List Worst Countries Ranking To Grow Old To live In Released
List Top Worst Countries Ranking To Grow Old To live In Released by Help Age 2015
People are living for longer all around the world. There are currently around 901 million people aged 60 or over worldwide, representing 12.3 per cent of the global population. By 2030, this will have increased to 1.4 billion or 16.5 per cent, by 2050, it will have increased to 2.1 billion or 21.5 per cent of the global population. People over 60 now outnumber children under five; by 2050, they will outnumber those under 15. These demographic changes are most rapid in the developing world which, by 2050, will be home to eight out of 10 of the world’s over 60s.
HelpAge is a global network that promotes the rights and meets the needs of older women and men. The Global AgeWatch Index ranks countries according to the social and economic well being of older people.
The 2015 Global AgeWatch Index provides an analysis of results by region. It measures four key domains for older people, covering the most crucial aspects of their well being, experience and opportunities. These are: income security, health status, capability, and the enabling environment – factors that older people say are necessary for them to be able to function independently.6 Each domain has a value score, and the average is used to calculate the final ranking
Using the latest available internationally comparable data, it ranks 96 countries, covering
91 per cent of the world’s population aged 60 and over.
This year, Switzerland (1) is at the top, while Afghanistan (96) remains at the bottom. As in 2013 and 2014, the top 19 places are taken by industrialized nations
Switzerland has a range of policies and programmes on active aging, promoting capability, health and the enabling environment for older people.
India was ranked 71 out of 96 countries in the Global AgeWatch Index 2015 compiled by HelpAge International network in partnership with University of Southampton in Britain.
The Index assessed the social and economic well-being of the older population in 96 countries around the world and found Afghanistan, ranked last
Below is the List Names Countries to Grow Old To live in as per ranking released by Help age
1. Switzerland
2. Norway
3. Sweden
4. Germany
5. Canada
6. Netherlands
7. Iceland
8. Japan
9. USA
10. United Kingdom
11. Denmark
12. New Zealand
13. Austria
14. Finland
15. Ireland
16. France
17. Australia
18. Israel
19. Luxembourg
20. Panama
21. Chile
22. Czech Republic
23. Estonia
24. Belgium
25. Spain
26. Slovenia
27. Uruguay
28. Costa Rica
29. Georgia
30. Cyprus
31. Argentina
32. Poland
33. Mexico
34. Thailand
35. Latvia
36. Colombia
37. Italy
38. Portugal
39. Hungary
40. Slovakia
41. Vietnam
42. Mauritius
43. Armenia
44. Ecuador
45. Romania
46. Sri Lanka
47. Malta
48. Peru
49. Bulgaria
50. Philippines
51. Kyrgyzstan
52. China
53. Albania
54. El Salvador
55. Bolivia
56. Brazil
57. Nicaragua
58. Tajikistan
59. Guatemala
60. South Korea
61. Croatia
62. Dominican Republic
63. Lithuania
64. Belarus
65. Russia
66. Serbia
67. Bangladesh
68. Montenegro
69. Paraguay
70. Nepal
71. India
72. Mongolia
73. Ukraine
74. Indonesia
75. Turkey
76. Venezuela
77. Moldova
78. South Africa
79. Greece
80. Cambodia
81. Ghana
82. Honduras
83. Lao PDR
84. Morocco
85. Jordan
86. Nigeria
87. Iraq
88. Uganda
89. Rwanda
90. Zambia
91. Tanzania
92. Pakistan
93. West Bank & Gaza
94. Mozambique
95. Malawi
96. Afghanistan
over are the result of falling fertility and longer lives. In 2015, there are 901 million women and men aged 60 and over worldwide. This figure will reach 1.4 billion by 2030, or 16.5 per cent of the global population – up to three-quarters of whom will live in developing countries.
Over 23 per cent of the world’s women are already aged 50 and over.
In Western Europe, 86.5 per cent of women of retirement age receive a pension, compared with 99.2 per cent of men. In Central and Eastern Europe, the figures are 93.8 per cent and 97.2 per cent respectively, while in Latin America, 52.4 per cent of women and 62.3 per cent of men receive a pension.
India - Rank 71 means not good for old people.
India (71) has 116.6 million people aged 60 and over.Good services are scarce in rural areas where most people live and just 28.9 per cent of older people have a pension. About two-thirds of pensioners receive the general social pension for those who are over 60 and
living under the poverty line; with higher benefits for those over 80.49 Maintenance up to a maximum of Rs10,000 (US$160) a month is available to older people for food, clothing, housing, medical attendance and treatment, under the State of Maintenance and Welfare
of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007. However,awareness is low – a survey by HelpAge India showed that only 59 per cent of respondents were aware of pension eligibility while no one surveyed was aware of the 2007 Act, a potentially effective tool against vulnerability and destitution.
Reality views by sm -
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Tags – Old Age List Best Top Countries Ranking 2015
The cost of living in some of those western countries ranked as 'good' is appalling. Also, most old people live alone in those places. So I don't think this survey has considered all factors required in this issue.
Destination Infinity
@Destination Infinity
In Switzerland majority is automatically everything falls into place..