14 August 2018

Opinion Explained Why One Nation One Poll is a very bad dangerous idea for India

Opinion Explained Why One Nation One Poll is a very bad dangerous  idea for India
In Depth explained why One Indian One election, One Nation One Poll is a very bad and dangerous idea for Indian democracy.

The Law Commission and NITI Aayog have often repeated that simultaneous elections are somehow acceptable because "elections to Lok Sabha and all state Legislative Assemblies were held simultaneously between 1951 and 1967".

 After the adoption of the Constitution, the elections to Lok Sabha and all State Legislative Assemblies were held simultaneously between 1951 till 1967 when the cycle of synchronized elections got disrupted

The first general elections to Lok Sabha and all State Legislative Assemblies were held together in 1951-52. That practice continued over three subsequent general elections held in the years 1957, 1962 and 1967. However, due to the premature dissolution of some Legislative Assemblies in 1968 and 1969, the cycle got disrupted for the first time. In 1970, Fourth Lok Sabha was itself dissolved prematurely and fresh elections held in 1971. Thus, First, Second and Third Lok Sabha enjoyed full five-year terms  The term of Fifth Lok Sabha was extended till 1977 under Article  352. After that, the Eighth, Tenth, Fourteenth and Fifteenth Lok Sabha could complete their full five-year terms. Sixth, Seventh, Ninth, Eleventh, Twelfth and Thirteenth Lok Sabha was dissolved prematurely. Various State Assemblies also faced similar issues over a period of time. As a result of all such premature dissolutions and extension, the cycle of simultaneous elections has been firmly disrupted

 In September 1982, the Election Commission recommended holding simultaneous elections to the House of the People and the Legislative Assemblies of States. In its first Annual Report of 1983, it listed reasons such as colossal expenditure and administrative slowdown for synchronising elections.

 In 1999, the Law Commission, headed by Justice BP Jeevan Reddy submitted a report, calling on the Centre, state governments and the Election Commission to “seriously explore” its suggestion of holding simultaneous elections.

The Law Commission is an executive body that reviews and repeals obsolete laws and examines existing laws – in its 170th report, it acknowledged that “the desired goal of one election in every five years cannot be achieved overnight in the given circumstances”. The Commission proposed that it can be achieved in stages by extending or curtailing the term of one or more Legislative Assemblies, say for six months or so, wherever it is  necessary to achieve the said goal

 The Niti Aayog suggested that the idea be first attempted along with the elections for the 17th Lok Sabha which is expected to be constituted before June 2019. Assuming a two-month multi-phase election for the 17th Lok Sabha, it is suggested that April 2019 – May 2019 may be considered as the first dates for implementing simultaneous elections.
The Law Commission had invited political parties from across the country to weigh in on the possibility of simultaneous elections before it tables its final report in the matter before the Law Ministry

To decide on one nation one poll for India is a good idea or a bad idea one needs to understand the concept One India One poll as well as History of One India One Poll and advantages and disadvantages of one India one poll.

Explained Concept One India One Poll?
one nation one poll stands for idea of having elections for state assemblies and loksabha that is lower house in a same time
Today when we Indian citizens go to vote we caste vote for only central government or state government.
If One India one Poll becomes a law, then on a same day we Indian citizens will vote for central government as well as state government and other post.
 a voter would normally cast his or her vote for electing members of Lok Sabha and State Assembly on a single day and at the same time.
From 1952 to 1967 Elections were held to Lok Sabha along with all State Assemblies.
After 1967 some State Assemblies were dissolved prematurely staggering the elections process.

If any elected government wants to accept the concept of One India One Poll and wants to convert it into law, implement the one India one poll concept it will need to make amendments in the constitution of India. Government will need to make amendments in the following articles of Constitution of India.

