14 June 2010

Hindu Marriage Act – Divorce made easy Will It Lead to Collapse of Family system?

Hindu Marriage Act – Divorce made easy Will It Lead to Collapse of Family system?
What will be effect of easy divorce on Indian Society?
Does easy divorce will increase the divorce rate in India?

Reality Views by sm –

Monday, June 14, 2010

The Union Cabinet approved an amendment in the Hindu Marriage Act 1955 and Special Marriage Act 1954 which provides for divorce of a couple in case of irretrievable differences.
Easy divorce law will not lead to collapse of family system.
Easy divorce law will not increase the Divorce rate in India.

So what is necessity of this law, this amendment in the Hindu marriage act and special marriage act 1954?

If any husband or wife wants a divorce, he or she gets divorce as per the provisions of Hindu marriage act.

Currently on which grounds husband and wife can get divorce?

Section 13 of the Hindu marriage act deals with the provisions of divorce.
In India it is very difficult to get the divorce.

Following are the few grounds on which one can get divorce?
1. Sex with another person after marriage other than spouse
2. Cruelty
3. Has converted to other religion
4. Unsound mind , incurable mental disorder
5. Has not been heard of as being alive for a period of seven years or more by those persons who would naturally have heard of it, had that party been alive.
6. If husband marries 2nd time after first marriage or he was already married and did not reveal it to the 2nd wife

Section 13 B – Divorce by mutual consent -

Husband and wife can get divorce with mutual consent on ground that they have been living separately for a period of one year or more, that they have not been able to live together and that thy have mutually agreed that the marriage should be dissolved.
No petition for divorce to be presented within one year of marriage.

This is the section where Government of India is going to make changes and going to add the new ground.

The "irretrievable breakdown of marriage." - will be in addition to the existing grounds for divorce in section 13 B

When wife does not want divorce husband can not use this ground to get the faster divorce same way if Wife want divorce and husband do not want then also this ground will not be allowed to get divorce.

Currently when husband and wife both want to get the divorce through mutual consent in that case also they both do not get divorce easily and fast

Following is the procedure of mutual consent divorce in India -

Mutual Divorce is to be filed by the couple only after they have lived apart for at least a year.

The filing of a mutual divorce by both the husband and the wife is termed as ‘the first motion’.
A couple can file for a second motion after a gap of six months.

The six months time span is provided to the couple so that they get the time to reconsider their marriage.

Regarding child, maintenance, female property like gold etc everything is fix before the divorce is granted by the court.

If the divorce file is not withdrawn within eighteen months the court passes a divorce decree.

Because of this many times to get fast divorce majority couples start to lie about cruelty or file useless cases against each other including 498 A.

Many times law is misused to black mail or trouble the other partner.
By delaying the divorce and demanding date after date for the hearing of case.

This delay in a divorce just waste the time of judiciary as well as time of husband and wife.

We humans get only one life then why to waste unnecessary time of all the parties.

After divorce if both the husband and wife want they can marry again.
No one is going to stop them to marry 2nd time with each other.

Delay in divorce just makes the life of female that is wife more miserable.

When wife does not want divorce husband can not use this ground to get the faster divorce.

Section 28 of the Special Marriage Act also provide for divorce by mutual consent as a ground for presenting a petition for divorce. Such a petition, if not withdrawn before six months after its presentation or not later than 18 months, then the court may, on being satisfied, grant decree of divorce by mutual consent.

Please do not worry about the kids and maintenance for wife the law takes care of that
Their will not be any type of discrimination on the wife or kids after the divorce.

Do not think and compare with America our system of law and Divorce.

The time has come even contract marriage should be allowed in India in which both husband and wife can decide in advance what will be the consequences of divorce and sharing of property and responsibility of kids .

Even the name of the Hindu marriage act needs to be changed.
It should be renamed as India marriage act.

This is the excellent move by the government of India to make Hindu mutual consent divorce faster and easier for the husband and wife .

Suggested Reading –



Nimmy June 14, 2010  

I agree..This is a step in right direction..Muslim divorce too should be amendment this way...But vote politics is not going to let it happen any day..

Kavita Saharia June 14, 2010  

A welcome step and i agree that the name needs a change too..Indian marriage act is an apt name.

