16 October 2015

Supreme Court strikes down National Judicial Appointments Commission

Supreme Court strikes down National Judicial Appointments Commission

Today in a Historical Judgement Five Judge bench of Supreme Court of India cancelled, strike down the National Judicial Appointments Commission (NJAC)

A five-judge constitution bench headed by Justice J S Khehar , by a 4:1 majority, termed both the amendment and the NJAC Act unconstitutional, because it interfered with the independence of the judiciary.

What was the objective and aim of NJAJ?
In simple and short Indian politicians wanted to control Indian judiciary just like police department and CBI
Thus they brought the law like NJAC supported by Congress and BJP and all other local regional parties.

The NJAC law, passed in 2014 by both Houses of Parliament almost with no dissent, and by 20 states assemblies shows that how much Indian politicians fear the Indian Judiciary which gave strict verdict in cases like 2G scam etc

The Supreme Court struck down the the 99th Constitutional amendment brought by the NDA government. The bench revived the collegium system of appointment of judges

Remember the Politicians got the right to remove the corrupt Judge from his post
Thus in this system there is no problem.

Problem is that Indian politicians are unable to promote corrupt judges easily in this system thus they want to bring NJAC.

BJP and other political parties may shout and say 100% Indians support NJAC but its false and wrong statement
100% Indians do not support the NJAC
But I am sure 100% politicians support the NJAC.

Today Indian judiciary is one of the honest Institution and most important is not controlled by our Indian politicians.

The Supreme Court of India has scheduled November 3 for further hearings on the issue of improving the collegium system of appointment of judges.

Suggested Reading –

Facts History about Collegium system SC judges’ appointment procedure

Reality views by sm –

Friday, October 16, 2015

Tags – Supreme Court NJAC Cancelled


rudraprayaga October 21, 2015  

However it is not on good sign to have a conflict between the parliament and judiciary.