a-Tenth Schedule of Indian Constitution - [Articles 102(2) and 191(2)] -- Provisions as to disqualification on ground of defection

b-Article 83 in The Constitution Of India 1949 – 83. Duration of Houses of Parliament

c-Article 85 in The Constitution Of India 1949 – 85. Sessions of Parliament, prorogation and dissolution

d-Article 172 in The Constitution Of India 1949 – 172. Duration of State Legislatures

e-Article 356 in The Constitution Of India 1949 – 356. Provisions in case of failure of constitutional machinery in State

f- Section 14, 15,73 of the The Representation of the People Act, 1951 1951

Election commission said that to meet the EVM and VVPAT requirement for simultaneous elections, an additional 12.9 lakh Bus, 9.4 lakh CUs and 12.3 lakh VVPATs need to be procured, which will cost Rs 4,554.93 crore.  On the issue of limited use of an EVM for only three joint polls, the Commission has said the EVMs and VVPATs shall be used maximum three times in its lifespan of 15 years (for three sets of simultaneous general elections). “Thereafter, the full lot of available EVMs and VVPATs would have to be replaced with new ones. Additionally, there shall be an increase of 15% in the number of polling stations for every next round of simultaneous polls due to increase in number of voters as well delimitation process,” it said.

Following are the reasons to Support One Nation One Poll

1- Four or Six  months of time is being spent in conducting elections each time to the Lok Sabha and the State Legislatures. The entire State and District level administrative and security machinery is very busy with conduct of elections twice in a period of five years as per the current practice

2- imposition of model code of conduct for such a long period is also hampering development and welfare activities being undertaken by the state government.

3- huge amount of public money as well as of the political parties and candidates is being spent twice in a period of five years, if elections are not held simultaneously.

4- More governance, less disruption

5-No exhausting of resources for repeated polls

6- Better utilization of security resources

7- Mitigating scope for dirty campaigns

8- Polarization won't be a bi-annual affair

9- Boost in long-term productivity of both houses

10-No time for Election Commission to think about election reforms, improvements as they are continuously conducting elections.

Following are the reasons not to support One India One Poll Concept.
Following are the disadvantages if India accepts the concept of One India One Poll
Explained why it is very bad and dangerous idea for India to go for One India One Poll

1-Supporters say – One India One Poll will save money.
 The financial issue is secondary, first priority is the Constitution and democracy. Constitution has to be upheld It is wrong reason, Government spends only Rs. 40 or 50 on each Indian citizen whenever there are elections.   The entire expenditure borne by the central government for conducting general elections in 2014 was only Rs 3870 crores or roughly, 45 rupees per elector. It is not clear how this can be considered "huge" or "massive"

More Black money is spent by the political parties and their candidates. Because of One India One Poll, the political parties will need to spend less black money as well as candidates and just once in 5 year they will have to manage accounts to show that they are not doing or using black money.

2- Dilution of anti-defection provisions would directly aid horse-trading among legislators while destroying the root of political party system of democracy

3-Today also elections have become a game for rich, it is nearly impossible for common, poor or middle class Indian citizen to win the elections if elections are held just once in five years, rich political parties will win the elections majority times.

4- Because of one poll every 5 years minority will lose their voice in state government as well as center government.

5- Because of one poll every 5 years, government will only work in last year, it will fool the citizens and win again elections using media power, data power as today there is no privacy and no one is going to punish any political party if they misuse the data collected from Facebook or google

6-Majority Indians will vote for same party for Loksabha as well as state assembly this will destroy the small regional parties.

7- Lok Sabha, Lower House is also capable of being dissolved before its five-year tenure.

If such a situation were to happen, it is unclear whether all Legislative Assemblies will also be dissolved to synchronize the electoral process again.'  If a coalition government is formed at the Center and that loses majority, then will elections be re-conducted for all states along with the Center? It is impractical, not possible

8- India is a big country having 29 states, so nothing is wrong if every year there are elections in 5 to 7 states. It is very beneficial as media and citizens can monitor elections carefully.
If a ruling national political party makes any mistake, that political party loses the votes in another state, it acts as deterrent and elected law makers need to think before crushing indirectly and directly to minority citizens.
Example – LGBT community, Adivasi People, Muslims and Harijan

9-Supporters of One India One Poll say if just once election happen in 5 years then government will be able to take good actions, can make good laws.
Above thinking is wrong, it is duty of elected law makers politicians to make the laws for the benefit of Indian citizens not the rich business houses.
2014 – BJP government controls Lower House that is Lok Sabha still they have not appointed Lok Pal. BJP government enjoys full control majority in Lok Sabha also BJP government controls rules on 19 states in India still there are no reforms which will help Indian citizens.

