21 September 2008

Top Ten Careers for Virgo

Top Ten Careers for Virgo - Eyes glazing over with mind-numbing details? It's time to call a Virgo!
Virgo is well-suited to any career in which thoroughness, attention to detail, and efficiency
are required.

This is an employee who will get things done right, even if he or she drives everyone crazy
in the process. Virgo is very particular and neat, keeping a well-organized and spotless work
area. Excellent records are kept, and everything has a place.

Virgos are not temperamentally suited to a job where constant chaos and changing priorities
are an everyday reality. They prefer a career that allows them complete control over their
work and environment. Virgo usually gains a solid reputation for quality and an untarnished

Virgo needs to have clear direction and expectations. This sign will get easily stressed if
instructions are vague or there are last-minute changes. He or she is motivated to work
within established standards and to follow company policy.
If you hire a Virgo, you can expect that this person will remain with your company for years.
The only drawback is that they can become terribly set in their ways, making it difficult to
implement change or get them to work with new team members.

For Virgo, good career bets are:

Tax Auditor:Virgos are known far and wide for their eye for detail, critical nature, and head for figures. In
this career, they can indulge their need to go over financial matters with a fine-tooth comb.
Taking on this challenge will not win them a popularity contest. They can, however, get a lot
of satisfaction by being thorough and feeling highly superior. The tax auditor lives to find
mistakes and fraud.

Nutritionist:A life-long interest in health and nutrition may lead some Virgos to pursue this avenue as a
career. One way to help make the world a better place is to teach people how to take care
of themselves with good eating habits. Virgos practice what they preach and can speak
from experience. There is the tendency, though, for Virgo to recommend a program that is
too austere. Not everyone has such a virtuous attitude toward food.

Naturopath:An interest in health and natural healing could become a satisfying avenue for Virgos to
explore. They are always experimenting with herbs, vitamins, and health foods, and some
may decide to study the science in depth. This choice could be lucrative and would appeal
to Virgo’s need for security. Virgos are always striving for perfection, in themselves and in
others. This way, they can safely suggest lifestyle changes in a professional capacity and
not come across as control freaks.

Professional Housecleaner:Life at home for Virgo is a non-stop whirl of housework, laundry, and straightening up. Why
not get paid to indulge this sense of order and cleanliness by becoming a professional
housecleaner? Virgo’s sense of perfection will come in handy when working to certain
standards. Virgo will do the job by the book and then give everything a second white-glove
test. No speck of dust, fingerprint, or scuff mark is safe from the discerning eye of Virgo.
Executive Assistant:This sign is very organized and efficient and has great attention to detail. These are ideal
traits for organizing someone else’s time and stuff - especially if that someone is super
busy or terribly important. Virgo expertly organizes functions, schedules, meetings, and
travel, and he or she won't complain if the boss delegates secondary tasks such as house-
sitting, personal shopping, typing term papers, and running miscellaneous errands. Since
they really have two jobs, their own and babysitting the boss, Virgo assistants must be very
good at multitasking.

Statistician:This is a great job for detail-obsessed Virgo. Collecting and analyzing statistics for
government, industry, and business would be a dream. Percentages and numbers collected
in massive databases are the tools of the trade. Virgo would be thrilled knowing that he or
she had a hand in determining the rate of divorce or the chances of winning the lotto.

Archivist:Another career that allows Virgo the luxury of sorting and categorizing is that of archivist.
Many Virgos had lots of practice as kids by collating and creating inventories of their comic
book collections. Numbers are assigned and manuscripts are sent for digital scanning by
trembling Virgo hands. They don’t pursue this career for money, but for love of order.
Unfortunately, working with dusty old papers means that allergies are a common threat to
staying in this profession.

Systems Analyst:When there is a problem with information output or systems workflow, then Virgo is the
person to call. Virgo will doctor the databases and clean up the dirty data. No one else in the
universe would have the patience to find and delete all the duplicate entries and stale
information. With persistence and dedication, Virgo will step in and make the computer
systems run smoothly and the corporate headaches disappear.

Technician:Whether in the field or the lab, Virgo is the person you want collecting the data, recording
findings, collating the information and creating reports. Their legendary thoroughness and
attention to detail creates rock-solid results. They might drive coworkers insane with the
length of time it takes or the occasional need to revisit the material, but the job will be done
correctly. Don’t send them for lunch orders, though, because they will have to make a
spreadsheet first and won’t be back until 3 p.m.

Welder:This career requires a high level of accuracy and skill and a steady hand. One false move,
and a structure could develop cracks or equipment could fail. Virgo makes sure that each
weld is of the utmost quality and that it meets all industry standards. He or she never wants
to be at fault and will do everything possible to make the weld perfect. Plus, they get to wear
a lot of cool safety equipment, get paid a lot to be fussy, and will never get sued.