26 September 2016

Reasons to Buy from Flipkart and Snapdeal online stores

Reasons to Buy from Flipkart and Snapdeal online stores

Today when we buy from the online store like amazon we get good amount of discounts.

Currently Amazon is on No. 1 position in India and Flipkart and Snapdeal both are giving good competition to Amazon.

So Why we should buy from Flipkart and Snapdeal also?
To stop the monopoly of one online store, if one online store becomes the no. 1 and others close their shops, then online store starts to dictate their terms on buyers as well as sellers resulting in more benefit to online store and less to seller as well as buyer.

Thus always buy the products from more online stores or minimum two example
Flipkart + Amazon or Snapdeal + Flipkart or Amazon+Snapdeal or any other online store which you are using and on which you trust.

If we buy from the more online stores online stores will keep competing with each other and result will be more discounts for the consumer’s buyers.

The business of online selling is going to rise, increase day by day and no one can stop them as its need of the hour and its good for economy also

Today still there is no cartel of online stores but in future that is going to happen, online stores will unite and decide the price of each product and they will use different terms while selling abc product but ultimately we consumers will end up paying same price even if we use any online store.

Thus make a habit to buy online products from more online stores, keep competition alive and keep discounts alive

The time has change now there is no place for loyal customer it is just business between you and online store nothing else.

Online store will not hesitate to ban the buyers accounts or sellers account without giving any reason or they may ban the account of seller or buyer giving false reasons.

Just in the interest of all consumers always use more than 1 online store.

There is no need of becoming loyal customer of one online store.

Be intelligent and learn to see it as one business transaction nothing else.

Remember we are in India our laws do not give protection to consumers, the protection which USA consumers enjoy because of US laws and investigating agencies.

Reality views by sm –

Monday, September 26, 2016

Tags – Amazon Snapdeal Flipkart Purchase Discounts


Destination Infinity September 26, 2016  

I agree with your suggestion. At the least, we should check the prices in all three stores before deciding to buy.

Destination Infinity

rudraprayaga September 27, 2016  

The most advantage is the article delivered at aour lap,no hindrance of shop -purchase.