Know 25 important Windows 10 Keyboard Shortcuts
Know 25 important Windows 10 Keyboard Shortcuts
Below is the list of most useful windows 10 keyboard shortcuts
Window snapping –
App windows can be snapped to either side of the screen,
You can also assign them to quadrants and get four windows open on screen simultaneously.
Windows Key+Left —
Snap active window to the left.
Windows Key+Right —
Snap active window to the right.
Windows Key+up —
Snap the active window to the top.
Windows Key+down —
Snap the active window to the bottom
Virtual desktops –
Virtual Desktop indirectly means using invisible monitor which you can use gives extra privacy and freedom to hide open desktop
Windows Key+Ctrl+D — create a new virtual desktop.
Windows Key+Ctrl+Left — scroll through your desktops to the left.
Windows Key+Ctrl+Right — scroll through your desktops to the right.
Windows Key+Ctrl+F4 — close the current desktop.
Windows Key+Tab —
See all your desktops (and open apps!) via the Task View page.
Cortana and settings –
Windows Key+Q — open up Cortana ready for voice input.
Windows Key+S — open up Cortana ready for typed input.
Windows Key+I — open up the Windows 10 settings pane.
Windows Key+A — open up Windows 10 notifications (Action Center).
Windows Key+X — open the Start button context menu
Command prompt windows 10 short cuts
Ctrl+C — copy selected text to the Windows clipboard.
Ctrl+V — paste text from the Windows clipboard into command prompt.
Ctrl+A — select all text after the prompt.
Shift+Left — highlight text to the left of the cursor.
Shift+Right — highlight text to the left of the cursor.
Ctrl+Shift+Left (or Right) —
Highlight blocks of text instead of just characters at a time.
Windows Key+D — minimize apps to go straight to the desktop.
Ctrl+Shift+M — restore all minimized windows to full-size
Windows Key+Home — minimize all windows except the one you’re actively using
Windows Key+L — lock your PC and go to the lock screen
Windows Key+E — launch File Explorer (Windows Explorer)
Alt+Up — go up one level in File Explorer
Alt+Left — go to the previous folder in File Explorer
Alt+Right — go to the next folder in File Explorer
Windows Key+Shift+Left (or Right) —
Move a window to your next monitor.
Windows Key+Any Number Key —
Open the app pinned to the taskbar in the numbered position
(E.g. win+4 launches the number 4 app from taskbar)
Windows Key+Shift+Any Number Key —
Launch a new instance of the app in the numbered taskbar slot
Windows Key+Ctrl+Shift+Any Number Key —
Admin power launch -
Launch a new instance of the app in the numbered taskbar slot
Ctrl+Shift+Esc —
Open the Windows 10 Task Manager
Windows Key+R —
Open the Run dialog box
Shift+Delete —
Delete files without sending them to the Recycle Bin
Alt+Enter —
Show the properties of the currently selected file
Windows Key+U —
Open the Ease of Access Center
Windows Key+Space —
Switch input language and keyboard.
Windows Key+PrtScr —
Take a screenshot saved to your Pictures folder.
Windows Key+G —
Open the Game DVR recorder (if supported by your graphics card)
Windows Key+Alt+G —
Start recording activity in the current window.
Windows Key+Alt+R — stop recording in the Game DVR.
Windows Key+P —
Switch between display modes if secondary display connected
Windows Key+plus —
Zoom in using the Magnifier utility
Windows Key+minus —
Zoom out using the Magnifier utility.
Ctrl+C (or Ctrl+Insert) - Copy the selected item
Ctrl+X - Cut the selected item
Ctrl+V (or Shift+Insert) - Paste the selected item
Ctrl+Z - Undo an action
F2 - Rename the selected item
F3 - Search for a file or folder in File Explorer
F4 - Display the address bar list in File Explorer
F5 - Refresh the active window
F6 - Cycle through screen elements in a window or on the desktop
F10 - Activate the Menu bar in the active app
Alt+F4 - Close the active item, or exit the active app
Calculator shortcuts –
Once you open the calculator after that you can use the below short cuts
Alt+1 - Switch to Standard mode
Alt+2 - Switch to Scientific mode
Alt+3 - Switch to Programmer mode
Ctrl+M - Store in memory
Ctrl+P - Add to memory
Ctrl+Q - Subtract from memory
Ctrl+R - Recall from memory
Ctrl+L - Clear memory
Ctrl+H - Turn calculation history on or off
Up arrow - Move up in history list
Down arrow - Move down in history list
Ctrl+Shift+D - Clear history
23 –
The following table contains keyboard shortcuts for working with Windows Journal.
F5 - Refresh the note list
F6 - Toggle between a note list and a note
F11 - View a note in full-screen mode
Ctrl+N - Start a new note
Ctrl+O - Open a recently used note
Ctrl+P - Print a note
Ctrl+S - Save changes to a note
Ctrl+V - Paste a selection from the Clipboard
Ctrl+X - Cut a selection
Ctrl+Y - Redo a change
Ctrl+Z - Undo a change
Alt+F4 - Close a note and its Journal window
The following table contains keyboard shortcuts for working with WordPad.
F10 - Display keytips
F12 - Save the document as a new file
Ctrl+1 - Set single line spacing
Ctrl+2 - Set double line spacing
Ctrl+5 - Set line spacing to 1.5
Ctrl+A - Select the entire document
Ctrl+B - Make selected text bold
The following table contains keyboard shortcuts for working with Paint.
F11 - View a picture in full-screen mode
F12 - Save the picture as a new file
Ctrl+A - Select the entire picture
Ctrl+N - Create a new picture
Ctrl+O - Open an existing picture
Reality views by sm –
Saturday, August 1, 2015
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