the whip broke the skin of their youngest child and she fell unconscious to the ground.
the doctors responsible for Hena's first autopsy faced prosecution for what a court called a "false post-mortem report to hide the real cause of Hena's death."
A second autopsy performed at Dhaka Medical College Hospital revealed Hena had died of internal bleeding and her body bore the marks of severe injuries.
Police are now conducting an investigation and have arrested several people, including Mahbub Khan, in connection with Hena's death.
Is it not a religious murder?
Do you think Imam will be charged with murdering a young girl?
Reality views by sm-
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Keywords Tags - Bangladesh Sharia Law Human Rights Policy effects of Shari law
Source –
Such a cruel and foolish world. All this in the name of religion...Shame
its a shame so called 21st century...........
poverty is main cause .
how can religion has different rules for man ?
discrimination is not fair .
I just do not understand how Islam can blame an innocent young girl for having been raped. It is so cruel and shameful. The world court should step in and defend an innocent child when this happens. I don't think God approves of what happened.
religions are the curse of this world
Horrible,is this the religion? In which God they believe.
Rakesh Kumar,,
This isn't Islam. This is murder, and it's wrong. The people who have done this are not Muslims, they are idiots. There is no reason to link this to any religion, it's still wrong, if a pope did this it still would be wrong. I hope the girls harmer will be punished severely and that this village will learn how to practice Islam correctly and not bring shame to Muslims any longer.