30 December 2015

Explained 18 Reasons to say No to Free Basics Facebook

Explained 18 Reasons to say No to Free Basics Facebook

Who is the owner of Indian airwaves and wireless spectrum?
The citizens of India are the owners of Indian airwaves and wireless spectrum.
Using which mobile internet is operated.

Government of India just gives licenses to companies to use the wireless waves, airwaves.

August 2013 -
Internet.org announced

February 2014 –
Internet.Org arrived in India

As per media reports Facebook spent more than Rs. 100 Crore on Internt.org but it failed in India

Now for Facebook Basics Facebook may spend Rs. 1000 Crore or more as per Heavenly sources.

Just think why they are spending on advertisements

Sweet Goal of Internet.org that is Free Basics

The initiative aims to provide free internet services on the Reliance network in the states of Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Kerala and Telangana.
In short slowly they want to spread all over India.

Internet.org refers to a collaboration between Facebook and six other companies, namely, Samsung, Qualcomm, Nokia, Ericsson, MediaTek and Opera Software.

But educated intelligent Indian citizens understood its trap and started to oppose it.

Year 2015 –
Facebook has started to promote Internet.org with the new name called as Free Basics.
Free Basics is the part of Internet.org

Facebook has started now an advertisement campaign to promote Free Basics across India on Television, Newspapers, Cinema Halls, Hoardings and Online ads.

Facebook says following –
Free Basics by Facebook provides people with access to useful services on their mobile phones in markets where internet access may be less affordable. The websites are available for free without data charges, and include content on things like news, employment, health, education and local information.

3.2 million people have petitioned TRAI in support of Free Basics.” Let’s again say it for what it is: 3.2 million people out of Facebook’s base of 130 million people who were repeatedly shown a misleading petition by Facebook on top of their pages clicked yes and submit, without being told both sides of the story, and thinking they were doing something for a noble cause, and not to further Facebook’s business strategy.
A large number of them, shocked at realizing what they were conned into doing have since said no.

Everything sounds sweet and Good

But for the future it’s not good

We must oppose Free Basics and Internet.Org

Facebook had earlier collaborated with telecommunications company Reliance Communications to provide its proposed ‘Free Basics’ plan. However, TRAI has told Reliance Communications to delay the launch of Free Basics.

Below are the 18 Reasons to oppose Free Basics in India

Free Basics violates net neutrality, a concept that all Internet traffic should be treated equally.

Free Basics developers can’t innovate on technology without the permission of Facebook

Facebook will decide which site will be free

If few websites become free then how the Indian developers will compete with it.
Open internet helps new startups; I hope you remember the story of Hotmail how Hotmail become hero from the zero.

With Free Basics this will never happen. No Innovations End of Innovations

Free Basics isn’t about bringing people online. It’s about keeping Facebook and its partners free, while everything else remains paid.

Facebook defines what is ‘basic’.
Facebook will decide everything
Facebook will decide what is basic for Indian Citizens.
If anyone want his site on Free Basics, he will be required to join Facebook and submit his application.
It will not happen automatically one will need to take the permission of Facebook

Free Basics will remain free for the users who pay for Internet access.
This will give advantage to Facebook and its partners.

Free Basics is not an open platform. Facebook defines the technical guidelines for Free Basics, and reserves the right to change them. Facebook reserves  right to reject applicants, who are forced to comply with Facebook’s terms and conditions

Facebook gets access to all the usage data and usage patterns of all the sites on Free Basics.

Facebook may give all information to investigative agencies without your permission or without informing you.

Facebook says that Free Basics doesn’t have ads, but does not say that it will never have ads on Free Basics.

Facebook doesn’t pay for Free Basics, telecom operators do. Where do they make money from? From users who pay. By encouraging people to choose Free Basics, Facebook reduces the propensity to bring down data costs for paid Internet access.

Mobile Phone Cost Rs. 4000 or 5000
Then I am sure he or she will be able to buy the 100 Rs. Data pack, search the sites and join them which will help everyone including internet companies.

Facebook is comparing India with poor African countries like Tanzania to promote Free Basics, through Free Basics Facebook is trying to own the Indian wireless waves free of cost.

With Free Basics Facebook will get new members
Facebook will get their data, their life
Data is precious, price of data is billions of dollars
What will happen when users of Facebook Increase because of Free Basics
It will increase the stock price of Facebook company, its listed in stock market
Its makes Mark and his wife rich the owners of Facebook.

With the free basics, users will stop using google or Bing search engines or other search engines
Free basics will indirectly limit the knowledge of people.

Free Basic will limit the political thoughts of people.

Once Free Basic gets permission that is Facebook then Airtel will start Free basics, Google will start Free Basics, this will create a walled internet, a walled garden

A big Jail for Indian citizens.
The Golden Jail on internet controlled by the Facebook

Do you think parrot kept in a Golden Cage does not want freedom?
He also wants freedom

supporting Free Basics means supporting Golden Cage, Golden Jail 

Remember nothing comes Free so forget the word Free
And Say No loud and clear to Free Basics

Suggestions for Facebook –

Do not spend money on Free Basics, scrap Internet.org and Free Basics

Mantra is very simple, provide full and free internet services in Government run schools and give them free computers

Free means Free, give the money to PM Fund and Forget about it

Say No to Free Basics Even Say No to Facebook until they do not cancel the Free Basics program.

Reality views by sm –

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Tags – Facebook Free Basics Explained


Stranger in a Strange Land December 30, 2015  

Hello SM:

You are correct...there is no such thing as free... I no longer use google as my default... have switched to Duck Go Drug... Refuse to fall into the Facebook trap either.

Best wishes to you and all your readers for a freer and happier New Year 2016.


Usha December 30, 2015  

This is not good news...I agree with all the 18 points..Hope Facebook don't get to dominate.

Thanks for checking regularly on blog..at last I was able to make few updates..looking forward to regularly update blog in 2016.

Wishing you and your family a wonderful new year. :)

Destination Infinity December 30, 2015  

I agree with your points. I am not going to encourage free basics and I suggest others don't, as well. Facebook is no charity and all that free access will carry a heavy cost later on, just like people voting for freebies.

Destination Infinity