Top Ten Careers for Libra
Top Ten Careers for Libra - Whether in the hair salon or the courtroom, Libra's job is to make the world a more beautiful
and peaceful place.
Libra is well-suited to any career in which taste, interpersonal skill, and analytical ability are
Libras are cooperative, diplomatic, and willing to please. Well-liked and popular, they can be
somewhat lazy. A peaceful and beautiful environment is important, and they will work toward
creating harmony. They are not temperamentally suited to a job that is full of risks or safety
hazards or that is messy. Libras prefer a career that allows them the opportunity to create
and to bring opposing things into balance. Libra is known for elegance, refinement, and
diplomacy in the workplace.
Libra needs to have a calm atmosphere, music playing, and a lack of disruption in his or her
everyday work environment. This sign doesn't like conflict or overbearing coworkers. A
Libran can be motivated by money or by the use of good manners. Libra usually is able to
pull everyone together socially and is a good team player. People with this sign should not
be forced to work alone or be isolated.
Libra will gravitate toward the following careers:
Guidance Counselor:In this role, Libras will shine. The career involves using their wonderful people skills,
capacity for considering all the options, and exploration of different talents and abilities. It’s
a good thing, though, that the Libra counselor is not the one who ultimately has to make the
decision. Great at interviewing and analyzing information, Libra is well-suited to identifying
the best options to make a perfect match.
Art Dealer:The Libran affinity for art and culture makes this an excellent choice for someone with good
taste and business sense. They know quality and beauty when they see it and are able to
understand what the buyers want. An innate sense of style and current trends also help
Librans to do well in this career. A Libra dealer probably won’t represent an uncouth, cutting
-edge artist, though. They would prefer to deal in art that is aesthetically pleasing and
fashionable and to have rich, snobbish clients.
Beautician:Librans of both sexes are obsessed with image and aspects of beauty such as makeup,
hair, and style. Cosmo Girl is akin to the Bible for a Libra teen. A natural transition is into the
world of esthetics, hair coloring, spa treatments, or makeup consulting. Libras will do a lot of
research and experimentation, passing on their extensive knowledge to clients. Their own
appearance shows that they can walk the talk, because they are elegant and tasteful.
Graphic Designer:Librans get warm and fuzzy when they are able to create a design piece that is well-
proportioned and full of lovely white space. When type is kerned perfectly or the spot color
prints the way it should, Libra will do the happy dance. Designers delight in creating harmony
with color or communicating a feeling or message with images. Libra designers will live and
breathe it in all areas of their life. Bored Libra designers with a mastery of Photoshop are
responsible for many of the visual jokes circulating through e-mail.
Interior Decorator:Librans are always rearranging and decorating their own homes, making this a natural choice
for a career. Creating style and harmony is something they strive for in a many areas of their
life. The only drawback is that with all the choices of paint, fabric, and furniture, they must
force themselves to be decisive and create restraints. After that initial heartache, they are
able to pull a look together fabulously.
Human Resources:The Libra native has highly developed people skills and is quite good at problem-solving.
Libras have the unique ability to fire someone while making them feel like they’ve just
received a bonus. Much of this career is spent interviewing candidates, negotiating salary,
and resolving issues with staff. Their natural empathy for others and skill in achieving
cooperation and job satisfaction is second to none.
Lawyer:Another career that allows Libra an avenue for working with people is the law. An added
benefit is working within the justice system or fighting for what is right and fair. Libra lawyers
are not as aggressive as some of their counterparts. Rather, they are able to win cases by
careful manipulation and by using their charm and wit. Libras will disarm by any means that
will work for them, and the other side won’t even know what hit them. Analytical ability, a
sense of fair play, and persuasiveness draw Librans to this profession.
Referee:Librans are excellent choices to step in and make a fair call. They may have to learn to be
decisive, but when there are clear rules, they are able to do the right thing. Natural
peacemakers, they may even have to break up a few fights and disagreements. This job
puts them in the middle of the action without having to actually get dirty or sweaty. They love
being at the center of a dispute and are able to calmly resolve whatever the issue is. If the
uniform is nice, then that’s an added bonus.
Mediator:Professional mediators must look at all the issues and facts and help people to come to an
agreement. This is what Libra does within their family, with friends, and at work. Why not
make it official and do it for a living? This is an excellent arena to dissect issues into all their
components and then come to an informed decision and mutual compromise. Libras love to
discuss and analyze and will make a great mediator by using their diplomatic skills.
Architect:Architecture involves using analytical as well as aesthetic skill. Architects must have an
understanding of proportion and scale and be able to translate creative ideas into reality.
Libra is an excellent candidate, because of good visual ability and intellectual capacity. They
conceptualize, plan, and consider every angle. This career is a good mix of technical ability,
visual sense, and the interaction with clients, contractors, and suppliers.