20 April 2018

Know 11 Facts about India’s first satellite Aryabhata

Know 11 Facts about India’s first satellite Aryabhata

Aryabhata was developed to study earth's ionosphere, X-ray astronomy, aeronomics, and solar physics.
The Aryabhata spacecraft, named after the famous Indian astronomer, was India's first satellite; it was completely designed and fabricated in India and launched by a Soviet Kosmos-3M rocket from Kapustin Yar on April 19, 1975.

Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was given three options to choose from as the name of India's first satellite with others being Maitri (friendship) and Jawahar (Jawaharlal Nehru) and she chose to name it after mathematician and astronomer Aryabhata. This is how the First Indian satellite got name Aryabhata

April 19, 1975 has special significance in India's history. On April 19, 1975 Aryabhata was launched into space  India’s first satellite named after Indian mathematician and astronomer Aryabhata

That time India did not have launch capabilities of its own, Aryabhata was launched using the Soviet Union's Kosmos-3M launch vehicle in 1975

Indian space Journey began with the launch of Aryabhata 43 years ago on this day.

The historic event of Aryabhata satellite’s launch was celebrated by the Reserve Bank of India commemorated the launch with its picture appearing on the Rs 2 currency note between 1976 and 1997. 

The launch of Aryabhata came 18 years after world's first satellite, Sputnik I, was launched by the Soviet Union on October 4, 1957.

Vikram Sarabhai, the father of India's space program, had tasked one of his scientists UR Rao for making an indigenously-built satellite. Rao was the only Indian who had worked on two NASA satellite projects. 

Aryabhata was launched from Kapustin Yar in the then Soviet Union by a Kosmos-3M launch weighed 360 kilograms.  Aryabhata operated only for 5 days before all communication was lost due to failure in its electrical power system. Aryabhata re-entered atmosphere of Earth after 17 years on 10 February 1992.

The mission was a part of an agreement between India and Soviet Union signed in 1972 under which New Delhi allowed USSR to use Indian ports for tracking ships and in return for launching Indian satellite.

Aryabhata was developed to study earth's ionosphere, X-ray astronomy, aeronomics, and solar physics.

The project cost was 3.5 crores and it took 30 months to complete it. 

Features of Aryabhata -
Mission -    Scientific/ Experimental
Weight -    360 kg
On board power -    46 Watts
Communication -    VHF band
Stabilization -    Spinstabilize
Payload -    X-ray Astronomy Aeronomy & Solar Physics
Launch date -    April 19, 1975
Launch site -    Volgograd Launch Station (presently in Russia)
Launch vehicle -C-1 Intercosmos
Orbit -    563 x 619 km
Inclination -    50.7 deg
Mission life -    6 months(nominal), Spacecraft mainframe active till March,1981
Orbital Life -    Re-entered on February 10,1992
Launch Mass - 360 kg
Mission Life - Nearly seventeen years
Power - 46 Watts C-1 Intercosmos
Type of Satellite – Experimental

Manufacturer - ISRO
Owner - ISRO
Application – Experimental

Year 1975 -
Government - Congress -
Prime Minister of India – Indira Gandhi
Always think before saying that What Congress Party did for India

Photo Aryabhata Rs. 2 note -

Photo Aryabhata Stamp -

Photo Aryabhata dis-assembled mode tests of Aryabhata -

Reality views by sm -

Friday,April 20,2018

Tags – Aryabhata India First Satellite