Examples – No Independence to CBI, No Independence to Police Department, No Police Reforms, No Lokpal, Failure to Bring Black Money from outside India one election in five years or many elections in five years has nothing to do with the failure of government to make good laws. If there is a will there is a way.

10-Supporters of One India One Poll give the examples of following nations where one nation one poll is held.
Sweden, Belgium and Italy and South Africa,
We can not compare Indian state and Indian democracy with the above nations that is South Africa, Sweden, Belgium and Italy. Sweden, Belgium and Italy all are developed nations, India is a developing nation and not a mature nation  The combined populations of the countries listed for having simultaneous elections in the working paper, i.e. Sweden, Belgium and South Africa, is less than that of Tamil Nadu.

11- Supporters say "elections to Lok Sabha and all state Legislative Assemblies were held simultaneously between 1951 and 1967". So concept of one India one poll is not new for India.
Yes concept is not new but this is 21st Century India, it is 2018 and India made lots of progress in last 70 years.
Today a single and small mistake committed by a political party or member it reaches to all over world in a second.
This is an era of transparency and information.
Between 1951 and 1967 simultaneous elections happened in India because of there were no opposition parties, congress was very strong also India got divided and Pakistan became a new nation.
India was just born no one knew what is going to happen with India as an Independent nation but great former pm Nehru ruled India, kept India united and one even did not allow India to become a religious Hindu nation.
Law making process is a very slow process after India become Independent, slowly people started to understand the working of government, politics, rule making and after 1967 Congress started to lose its grip on Indian citizens and they started to lose elections.

12- End of Regional Parties or Small Parties -  In the 1984 General Election, regional parties garnered only 11% of the total votes. This rose to 28.4% in 2009 and was 27% in the 2014 Lok Sabha election. Once One India One Poll becomes a law then people will only vote for one political party. Indian voters will only think about the national central government candidate and it will affect their voting for state assembly candidate.  Simultaneous elections could well mean a national agenda taking precedence over local issues, thereby undermining the federal nature of the Indian State  IDFC Institute study stated that “77 per cent of the voters tended to choose the same party” when elections were held simultaneously to states and the Centre.

13-One India One Poll it will reduce the accountability of political parties and their actions.

14- Legislation will have to be enacted to provide for a situation when a government falls in between its five-year term, thus breaking the simultaneous election.

15- the Tenth Schedule forces all elected members of a House to vote in line with the party whip Thus when government will get formed under One India One Poll elected politicians will not fear citizens , they will not remain answerable to citizens , they will only work for the benefit of political party business house.

In India Political Parties are not ready to come under Right to Information Act, Now political parties are trying amend RTI act which will make it useless law

16- Because of One India One Election process few families and 2 or 3 political parties  will become very powerful and they will do a hidden unspoken contract with each other and rule the India.

17-Because of One India One Poll , Law makers elected politicians will become more powerful than Judiciary and Judiciary will also become a parrot like CBI  in the hands of elected politicians and political parties.

18-Equality Before Law – Suppose On December 20 if Mr. A becomes 18 year old and one nation one poll is held on December 19, 2019  Mr. A will not able to vote for next five years.

Suppose to contest a election age is fixed 30 year and Mr. A may lose his right to fill election form because he will become turn 30 on next date when the form filling date ends.
Because of this he will need to wait for next 5 years.

Because of this elected politicians who are corrupt will become fearless and will rob day and night as from CBI to Judiciary everyone will be under their control.

19 – One Indian One Poll will be only successful if there will be provision that what ever may happen in parliament the government will not fall , even if lose confidence there wont be any new elections, elected members will choose their other leader who will be answerable to only rich and elected politicians not to citizens as he will always fear that he will lose his PM or CM chair if another rich man pays money and buys the elected members who will remove the PM or CM who does not obey rich man or a foreign rich man.

20- One India One Poll may give arise to the personality like Hindu Hitler or  Hindu Osama Bin Laden in India. It will become very easy for the majority to crush the minority and it will result in the death of regional parties whose presence is in just one or two Indian states.

Reality views by sm -

Tuesday,August 14, 2018

Tags – One India One Election Poll Explained Good Bad Advantages Disadvantages