HaRy!! June 14, 2010  

glad some of us out there are aware of 498A... its the most cruel act i believe... men can be grounded on any norms... I have a friend who still is trying to run but being dragged into the court for baseless reasons from the bride's side! :(

deeps June 14, 2010  

what cannot be joined together should be seperated even if it is marriage! however it shouldnt be made in a hurry and thats where perhaps the law plays its role

sm June 14, 2010  

thanks.yes vote politics rules

sm,  June 14, 2010  


sm,  June 14, 2010  


sm,  June 14, 2010  


Isha Shiri June 15, 2010  


I have to thank your visit. Your feedback is welcome.

Family is very important, I think the "easy divorce" should be discussed broadly throughout society. I'm suspect, because I love my husband and he is a good man. But there are difficult situations, I think the childrens and tradition speak louder for good decision.

I wish success and peace.

sm,  June 16, 2010  

Isha Shiri,,

Insignia June 16, 2010  

Pre-nuptial agreements, open marriages are all very common in the west. India is gradually following it. Easy or no easy divorce, if the compatibility and the need to be together is lost, nothing can help.

sm,  June 17, 2010  

you said it rightly
Easy or no easy divorce, if the compatibility and the need to be together is lost, nothing can help.

Piper .. June 17, 2010  

the laws are way too vague, SM. Like Hary said, 498a is almost always taken advantage of. I know of one such friend too, who is struggling to come out of one such bitter divorce and a flurry of false accusations from the bride`s side.

sm,  June 17, 2010  

Piper ..,
Yes i agree with you.
I always tell everyone India needs to reform every law as every law is toothless and useless in India.

Indian Home Maker June 20, 2010  

I agree with you, from whatever I have read so far, this does not look like a bad change.

sm,  June 21, 2010  

Indian Home Maker,,

Anonymous,  June 21, 2010  

I think now it's required to change basic divorce law....because more the 95% cases under DV act 2005 & under act 498a are false...And many wemen are misused this law not for protection but for taking money from boys/men and his family...so amendment is must required....come on boys & men support this law and protect yourself & also your family from one sided wemen's law....all the best for batter feture...thank's...

sm,  June 23, 2010  


sm,  June 23, 2010  

Arvind Singh,,
yes it is very tough to get the divorce.

Anonymous,  June 24, 2010  

government should effect this act very fast in the month of july so the victim of boy or girl can get esy divorce no one compelled any one to continue relation ship without their wish so government should introduce such affidavit form like urgent divorce or sure divorce in various classifiction inwhich victim stated that he requirted divorce 100 and she or he is fully assure that they need divorce so dont strech the case so long that a partner is not ready to live with u so get divorce soon and court should fixed the limited period for judgement so they feel relief and peace with out torture ,declare the divorce in 90 days ,Please do not worry about the kids and maintenance for wife the law takes care of that
Their will not be any type of discrimination on the wife or kids after the divorce.

sm,  June 25, 2010  


Julia,  June 26, 2010  

good post if the compatibility and the need to be together is lost, nothing can help.

Anonymous,  July 08, 2010  

Yes, Change the Law of 498a, Womens are really misusing it.. I am in real fear, My wife may use it too.

sm,  July 09, 2010  


Anonymous,  July 09, 2010  

In 98% of the cases which come to court, the couple will be separated. Men are being blackmailed by making use of the laws which give more preference to females.

The female party demands money for divorce out side the court and, within the court they agree to re-join. Just to make the life of the male miserable which might lead to cruelty attacks and evening killings which the society has seen many in the recent past.

sm,  July 09, 2010  


Anonymous,  July 18, 2010  

98% of indian laws are protecting womens...
98% of womens misusing this laws... NO life secutiry in India for men bad luck.. this is the right time to open eyes of law.

sm,  July 20, 2010  


Anonymous,  July 20, 2010  

Once you are decided to separate, its easy to force the wife to commit suicide than to approach court for divorce.

Even though the male is convicted, the imprisonment will not be more than 7 years, even if you approach court for divorce, it would take that much sweet time before you get a divorce.

sm,  July 22, 2010  

I do not support this.

