12 October 2009

Know the Maharashtra NavNirman Sena Manifesto – Vachaknama 2009

Know the Maharashtra NavNirman Sena Manifesto – Vachaknama 2009
Reality Views by sm -
First time MNS is contesting Vidhan Sabha elections and they have issued there manifesto, for which MNS is using word Vachaknama in Marathi,
Vachaknama in English can be define as fear factor, and fear factor can be of two types,

A fear factor which a son has for his mother and father, a fear factor which a student has regarding his teachers in school, this Vachaknama , fear factor comes through respect for that person.
2nd Fear factor is fear of criminals, he will beat me if I do not obey him, he will kill me or my family or he will trouble my family, is the 2nd type of fear factor, which terrorist organizations also create in minds of society.
Let’s see in the future which type of fear factor; Vachaknama MNS will create in the maharashstra state and its people.
Again Vachaknama can be defined as controlling hand , a someone who will see that unlawful activities will not be done by anyone, if found done it will be corrected with strictness. Vachaknama is a type of order written or unwritten that no one dares to break or go against that rules and norms.
Here I hope the same rules will be applied for the own kids as well as kids of other political parties. Every mistake will be punished then it may have been done by dear ones.
Let’s see the Vachaknama of MNS.
MNS manifesto has eleven points.
1- Employment – MNS will see that all the laws regarding employment will be followed so local boys and girls will get the job.
2- Unauthorized and illegal construction will not be tolerated in any case. MNS will see that illegal migrant will be send back to there own states using the current laws. MNS will see that Low cost housing schemes will be started by Government. MNS will rigorously follow up with the government for setting up an independent authority for providing ownership housing for the State government employees and the police.
3- Education – MNS will ensure that the local boys and girls who do not get admission into the schools and collages will get admission. MNS will fight to its last breath to ensure that education institutes would give first preference to Marathi students.
4- Water Problem - MNS will see that the rightful amount of water Maharashtra state will get from the Interstate River Water Dispute Tribunal. Available water is nearly 72,395 million cubic meters but Inter-State River Water Dispute Tribunal has allotted only 50,972 million cubic meters of water to the State. So MNS will try and see that state will get more water.
5- Power Generation- Electricity Problem – MNS will see that electricity thefts and distribution losses will be avoided using strict policies. MNS will ensure that a time bound plan to start new power generation projects to increase the states power generation capacity and monitor the same.
6- Help For Farmers – MNS will develop a system whereby seeds, fertilizers, pesticides and credit are available to the farmers at reasonable rates and their produce can be sold at justifiable market rates. MNS will try to establish farmer societies in each village and market rates will be communicated to farmers with the help of information technology.
7- MNS will strive to ensure that the statutory regulations are being implemented to stop the profit making and frauds in the field of medicine .MNS will take up the issue of public health on a priority basis.
8- To rejuvenate the sick small scale units, MNS will strive to improve basic infrastructure facilities availability of credit and human resources as well as look at the need to simplify laws. Maharashtra NavNirman Sena would force the government to decentralize industrial development across Maharashtra rather than in Mumbai, Pune, Nashik, and prepare and implement a time bound plan for the same.
9- For security of women MNS will see that strict laws will be enforced and seek participation of entire society. So females can move around fearlessly.
10- MNS will see that on a priority basis MNS will attempt to provide quality schooling up to standard X to every student in the state.
11- To improve the use of Marathi Language and its pride MNS has suggested that grants should be given to all Marathi medium schools. Marathi should be made compulsory in every school up to standard X. Government should provide financial support to the shops who sell Marathi literature, cassettes and films and songs. Unicode should be made compulsory on computers to spread use of Marathi. Marathi should be used in the court matters and government offices .MNS will lobby for giving autonomy, grants and facilities to these five institutions , Bhasha Sanchalanalay (Directorate of Language), Rajya Marathi Vikas Sanstha, Sahitya Sanskruti Mandal Vidyapeeth Granth Nirmitee Mandal and Vishwakosh Nirmitee Mandal so that these institutions can function with full steam. MNS will pursue the creation of a post for an independent cabinet level Minister for the spread and growth of Marathi language.

Suggested Reading - Know about MNS and Raj Thackeray
Link - http://realityviews.blogspot.com/2009/09/know-raj-thackeray-know-mansay-new.html


Anonymous,  October 12, 2009  

thanks for manifesto

BK Chowla, October 12, 2009  

sm,Raj has the same style what Balasaheb had in 70's.His manifesto also has the same ideas what the uncle had.

Ravindra Merthi October 12, 2009  

apne kshetra, apni bhasa aur apne logo ki bhlayi ke liye kaam karna achi baat hai.
very good collection of news elements
Thanks For Your Comments

Neha October 12, 2009  

I feel, this manifesto is there to divert shivsena's voters...new party, new promises, and the same old disappointment...I have been watching Raj thakarey's interviews on channels, he sounds rebellious more than concern for public and even for marathi manus...well, we will soon find out about ths...

sm,  October 12, 2009  

yes you have correctly said its all same.

sm,  October 12, 2009  

Ravindra Merthi,

sm,  October 12, 2009  

yes you have said correctly.future will tell what is new there.

HEMAL SHAH October 12, 2009  

this doesnt hold many promises.

Anonymous,  October 13, 2009  

Thanks for the manifesto.

sm,  October 13, 2009  

there is as such nothing is new,
last many years we are listening same things.

Insignia October 13, 2009  

Old wine in a new bottle...

Dhiman October 13, 2009  

Thanks for the manifesto and truly time will tell How much impact MNS has on Maharashtra's future ...

sm,  October 13, 2009  

good quote

sm,  October 13, 2009  

yes time will show us the truth.

khalid October 13, 2009  

Both Raj and his uncle are double standared and say the things which they not do. Uncle Balthakrey talk about Indian culture and at the same time he invite Jackson from west to perform in Mumbai. Similarly Raj Thakrey object about name Bombay in a film and at the same time his childrens are the student of Bombay Scottish School and he dont bother.
Public sab janti hai, and this election will show them their position.

sm,  October 14, 2009  


Renu October 14, 2009  

Raj and his hollow promises ! These politicians say something, and do something else..as Khalid says its true, they are such a hippocrate.

Swatantra October 14, 2009  

some good ... some promise.. how much get fulfilled time will tell!!

sm,  October 14, 2009  

we will find double standards everywhere in India.

sm,  October 14, 2009  
