13 May 2016

Supreme Court orders SpiceJet to pay Rs 10 lakh to Jeeja Ghosh

Supreme Court orders SpiceJet to pay Rs 10 lakh to Jeeja Ghosh

Supreme Court of India ordered SpiceJet to pay Rs 10 lakh to disabled passenger Jeeja Ghosh.

In a landmark judgement, the Supreme Court on Thursday ordered SpiceJet to pay Rs 10 lakh compensation to Kolkata based disabled rights activist Jeeja Ghosh, who was forcibly offloaded by the airline in February 2012 despite having a valid boarding pass at the Kolkata airport.

She was ordered to deboard as the pilot deemed her unfit for flight, citing her as a "danger for other passengers." She was humiliated.

She was forcibly deplaned from a Spice jet flight in 2012.
Ghosh was offloaded from a SpiceJet flight on February 19, 2012 from Kolkata when she was going to attend a conference in Goa hosted by NGO ADAPT (Able Disable All People Together)

After this disabled Jeeja Ghosh filed a case in Supreme Court of India with the help of Human Rights Law Network (HRLN).

Supreme Court bench in its order said that "On our finding that SpiceJet acted in a callous manner, and in the process violated Rules, 1937 and Civil Aviation Requirements (CAR), 2008 guidelines resulting in mental and physical suffering experienced by Ghosh and also unreasonable discrimination against her, we award a sum of Rs 10,00,000 as damages to be payable to her,"

The fine amount is very less I do not think any airline will learn any lesson from this verdict.
But it’s a good start.

Government of India needs to make strict laws to stop the humiliation of disabled person by the Airlines.

Fine amount should be minimum Rs. 1 Crore, just one Airline will get fined and automatically others will start to respect disabled people.

Suggested Reading –

Disabled Jeeja Ghosh not allowed to fly in Spice Jet Not Fit to fly who flies internationally

Reality views by sm –

Friday, May 13, 2016

Tags – Jeeja Ghosh Spice Jet