12 September 2017

Read Full Letter Full text of Ram Jethmalani’s letter to PM Narendra Modi

Read Full Letter Full text of Ram Jethmalani’s letter to PM Narendra Modi

Member of Parliament, Senior Advocate in Supreme Court of India, Ram Jethmalani has written an open letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Very few people in India can dare to write such a letter to BJP leader and PM of India Narendra Modi.

Below is the full text of Ram Jethmalani’s letter to Narendra Modi

My dear Prime Minister,

You are intelligent enough not to understand my total disappointment with you during the 3 years that have gone by and each day providing more and more evidence of your failure as a friend and as the leader of the unfortunate Indian nation that trusted its destiny in your undeserving hands.

Your conduct or rather gross misconduct no longer compels my silence and complete acquiescence in the tragic state of the union. But before I speak let me remind you of what I wrote in my Sunday Guardian piece when you assumed office as the Prime Minister. Let me recall for your benefit a few lines that I wrote:

“Dear Mr. Modi congratulations on your spectacular victory. I am happy I had some small contribution to make. But I write this to tell you that I am living in the departure lounge of god’s airport, I want nothing from you and nothing means nothing. Now fulfill the promises you have made to the nation.”

Let me now give you the list of ghastly failures only the glaring ones:

1- You had won the election mainly and almost certainly on the promise to the people of bringing back 90 lakh crores of black money which is equivalent of 1500 Billion US Dollars.

2- You promised putting 15 lakh Indian rupees in the account of every poor family.

3-The United Nations had worked for four years and produced in 2004 the United Nations Convention Against Corruption mainly dealing with black money stolen from many countries. The then Congress government in power signed the Convention but deliberately did not lodge with the United Nations the document of ratification without which the Convention does not become binding. You made no exposure of this fraud to the Indian nation.

4- The German government by paying a bribe of US Dollars 475 million to an employee of the Liechtenstein bank obtained 1400 names of concealed accounts in early 2008. The Swiss Bankers Association and the German government announced that this list had a majority of Indian criminals. Germany publicly offered to share this information with the Indian government too without cost or condition. Yet the government in power did not avail of the offer nor did any BJP leader. The persons holding power in both the parties did not avail of the offer. It is then that I had approached the Supreme Court of India; but my work and the work of my co-petitioners receive no assistance of any kind from you or anybody else on the contrary there was only obstruction. The BJP’s misconduct was a ghastly betrayal of the unfortunate Indian nation. The task force of the BJP led by the famous Dr. Vaidyanathan in its interim report published in early 2009 had urgently advised that the German government should be immediately approached but all your friends whom you have installed in office took no steps to approach the German government.

5-The Honorable Supreme Court of India delivered its judgement early in July 2011. Everyone knew that it is going to be a thumping judgement in favour of me and my co-petitioners.

6-The President of the ruling Congress party invited the Swiss Finance minister and entered into a secret protocol containing two suicidal terms:

a-India will seek no information about the past but only the future. (You understand I hope what this means)

b-India will not use the United Nations convention of 2004 but only the Double Taxation Avoidance Treaty (DTAT). This secret protocol made the DTAT, the Amended Double Taxation Avoidance Treaty.

7- I had raised this matter in the Supreme Court and this had attracted a lot of publicity. It is then that you had approached me and promise joint effort to take advantage of this tempting offer. You learnt from me that the mighty USA and many European governments had obtain this information, used it and enriched their countries by huge fortunes but nothing has been done by anyone in India.I had announced in my innocence that you should be the next Prime Minister of India.  You won my confidence and support by proclaiming that agenda of recovery of the stashed away ill-gotten wealth in foreign banks was your major mission in your election campaign. Reluctantly some reference was made by the BJP party also in its manifesto but no serious attachment to this cause was visible at all.

8-I have repeatedly explained to you that this fraud requires to be exposed. DTAT is not an international document but a document under Section 90 of the Indian Income Tax Act. It does not apply to criminals who have laundered black money but only to honest tax payers who have to pay income tax on the same income in more than one country i.e. the country of their citizenship and the country in which the money is earned. Tell me Mr. Prime Minister why even after you have become Prime Minister you have not requested the German Government to do for us what they have done for much richer countries. This is the major qualification that you should have sought from your minister of Finance. But you have become a silent accomplice in cheating the nation. In a written reply to a question in Rajya Sabha as to what the Finance Minister was doing to recover the Black Money in Foreign Banks he answered that he was entering into Amended Double Taxation Avoidance Treaties with many countries. He fully went along with the Congress Party’s decision and has betrayed India.
It was his plain duty long before you even assumed office in June 2014 to approach the German government as an opposition leader to plead for the unfortunate Indian Nation and obtain this information by approaching the German government as recommended by the BJP Task Force itself in 2009.

When I found that there was no effort by anyone in BJP to seek the information which had been promised by Germany in 2008 I myself (sic) to Germany and impressed upon it that the Indian nation wants this information because the stolen wealth belongs to the people and the ruling Government itself was the culprit involved in this grand larceny. The Germans very kindly agreed and asked me to go back and obtain a short confirmation of what I had said, from some opposition leaders.