Anonymous,  August 07, 2010  

such a change act-498a

Anonymous,  August 07, 2010  


sm,  August 09, 2010  


Reddy.M,  August 16, 2010  

helo i think this is the right decision by the government, for all those couples who dont want to stay together anymore..but it may also give a wrong impression and mislead couples sometimes.So guys and girls try to solve your problems and misunderstanding by talking to each other..if condition gets worse only then approach the court

sm,  August 17, 2010  


Anonymous,  September 01, 2010  

Its been three years that my wife left my house. I have filed a divorce case in November, 2009 and until now she did not even respond to my divorce petition. This is how female's are taking advantage of the laws in India. This only results in humiliation to the male.

As one of the people rightly said above, when the intention to stay united ceases, both should agree to separate their ways instead of showing sadism and trouble the spouse. This also saves time of everyone. Every one should remember that, first its you to touch the mud when you want to throw it to the opponent.

sm,  September 02, 2010  

Get the summons issued and get it served you may need pay and see that summons is received by her.
there are lot of laws which will help you, including restitution of conjugal rights, harassment, lot of options are available for you.
But as she is not ready to give you divorce then it will take many years or you will end up without getting divorce.
and many more.
talk with your lawyer

Anonymous,  September 20, 2010  

Sorry All Bloger , You all are wrong .... . Its a feminist consperiacy .. I have read the BIll . It is easy to get divorce for Woman but For man it s not As apart from what you have told( Section 13 C ) they also introduce section 13 D . Which tell only woman can oppose divorce on the ground of financial in ability !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aqgian what a Joke

sm,  September 20, 2010  


Anonymous,  September 21, 2010  

There could be a situation where anyone of the couple is forced for marriage, but later in time it turns out that there is no respect, understanding and love at all for relation in that couple. I think this law will help those.

KUMARAN November 13, 2010  



sm,  November 14, 2010  

President has to sign the bill then it becomes to law.

Anonymous,  November 29, 2010  

IF present government wants INDIA to become international power,than with all the might/muscles,they need to make indian laws modern and international.Change all laws based on Religion/cast etc amend them to Indian laws//start with hindu/muslim/parsi/chritian marriage acts etc..chnage them to one law..INDIAN MARRIAGE ACT. with equal rights to MAN AND Woman.Only than woman will be on TOP,not by safeguarding her with all the loophole..section498a etc,like the POORS and RICH in india...poor is more poor and rich is more rich TODAY? Where is social justice?

Anonymous,  November 29, 2010  

Suprem court remarks on Allahabad high-court is not surprising,What is surpring that suprem-court has done nothing to improve surruption in lower judiciary,Where right in court..judge listening to the lawyers and in corner..staff asking for bribe from interseted party for long dates or early dates for next hearing? You think that Those Judges are not aware of this practice by thier court-staff or corrupt lawyers ? Why they donot start all court hearings/proceedings in camera in court rooms..which can be seen at random by thier high-court judges or supremcourt judges ?

sm,  November 29, 2010  


Anonymous,  December 03, 2010  

Thank you very much. By the time you must have received full text of the act.Please add the same to your w-sight and inform whether harassment under 498 a will be continued further or it has been amended also to block false cases and harassment from the police? At last DER HAI PER ANDHER NAHI.

SM December 04, 2010  

The section is still valid and in use.
government is thinking to add new amendment so males that is husband can also use this section.

Anonymous,  December 31, 2010  

amendment should be implemented immediately. Recently i have seen statistics. so far more than 5 lac cases of 498a were filed and more than 3 lac were settled of which only around 50,000 are genuine and rest are fictitious. see the fate boys and their families. hence divorce laws are to be liberalized immediate in order to settle the issue once and for all in 6 months

sm,  January 01, 2011  


arun,  March 25, 2011  

I'm sorry to say about women in India. They are highly misusing 498A and so far so many lives have gone out of the earth. But I'm not supporting Men. Whoever has done harassment they must be puinshed, but not the innocent. If they don't wish to continue their marital life, they can apart through mutual consent without spoiling their repution in front of court and society.

The Laws in India in favor of women is formulated in a very bad manner. These laws must be reviewed again and modified accordingly.

sm,  March 26, 2011  


Anonymous,  May 13, 2011  

divorce should be made very easy and simple.its a waste of time and money.it shold be as simple as signing papers in front of the notary.if two people do now want to stay together nobody can force them..if divorces are simplified i think people wud not use other means to obtain the final judgement.and wud also increase respect for the indian law.

sm,  May 14, 2011  


Anonymous,  July 24, 2011  

I am Anshuman

Mine was a arranged marriage. My wife said she was a sofware engineer and working in a software firm. She said she has completed Diploma and is pursuing degree. Later on everything came out to be false.

