13 June 2010

Religion and Status of Women in Society From ancient times -

Religion and Status of Women in Society From ancient times -

Religion and Status of Women in Society From ancient times -

Reality Views by sm –
Sunday, June 13, 2010

From ancient times in every part of world, every culture and religion has fooled the females of that time by using the great words and giving useless, toothless status of goddess something like that.

Hindu Females -

In ancient India, the Manu the male said that Females should be protected day and night as they are dependant.
Females did not enjoy property rights.

Following is the description of Good Hindu Wife?

A good wife or female is one who is devoted to her husband.
A good wife or female is one whose mind, body and speech are under the control of the husband.
A good wife is submissive and obedient to her husband then he may be a drunkard or criminal or animal.
For a wife husband is her God forever with the right to kick her or abuse her.

A female should obey her father, brother then husband.
The opinion or consent of female was not important regarding marriage.

The status of Roman females was same like Indian females.
Description of Roman wife -
A minor, a ward, a person incapable of doing or acting anything according to her own taste and should be always under the guardianship of her husband.

As per Roman law, when female married her property passed into the power of her husband. The wife was the purchased property of her husband and slave for his benefit.
The same was the case of Scandinavian females.
All property if any female got always became the property of male.

In Mosaic Law, the wife was betrothed.
Betrohed means to acquire possession of female by payment of the purchase money, the betrohed girl is one for whom purchased money is paid and girls consent is not necessary.
Divorce was privilege of the husband only.

Ancient church describes females as follows –

Female leads to door of hell.
Mother of all human ills.
She should be ashamed for begin female and her beauty.

Regarding Islam -

Situation is same like other females Hindu or Christian from ancient times –

As a witness she is not to be trusted. 4 Females witness equal 1 male.
Triple divorce
Sexual organ mutation of females.
Honor killing
Just flash of a finger to a stranger and female was killed.
Strict dress code for females.
And many more laws.

Just like Hindu ancient laws, Islam also praises and show case that how Islam is protector of female and good for females.

The religion which does not allow females to choose her own dress code or friend how that religion can be great.

All religions around the world discriminate against the females and one of the reason is the religion head was male.

From 18th century females are fighting for their freedom in every nation.

The only solution is Education for the freedom of females and their human rights.
As well as human rights of every person male or female.
Human rights are important than any religion or God.


Amrit June 14, 2010  


Yesterday at airport, I drafted a post on women in the USA. You will be surprised to know what is changed and what is not. I will let you know when and where it is posted.

sm,  June 14, 2010  

Eager to read your article on women
Let me know when it is posted.

Insignia June 16, 2010  

I have read somewhere that much earlier to what is being discussed here, female were superior. I cant recall where and what period was that.

For eg. If you have read about the Indus valley civilization, women were held in equal position to men.

W.r.t Christianity, it was the ancient church that brought about these rules. They manipulated lot of things.

As you said no religion is good if it doesnt respect women.

sm,  June 17, 2010  

Yes i read about it.
Matriarchy societies of Kerala, Andman,africa and usa and Europe.
I may try to write a post regarding this.

RNSANE July 03, 2010  

If we took our outsides off, underneath it all, we are the same, each of us has a soul, deserving equality, understanding and repect. Gender and personal trapping should have nothing to do with it.

Unfortunately, there is so much disparity in our universe. If only there were some way just to make sure people had food and water and shelter over their heads, we'd be taking a step in the right direction.

sm,  July 03, 2010  

yes you said it rightly If only there were some way just to make sure people had food and water and shelter over their heads, we'd be taking a step in the right direction.