07 August 2015

Explained Windows 10 Wi-Fi Sense Privacy and Security

Explained Windows 10 Wi-Fi Sense Privacy and Security
Windows 10 got a new feature called as Wi-Fi Sense
Wi-Fi Sense is available on Windows 10, but not on earlier versions of Windows.
Wi-Fi Sense isn't available in all countries or regions.
You need to be signed in with your Microsoft account to use Wi-Fi Sense.

System or OS requirement –
PC running windows 10 operating system or windows 10 mobile device

What is Wi-Fi Sense?

Wi‑Fi Sense automatically connects you to Wi‑Fi, so you can get online quickly in more places. It can connect you to open Wi‑Fi hotspots it knows about through crowdsourcing, or to Wi‑Fi networks your contacts have shared with you by using Wi‑Fi Sense.

What does Wi-Fi Sense do?
Wi-Fi Sense connects you to Wi-Fi networks around you. It can do these things for you to get you Internet access –

Automatically connect you to open Wi-Fi networks it knows about by crowdsourcing networks that other people using Windows have connected to. These are typically open Wi-Fi hotspots you see when you're out and about.

Automatically connect you to Wi-Fi networks that your Facebook friends, Outlook.com contacts, or Skype contacts have shared with you after you've shared at least one network with your contacts.

When you and your contacts share Wi-Fi networks with each other, you give each other Internet access, but don't get to see each other's passwords.

No networks are shared automatically. When you first connect to a network that you decide to share, you'll need to enter the password, and then select the Share network with my contacts check box to share that network.

The initial settings for Wi-Fi Sense are determined by the options you chose when you first set up your PC with Windows 10.
You can change your Wi-Fi Sense settings anytime by selecting
Settings > Network & Internet > Wi-Fi > Manage WI-Fi settings, and then changing one or both of these settings under Wi-Fi Sense –
Connect to suggested open hotspots
Connect to networks shared by my contacts

Can Wi-Fi Sense discover my location even if I have the Windows location service turned off for my user account?

Yes. Wi-Fi Sense can discover your device location even when location is turned off for your user account. This is true whenever Wi-Fi Sense is turned on. Wi-Fi Sense uses your location to find suggested open Wi-Fi hotspots.

What determines if Wi-Fi Sense will automatically connect to open Wi-Fi hotspots?
Wi-Fi Sense will automatically connect you to suggested open Wi-Fi hotspots if you have Connect to suggested open hotspots turned on in Settings > Network & Internet > Wi-Fi > Manage Wi-Fi settings. This is turned on already if you did either of these:
Selected Use Express settings when you first set up your PC with Windows 10 or Chose Customize settings during setup, then turned on automatically connect to suggested open hotspots. Not all networks are secure.

What determines if Wi-Fi Sense will automatically connect me to Wi-Fi networks my contacts have shared with me?
Wi-Fi Sense will automatically connect you to Wi-Fi networks your Facebook friends, Outlook.com contacts, or Skype contacts have shared with you if you have Connect to networks shared by my contacts turned on in
Settings > Network & Internet > Wi-Fi > Manage Wi-Fi settings and you've shared at least one network with your contacts.
This is turned on already if you did either of these:
Selected Use Express settings when you first set up your PC with Windows 10
Chose Customize settings during setup, then turned on automatically connect to networks shared by your contacts

How can I share Wi-Fi network access with my contacts?
Sharing access to password-protected Wi-Fi networks gives your Facebook friends, Outlook.com contacts, or Skype contacts Internet access without them seeing your Wi-Fi network passwords. Your contacts and friends then get automatically connected to the Wi-Fi network you share if they're using Wi-Fi Sense on their PC running Windows 10, or on their phone if it's running Windows 10 Mobile. Likewise, your PC will automatically connect to Wi-Fi networks they share with you to give you Internet access.
if you want to share a Wi-Fi network when you first connect to it, and you and your contacts give and get Internet access without seeing each other's network passwords.
They won't have access to other computers, devices, or files stored on your home network, and you won't have access to these things on their network.

To share Wi-Fi network access with your contacts
Go to Start SS, then select Settings > Network & Internet > Wi-Fi > Manage Wi-Fi settings.

Turn on Connect to networks shared by my contacts.
When this option is turned on, you'll be able to do two things automatically get connected to password-protected Wi-Fi networks your contacts share with you, and select Wi-Fi networks to share with your contacts by using Wi-Fi Sense.

Do all my Facebook friends, Skype contacts, and Outlook.com contacts have access to the networks I share?
You control whether you want to share your password-protected network with your contacts using Wi-Fi Sense. You can share a network with just your Facebook friends, mutual Skype contacts, or mutual Outlook.com contacts, or with all three groups if you want. It's up to you.

Can I choose to share Wi-Fi networks with individual contacts?
No, you can't pick and choose individual contacts. You can only share with groups of contacts. For example, if you share password-protected Wi-Fi networks with your Skype contacts, all your Skype contacts will have Internet access over the networks you share.

If you don't want to use Wi-Fi Sense, you can go to Settings > Network & Internet > Wi-Fi > Manage Wi-Fi settings, and then turn off Connect to suggested open hotspots and Connect to networks shared by my contacts.

I'm sharing a network and want to stop it. How do I do that?
If you're sharing Wi-Fi network access and want to stop sharing a certain network, do the following:
To stop sharing access to a Wi-Fi network
Go to Start SS > Settings > Network & Internet > Wi-Fi > Manage Wi-Fi settings  Under Manage known networks, select the network that you want to stop sharing access to, and then select Stop sharing.
It can take a few days for the network to stop being shared. This is also true if a user is already connected to the network.

Recommendation - Never use Never try it disable it
Suggestion regarding using WI –Fi Sense Feature
Disable Wi-Fi Sense never use it
Never Use it if you are not expert
Never use Wi-Fi Sense if you keep important data on hdd
Never Use Wi-Fi Sense if you don’t like to learn about computer settings
Never use it if you are dependent on your friend’s knowledge or someone else
You will need to configure your router also to fully opt out of Windows 10 Wi-Fi Sense feature.
You will need to change your network name
Example –
Network name – Star one
Microsoft will use it
To disable this you will need to add “_opt out” to your network name that is star one
New network name will become starone_optout

Reality views by sm –

Friday, August 7, 2015

Tags – Windows 10 Dummies Bible Tips Tricks WI –Fi Sense Security Disable


Unknown August 07, 2015  

Thanks. This is really useful for when I update my PC.

Mystic August 10, 2015  

Helpful. I was wondering about reading about it ad your blog just seemed to answer my questions :)

rudraprayaga August 11, 2015  

Seems helpful.Everyday technology journeys in new paths.