As a middle class person, I needed a working life partner. I tried to convince her. But she began threatening me of police case and all. Now we have a child and she has become to aggressive. She abuses me and goes to stay with her parents for months. I have to convince her and bring her back every time.

Now I am fed up of all this and want to get divorce.
I feel very bad for my child but I can't bear my wife anymore...

sm,  July 24, 2011  

Try to talk with her parents and solve problem.

Anonymous,  August 10, 2011  

hi i m christian girl married with hindu boy according to hindu marriage act but now after 2 month of marriage we both not live togher n i want a divorce can i get divorce soon is there any rule to get divorce soon.

sm,  August 11, 2011  

thanks.Not possible to get fast divorce file a mutual consent divorce and go through all procedure. Just living in different homes wont give you divorce.

Anonymous,  September 08, 2011  

My wife took our son and left me...its almot an year...now..i persuaded her with all my efforts to come back as I need her very much...forget coming back,, she and her parents put conditions to me which I can not and will not like full fill....now if I will like to have a divorce, she will not give me that also..she does not want to come back, and not even let me move on..my questino is that why there is no law that if a spouse leaves his or her partner and does not come back for significant time, partner should get divorce by proving that he/she has been living separately. Also, why law still term this type of relation as a marriage? the way my wife left me I will be very happy to have court declare my marriage as disolved as I can prove that she left me on her own accord and did not come back to me and both have been living separately for lets say 5 years.

aashi September 21, 2011  

guys u did'nt notice that the amendement in hindu marig act is worthless as its impliments nly in mutual concent...jo ki generaly nai hota jub se 498A cums in faishon..(barganing nd torture ka best plateform)..feeling v suffocated in india..these one sided laws will surely create criminals in future.

sm,  September 21, 2011  

thanks.Its not possible.
Aashi,thanks.Its difficult to get divorce in India and laws are framed and made only in that matter so no one will get divorce quickly.

Anonymous,  September 22, 2011  

marriage and divorce must be as simple as signing papers in front of notary public. there is no need for any law in fact but if such laws and acts r not there wat will our corrupt judiciary and lawyers will do.

sivan,  December 24, 2011  

Am a unfortunate NRI husband who married an indian girl in india and taken to USA, studied her, got job based on that, got green card through my sponsorship, wife was cheating me till got greencard, by keeping the boyfriend before, and throughout marriage. No kids in marriage. Now trying to capture my hardwork money and destroying my life by filing divorce in USA .
Indian divorce law should protect such innocent husband from the hands of cruel and manipulative wife by providing husband an easy divorce in india.

Anonymous,  January 21, 2012  


Anonymous,  January 21, 2012  


SM January 22, 2012  


is a law which tries whatever may happen No easy Divorce.

Anonymous,  March 24, 2012  


Dr. Vasudev Reddy Ravula March 24, 2012  

this will help the disperate women where the husand is 1005 wrong and harassing the wife, but the se amendments may become weapons in the hands of those greedy women or their advisors to harass the husbands whenever they feel like deserting the husband or extract money from the husand to help her kith and kin or parents. These amendements are one sided and are a hasty step. exploitation of males will start ver soon,
unless proper checks are not incorporated.

Dr. Vasudev Reddy Ravula March 24, 2012  

These amendments will help needy and helpless women who are really harassed by husband. but it has become a fashion for women to play with the husband by filing cases against husband and his married kin as well.
no sooner a greedy wife or her parents think of troubling the husband for not tolerating their deeds or misdeeds they may file a case and get divorce, maintenance and share in property.
now no husband can have peaceful sleep. is it that necessary to put this much harshness and amend the act so onesidedly?

Dr. Vasudev Reddy Ravula March 24, 2012  

These amendments will help needy and helpless women who are really harassed by husband. but it has become a fashion for women to play with the husband by filing cases against husband and his married kin as well.
no sooner a greedy wife or her parents think of troubling the husband for not tolerating their deeds or misdeeds they may file a case and get divorce, maintenance and share in property.
now no husband can have peaceful sleep. is it that necessary to put this much harshness and amend the act so onesidedly?

