10 August 2015

Windows 10 Facts about Free Sway App used to make reports or slideshows or videos

Windows 10 Facts about Free Sway App used to make reports or slideshows or videos

Microsoft Corporation has released its digital storytelling app Sway which is now open to public.

Sway is a free app from Microsoft Office. It lets you create and share interactive reports, presentations, personal stories, newsletters, vacation memories, school and work projects, and more.

One will be able to use Sway on windows 10 desktop pc or tablet
Sway is a digital storytelling app for work, school, and home that makes it easy to create and share professional, interactive reports, presentations, stories and more.
Just add your content few clicks and sway will do the rest.

It’s easy to add text, images, videos, maps, tweets, vines, interactive charts, graphics and gifs

Sway suggest searches to help find relevant images, videos, tweets and other content that you can drag and drop right into your creation.

Sways built in design engine takes care of design, if you do not like the first design, customization option is there, Just Remix the design

Sway is now available on PCs and tablets using its Windows 10 operating system

Sway is available on following –
1-Web – sway.com
2-Windows 10 – windows store
3-IPhone – apple iTunes

In short features of Sway –

Following are the features of Sway App, software
Tell your story with interactive content

See suggested search results based on your content

Automatic Design or can customize the design

Easily share the link, embed,

Sync through the cloud

View and edit across your devices

Sign in with your work, school, or Microsoft account

Import videos from YouTube and images from Vine and music from Soundcloud

Users do not need subscription to use sway. Sway is free app.

How to download Sway?

It is very easy.

If you are using Windows 10 operating system.
Just click on the windows store
Type Sway in search box
It will show you sway app
Just download it
File size – 62.2 MB

Watch the Sway Tutorials

Reality views by sm –

Monday, August 10, 2015

Tags – Win 10 Download Sway App Tips Tricks


Kirtivasan Ganesan August 10, 2015  

Most importantly, a sway document is enjoyed viewing in mobiles.

Destination Infinity August 10, 2015  

Wow, that's great news. Now I am tempted to install Windows 10 :)

Destination Infinity

RioZee August 11, 2015  

Very explicitly outlined the features. Kudos.

Yahoo customer service number August 11, 2015  

Great post! Thank you so much for your informative and useful post. Such a very helpful for me.

rudraprayaga August 11, 2015  

Thank you for the info.