17 March 2016

Full List World Happiness Report 2016

Full List World Happiness Report 2016

The World Happiness Report 2016 places India at 118th in the world’s happiest countries’ list, down from 117th in 2015.

The first World Happiness Report was published in April 2012, in support of the High Level Meeting at the United Nations on happiness and well-being, chaired by the Prime Minister of Bhutan.

The World Happiness Report 2016, published by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), a global initiative for the United Nations.

This is the fourth World Happiness Report, and it is different in several respects
from its predecessors. These differences relate to timing, content and geography.

The report takes into account GDP per capita, life expectancy, social support and freedom to make life choices as indicators of happiness.

Below is the Ranking of Happiness as per 2016 Happiness Report

1.Denmark (7.526)
2. Switzerland (7.509)
3.Iceland (7.501)
4. Norway (7.498)
5.Finland (7.413)
6. Canada (7.404)
7.Netherlands (7.339)
8. New Zealand (7.334)
9.Australia (7.313)
10.Sweden (7.291)
11. Israel (7.267)
12. Austria (7.119)
13. United States (7.104)
14. Costa Rica (7.087)
15. Puerto Rico (7.039)
16. Germany (6.994)
17. Brazil (6.952)
18. Belgium (6.929)
19. Ireland (6.907)
20. Luxembourg (6.871)
21. Mexico (6.778)
22. Singapore (6.739)
23. United Kingdom (6.725)
24. Chile (6.705)
25. Panama (6.701)
26. Argentina (6.650)
27. Czech Republic (6.596)
28. United Arab Emirates (6.573)
29. Uruguay (6.545)
30. Malta (6.488)
31. Colombia (6.481)
32. France (6.478)
33. Thailand (6.474)
34. Saudi Arabia (6.379)
35. Taiwan (6.379)
36. Qatar (6.375)
37. Spain (6.361)
38. Algeria (6.355)
39. Guatemala (6.324)
40. Suriname (6.269)
41. Kuwait (6.239)
42. Bahrain (6.218)
43. Trinidad and Tobago (6.168)
44. Venezuela (6.084)
45. Slovakia (6.078)
46. El Salvador (6.068)
47. Malaysia (6.005)
48. Nicaragua (5.992)
49. Uzbekistan (5.987)
50. Italy (5.977)
51. Ecuador (5.976)
52. Belize (5.956)
53. Japan (5.921)
54. Kazakhstan (5.919)
55. Moldova (5.897)
56. Russia (5.856)
57. Poland (5.835)
58. South Korea (5.835)
59. Bolivia (5.822)
60. Lithuania (5.813)
61. Belarus (5.802)
62. North Cyprus (5.771)
63. Slovenia (5.768)
64. Peru (5.743)
65. Turkmenistan (5.658)
66. Mauritius (5.648)
67. Libya (5.615)
68. Latvia (5.560)
69. Cyprus (5.546)
70. Paraguay (5.538)
71. Romania (5.528)
72. Estonia (5.517)
73. Jamaica (5.510)
74. Croatia (5.488)
75. Hong Kong (5.458)
76. Somalia (5.440)
77. Kosovo (5.401)
78. Turkey (5.389)
79. Indonesia (5.314)
80. Jordan (5.303)
81. Azerbaijan (5.291)
82. Philippines (5.279)
83. China (5.245)
84. Bhutan (5.196)
85. Kyrgyzstan (5.185)
86. Serbia (5.177)
87. Bosnia and Herzegovina (5.163)
88. Montenegro (5.161)
89. Dominican Republic (5.155)
90. Morocco (5.151)
91. Hungary (5.145)
92. Pakistan (5.132)
93. Lebanon (5.129)
94. Portugal (5.123)
95. Macedonia (5.121)
96. Vietnam (5.061)
97. Somaliland region (5.057)
98. Tunisia (5.045)
99. Greece (5.033)
100. Tajikistan (4.996)
101. Mongolia (4.907)
102. Laos (4.876)
103. Nigeria (4.875)
104. Honduras (4.871)
105. Iran (4.813)
106. Zambia (4.795)
107. Nepal (4.793)
108. Palestinian Territories (4.754)
109. Albania (4.655)
110. Bangladesh (4.643)
111. Sierra Leone (4.635)
112. Iraq (4.575)
113. Namibia (4.574)
114. Cameroon (4.513)
115. Ethiopia (4.508)
116. South Africa (4.459)
117. Sri Lanka (4.415)
118. India (4.404)
119. Myanmar (4.395)
120. Egypt (4.362)
121. Armenia (4.360)
122. Kenya (4.356)
123. Ukraine (4.324)
124. Ghana (4.276)
125. Congo (Kinshasa) (4.272)
126. Georgia (4.252)
127. Congo (Brazzaville) (4.236)
128. Senegal (4.219)
129. Bulgaria (4.217)
130. Mauritania (4.201)
131. Zimbabwe (4.193)
132. Malawi (4.156)
133. Sudan (4.139)
134. Gabon (4.121)
135. Mali (4.073)
136. Haiti (4.028)
137. Botswana (3.974)
138. Comoros (3.956)
139. Ivory Coast (3.916)
140. Cambodia (3.907)
141. Angola (3.866)
142. Niger (3.856)
143. South Sudan (3.832)
144. Chad (3.763)
145. Burkina Faso (3.739)
146. Uganda (3.739)
147. Yemen (3.724)
148. Madagascar (3.695)
149. Tanzania (3.666)
150. Liberia (3.622)
151. Guinea (3.607)
152. Rwanda (3.515)
153. Benin (3.484)
154. Afghanistan (3.360)
155. Togo (3.303)
156. Syria (3.069)
157. Burundi (2.905)

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Thursday, March 17, 2016

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