Anonymous,  March 24, 2012  

In my view this amendment will only empower to Womans & their parents...
Till today there was no Laws in India to Prevent Man & Indian Laws have also automated that 100% Mans are only culprit who do all wrong things with Wife but Is anyone knows:
How the Wife share the life with Man?
How the Wife reacts with Man parents?
How the Wife parents abuse with Man Parents?

If she go back to their parents & after consolidating still she not wants to re-join the Man family there is no options with Man to Live the Worst Life till ends.

Why Govt Not thinking for Man also? why they are not giving some rights to Man in positive way?

Yes I welcomes the way Govt have planned give better solutions but Request Indian Govts to Look for Man also?
Everytime Man is not culprit...............

divya March 25, 2012  

Very sad. The proposed amendment will root out the sacred marriage system in India. This will lead to fall in moral standards Mr.Manmohan singh and his cabinet thought , the amendment is like globalisation and opening up of door for internationalization. Very sorry. There can be no law in the country which infringes fundamental rights. 498 A has almost ruined the indian family system and now the amendment to Hindu Marriage act. There is no need for judiciary when it is mandatory that a woman who files the petition for divorce is granted with giving the opportunity to the husband. Even the person against whom death sentence is in force has chance to approach the higher courts and the president. Wife has right and husband has no right. The proposed amendment is foolish , has no reason , rationality , against principles of natural justice and impacts the traditional marriage system. Woman can now marry cooly , get the information of husband and his financial status , get seperated on her own. THERE IS NO EVEN JUSTICE. THIS LAW WILL NEVER SEE THE LIGHT SINCE THE INTELLECTUALS , JUDICIARY ARE MADE RUBBER STAMPS. SHAME , SHAME TO THE INDIAN CULTURE , HERITAGE AND TRADITIONAL SYSTEM OF MARRIAGE.

divya March 25, 2012  

Very sad. The proposed amendment will root out the sacred marriage system in India. This will lead to fall in moral standards Mr.Manmohan singh and his cabinet thought , the amendment is like globalisation and opening up of door for internationalization. Very sorry. There can be no law in the country which infringes fundamental rights. 498 A has almost ruined the indian family system and now the amendment to Hindu Marriage act. There is no need for judiciary when it is mandatory that a woman who files the petition for divorce is granted with giving the opportunity to the husband. Even the person against whom death sentence is in force has chance to approach the higher courts and the president. Wife has right and husband has no right. The proposed amendment is foolish , has no reason , rationality , against principles of natural justice and impacts the traditional marriage system. Woman can now marry cooly , get the information of husband and his financial status , get seperated on her own. THERE IS NO EVEN JUSTICE. THIS LAW WILL NEVER SEE THE LIGHT SINCE THE INTELLECTUALS , JUDICIARY ARE MADE RUBBER STAMPS. SHAME , SHAME TO THE INDIAN CULTURE , HERITAGE AND TRADITIONAL SYSTEM OF MARRIAGE.

nilima March 26, 2012  

The reality is quite different in the family courts where men go scot free when they do not honour their obligation to pay interim maintenance for as long as 1to 3 years. the courts do not punish the men, so if the men stop shedding false tears and start to go to the courts and find out what really happens may be they will then realise who actually suffers. For many years most of the women were at the receiving end now that it is pay back time for them they are crying out tooo loud. Do some soul searching why this has come about then you will know who is the real guilty party.