    I selected 3 of them, drafted a short letter for them to be addressed to the German government and impressed upon them the urgency of this matter. After a week, I asked for this signed document, each pretended to have forgotten and gave no assurance which made me suspicious. I knew that they too were not serious and that I had to act on my own.

9- You, Mr. Prime Minister were of no help either. The awful truth dawned on me when in early 2015 when BJP president Amit Shah openly disclosed that all talk about black money recovery was a ‘chunavi jumla’ a gimmick or a joke. This was a confession of a huge fraud never repudiated or explained by you, Amit Shah or anyone else.

10-I had wasted years of expensive work to have you elected as the Prime Minister for you throughout India and finally you did become the Prime Minster. I must confess I am ashamed of my stupidity but I am determined to see you suffer a shameful defeat in 2018, long before your selected date i.e. year 2022.

11-Do not practice another fraud on the nation by asking the ignorant to take a fresh oath obliging them to keep you in power till 2022 and obviously 3 more years thereafter too. God will be on my side I assure you.

12-I had become your faithful supporter from 2009 when you pretended appreciation of my fight for black money in the Supreme Court from early 2009. In 2010, you and Amit Shah approached me to join the BJP from which I had resigned a second time in 2004. But thanks to my other friends who kept me in Rajya Sabha with their support. I soon came to realize why you were anxious to please me. You wanted my professional services for Amit Shah in a serious murder case. You expressed to me your great ambition of recovering India’s stolen wealth. I was the only one who proclaimed in early 2011 that you should be India’s Prime Minister. It may be that initially you were sincerely attached to this cause but it is now certain that by the time I proposed you as the only person fit for that high office you had already compromised your ideals raising the general suspicions of all intelligent and right thinking men that you generally may be shielding your friends and beneficiaries and are making all efforts to save for them from heavy punishment.

13-You know very well that soon after I had announced support for you as India’s Prime Minister my enemies in the party started expulsion proceeding against me in 2012. You and Amit Shah know about this development but did nothing to stop this skullduggery against me. You did not put your foot down and stand up for the right. You told me once ‘Ramji do not worry, we will undo anything they do to you.’ I did not believe this. Despite this I vigorously worked for you at my own cost. You and Amit Shah worked with me from my home, which you frequented every 2 or 3 days.

14-I did my job and I have told you what I wrote on the day you assumed office. You have never once thanked nor visited my home after your success in the Elections. The expulsion proceeding went on.

15-After some time Gadkari and Advani intervened. I have helped them both and saved them from a catastrophe.

16-They met me and it was resolved that the expulsion notice will be withdrawn. It was even announced by them in the newspapers. The news was not contradicted by anyone. I believed what I was told in view of the newspapers reporting this development. I do not know whether all this was known to you. But it is almost impossible to believe that you know nothing. I went abroad on a holiday and in my absence from India I was expelled. You have never even said you are innocent of this ganging up against me.

17-The matter is now pending in the Court. Those who made the order have not dared to go into the witness box as defendants. Their conduct will not bear judicial scrutiny, Amit shah has however provided his worker as a witness for the Party. The case will never end. Expulsion from the Party does not mean expulsion from Rajya Sabha. I enjoyed my full term of 6 years. Within two days I was elected again from Bihar effortlessly and without any canvassing. But you have shown your insincerity and total lack of good sense.

18-The Parliamentary Board has no power to expel any member from the Party. Article XXV of the party constitution is clear even to the lay person. Every decision of the Board has to be confirmed within 20 days by the National Executive. It has not been done. It is significant that heading of Article XXV is merely Parliamentary Board whereas the earlier Article XXIV is an Article which deals with ‘Powers and Jurisdiction’.
The fifth paragraph of this Article expressly provides that violation of Discipline shall be dealt with exclusively by a Disciplinary Committee in accordance with the rules framed by National Executives. No principle of natural justice has been followed.
The Party will meet its own fate of infamy. Yes, under a rule, not the main Article, the President of the Party can take not of any breach of Discipline on receiving Complaint. He never received any complaint. None has been disclosed in spite of my demands. A police constable can take note of any cognizable offence but he cannot try or punish. The action of the Parliamentary Board is without any lawful authority. Even my suspicion is void.

Thanks to your lack of any moral sense and any sense of gratitude this matter had to end in a court case and I will recover my damages, interest and cost. Amit Shah has set up a witness who is helplessly and reluctantly giving evidence against me.

Do ponder on this matter and atone for your Sins if you have any moral sense at all.

Yours sincerely,

Ram Jethmalani

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Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Tags – Letter Ram Jethmalani PM Narendra Modi


Kirtivasan Ganesan September 14, 2017  

Ram Jethmalani is himself all these; what he says about Modi is applicable to him too.
We must give Modi more chance. India is no Gujarat.
Modi is a ruler. Not just a business thinker. It is his duty to promote talent and help them like Akbar did in Tansen, Birbal, Man Singh.