06 June 2017

Facts Read FIR registered against NDTV Pranoy Roy and Radhika Roy

Facts Read FIR registered against NDTV Pranoy Roy and Radhika Roy

The CBI has registered a case against RRPR Holding pvt limited, Pranoy Roy, his wife Radhika and unidentified officials of ICICI Bank of criminal conspiracy, cheating and corruption.
The CBI on Monday had carried out searches at the residence of Roy for allegedly concealing a share transaction from the SEBI and causing a loss to a private bank

NDVT’s ICICI Bank fraud was exposed by journalist and now Minister M J Akbar in Sunday Guardian in December 2010.

Regarding Reporting against BJP government NDTV is fearless chaneel does not fear to report against BJP government.
Today Majority Channels have surrendered before BJP government and their agenda.

Statement Issued by NDTV against CBI raid
This morning, the CBI stepped up the concerted harassment of NDTV and its promoters based on the same old endless false accusations.
NDTV and its promoters will fight tirelessly against this witch-hunt by multiple agencies. We will not succumb to these attempts to blatantly undermine democracy and free speech in India.
We have one message to those who are trying to destroy the institutions of India and everything it stands for: we will fight for our country and overcome these forces.

Below are the important facts regarding NDTV Case

The crime happened between 2008 to 2010
After 9 years now CBI has registered case against NDTV and Pranoy Roy.
Now question is why delay of 9 years, why CBI did not registered case in year 2008 or 2009.

FIR No. – 2172017A0009
Date – June 2, 2017
Sections Under which case is registered –
IPC – 120B read with 420
PC Act 1988 – Section 13.2 read with 13.1 d
Criminal Conspiracy, cheating and criminal misconduct

Name of Complainant –
Mr. Sanjay Dutt, Director of M/S Quantam Securities Ltd.
Profession – Director of M/s Quantam Securities Ltd.
Shareholders of ICICI Bank and NDTV.
CBI is acting on the complaint filed by the NDTV’s minority shareholder Sanjay Dutt of Quantum Securities.
The FIR has reproduced his complaint in details.

Names of the accused persons –
a- M/s RRPR holding Pvt Ltd. E 186 Basement Greater Kailash-1 New Delhi
b- Pranoy Roy b-207 Greater Kailash New Delhi
c-Ms Radhika Roy
d-Unknown officials of ICICI Bank Ltd.
e-M/s NDTV India Ltd, 207 New Delhi
f-Unknown others.

ICICI Bank allotted a loan of around Rs.350 crores to a company called RRPR Holdings.
Full Form of RRPR = Radhika Roy Prannoy Roy Holdings.

RBI and SEBI norms forbid promoters from taking loans to acquire shares of Stock Exchange listed companies.
Prannoy Roy and Radhika used this ICICI Bank loan to increase their shareholding in NDTV and manipulated the Stock Exchange norms.

As per Complainant within a year NDTV repaid the loan less an amount of Rs. 48 crores including interest.

CBI has registered an 88 page FIR which is published below 
Read Full FIR registered against NDTV Prannoy Roy, Radhika Roy

Reality views by sm –

Tuesday, June 6, 2017