NoCountryForMen,  March 27, 2012  

Once again a shoddy Indian job. Make laws that are one sided without caring two hoots about the repercussions it will have on society. The very symbol of justice system is a Roman godess holding out the scale of justice with her eyes blindfolded. The blindfold signifies the carrying out of justice without discrimination. But our lady is able to discriminate between the sexes (LOL). The damn idiots who make these legislations should rather go and work as farm hands rather than try and do something that is beyond their bird brains. The basic tenet of the British law upon which the Indian laws are based is that even if a thousand criminals go scot free not one innocent man should be punished. The laws that are made today will ensure that a thousand criminals can hang a thousand innocent men.Thank God most of our laws are still based on the laws made by our colonisers, otherwise the pea brained fools sitting and doling out legislations currently would have made a terrible mess of all imaginable things. These chaps have done enough damage when they were left to make a few laws themselves. If you cant make one law without creating a mess of it why dont you guys copy something from the developed world. That would be a lot better than making a terrible mess of things and making the lives of several men one hell of a mess. The logic of my argument can be deduced if you just pause to reflect at the current state of our country. Just reflect a moment on a 100 crore people country with every tom, dick and harry able to carry a bat playing cricket and look at the number of world cups that we have won. Now compare this to a country that has a fraction of India's population and where cricket is played when you are a reject from every other sport, going on to win far more world cups than this 100 crore strong nation could ever dream of achieving. Or else take a peep inside some of our courtrooms where the so called lawyers appear in torn overcoats, improperly washed linen and chappals good only to be used in bathrooms. The people who had envisaged this as a noble profession and the from whom we had inherited this culture, dress code and courtroom etiquettes, if they were to see this i am left with little doubt that they would have called forward a firing squad to dispatch of this vermin. And a most imortant point to remember is that not all states have the same cultural trappings. If some states burn their women for dowry does not mean that all states do the same. There are states were women are equal or more privileged than men. The bird brains making laws should keep this in mind. If they are unable to do much more than a shoddy indian work then they should quit and do what they are good at i.e. a vain existing for the sake of it and being a burden on this earth. This would definitely be less harmful than passing legislation. This sadly, is no country for men.

Fall of a nation April 05, 2012  

Sorry link didnt come out properly

rajesh,  April 23, 2012  

this type of divorce act contributes hindu people forgetting their culture

Anonymous,  April 29, 2012  

@mere bhai kii shaadi ko 1 saal ho gaya hai, ladki aaadtoo se unsound lagti hai kabhhi thik ho jaati hai kabhi uska pata nehi chalta . Ab kya kare poori family dukhi hai is bajah se .ghar ka kaam janti nehi khana banana humi ko sikhana padta hai aur har kaam ko 100 baar bolne par bhi bhool jati hai. Silai, embridary ka 6 mahine ka course karne ke liye bheja toh unhone kaha isko isme interest nehi hai, personnal investigation se pata chala kii unsound hai par medical mein prove nehi ho paa rahi. Apni marzii se kaam karti hai akle mein budbudaati hai. Shaddi ke waqt unke pita ne kaha kii abhi ghar mein chotti hai ladali hai. Kisi kaam ko mana nehi karegee. dheere 2 samjh jayegii par sab ulta hai ab uske ghar walee bhi kahte hai ladkee aap sambhaaloo ladkii kisi ki bhi nehi use wo karna hai jo bo chahti hai. Humaari family teen logoo ki middle family hai mein .mera elder brother brother.and my widow mother. Mummi jee peon hai. Hum kiraye ke makaan mein rahte hai.gariva hai.rent par hii shop hai.mein ghar walo ko kahata hoon toh kahte hai kii joo divourse kee liye paisoo kii demand hogii wo hum pura knha se krenge. Kya galti sabit hone par jaise unsound hone par.hum without paid money divourse le sakte hai. Aur mein shopkeeper bhai ke sath .ab pata nehi lag raha kya kare daily bhabhi pagal kartii hai. Kya uske liye proof juta kar is samasya se chukara mil sakta hai. ?

Anonymous,  July 05, 2012  

in that case there should not be any law made based on religion. Uniform code thats it.
In the same way there should not be any sex based discrimination. There is a decent percentage of male population which is on the receiving end and will not come out because of the social stigma attached to it.

Unknown July 25, 2012  

How long will it take to become a law.. Its going to be long time that I m hearing about this amendment.. Indian systems r vry vry slow...

shantanu wavhal January 26, 2013  

ur marriage is void - u dont need divorce - file sec. 11 of HMA.

ninemaddy June 25, 2013  

@ Arvind Singh , Hi arvind are u a laywer by if can u help me plz

ROHIT,  August 29, 2013  


Anonymous,  September 27, 2013  


send her RCR and ask your wife to come back. if she doesnt then this document will prove your srong point in case you want divorce

Anonymous,  March 24, 2014  

I agree, In India laws are only on paper, and has lot of loopholes