Read Full Report Indian Chronicles which named ANI and Srivastava Group
Read Full Report Indian Chronicles which named ANI and
Srivastava Group in massive EU disinformation campaign
Friday, December 11, 2020
EU Disinfo Lab has uncovered a 15-year-old disinformation campaign by Srivastava Group “serving Indian interests”
The Indian Chronicles report mentions that the Srivastava Group-backed fake media websites published op-eds of Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) advocating pro-India agenda. ANI then repackaged these op-eds which were later picked up by Indian media outlets and amplified.
Key facts -
In a nutshell, Indian Chronicles is:
15 year-long operation running since 2005;
10+ UN Human Rights Council accredited NGOs, mostly resurrected;
The resurrection of Prof. Louis B. Sohn, a prominent figure in human rights, deceased in 2006;
Several identity thefts, including the name of Martin Schulz, former president of the European Parliament or the photo of James Purnell, a former UK Government minister;
750+ fake media outlets, covering 119 countries;
550+ domain names registered.
The report talks about many other Indian news papers also.
Indian Chronicles, reveals that the operation, run by SG, is spread over at least 116 countries and has targeted members of the European Parliament and the United Nations - raising questions about how much EU and UN staff knew about SG's activities, and whether they could have done more to counter those activities, especially after last year's report.
The investigations from last year and this year show a man called Ankit Srivastava at the centre of the entire global operation that was uncovered. More than 400 domain names have been bought through Mr. Srivastava's private email address or through email addresses belonging to his organizations, the EU Disinfo Lab investigations found.
Then, there's a case of the mysterious SG-owned tech firm Aglaya. Its website has been inaccessible since at least February this year but in the past the company has advertised products for "hacking/spy tools" and "information warfare services". Aglaya's marketing brochure mentioned the ability to "hamper country level reputations" and described some of its services as "Cyber Nukes". In a 2017 interview with Forbes magazine, a man called Ankur Srivastava claimed he "only sold to Indian intelligence agencies". It's unclear what relation, if any, he has to Ankit Srivastava.
A third Srivastava appears to be Dr Pramila Srivastava, chairperson of the group and mother of Ankit Srivastava.
Read - Below is the full Investigative Report Indian Chronicles which named ANI and Srivastava Group By EU DisinfoLab
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Tags – Indian Chronicles Report ANI Srivastava
Group EU Disinfo Lab