30 July 2015

Explained 20 Windows 10 upgrade activation error codes

Explained 20 Windows 10 upgrade activation error codes
Understand meaning of Windows 10 upgrade installation errors

Below is the lists of most common windows 10 upgrade and installation errors, and a few things you can try to fix the problems.

Code 0x80073712 -
This error might mean that a file needed by Windows Update is damaged or missing.

Code 0x800F0923 –
This error might mean that a driver or other software on your PC isn't compatible with the upgrade to Windows 10. For info about how to fix this problem,

Code 0x80200056 –
This error might mean that the upgrade process was interrupted because you accidentally restarted your PC or signed out of your PC. Try upgrading again and make sure your PC is plugged in and stays turned on.

Code 0x800F0922 –
This error might mean that your PC couldn't connect to the Windows Update servers. If you're using a VPN connection to connect to a work network, disconnect from the network and turn off the VPN software (if applicable), and try upgrading again.
The error could also mean there isn't enough free space in the System Reserved partition. You might be able to fix this problem by using third-party software to increase the size of the System Reserved partition.

Code 0xC1900208 – 0x4000C –
This error might mean that an incompatible app installed on your PC is blocking the upgrade process from completing. Check to make sure that any incompatible apps are uninstalled and then try upgrading again.

Code 0xC1900200 – 0x20008 or Code 0xC1900202 – 0x20008
This error might mean that your PC doesn’t meet the minimum requirements to download or install the upgrade to Windows 10.

Code 0x80070070 – 0x50011 -
Code 0x80070070 – 0x50012 -
Code 0x80070070 – 0x60000 –
This error might mean that your PC doesn’t have enough space available to install the upgrade. Free some space on the drive and try again.

Activation Error –
Windows 10 isn't activated after upgrading for free from Windows 7 SP1 or Windows 8.1 Update
If you upgraded to Windows 10 for free and ended up in a non-activated state, try following these steps:
 Go to Start Start button icon, then select Settings > Update & security > Activation.
Select Go to Store, and check to see if a valid license is available for your device. If a valid license isn't available, you'll need to buy Windows from the Store.
This only applies if you haven't made any hardware changes to your device.
If you don't see the Go to Store button on the Activation page, contact your organization's support person.

Genuine Validation detected tampered Windows binaries. (Error code: 0xC004C4AE)
You might see this error if you used a third-party app to add a display language that isn't currently supported by Windows. To fix the problem, you can restore your PC to an earlier point in time to undo the changes that were made to Windows.
If this doesn't fix the problem, it's possible that your copy of Windows isn't valid and you'll need to buy a new copy.

The Software Licensing Service determined that this specified product key can only be used for upgrading, not for clean installations.
 (Error code: 0xC004F061)
You might see this error if a previous version of Windows wasn't installed on your PC before you tried using a product key to upgrade to Windows 10. In order to upgrade, you need to have Windows 8 or Windows 7 already on your PC.

A networking problem has occurred while activating your copy of Windows. (Error code: 0xC004FC03)
You might see this error if you're not connected to the Internet or your firewall settings are preventing Windows from completing the activation process online. Check to make sure you're connected to the Internet and your firewall isn't blocking Windows from activating. If you're still having problems, you can try activating Windows by phone.

The activation server reported that the product key has exceeded it’s unlock limit. (Error code: 0xC004C008)
You might see this error if the product key has already been used on another PC, or it's being used on more PCs than the Microsoft Software License Terms allow. To fix the problem, you'll need to buy a product key for each one of your PCs to activate Windows on them.
You can buy a new product key from the Windows Store or a participating retailer. To buy a product key from the Store:
 Go to Start Start button icon, then select Settings > Update & security > Activation.
Select Go to Store, and then follow the instructions to buy Windows.

This product key didn't work. (Error code: 0xC004C003)
You might also see this error if you're using an invalid product key. You'll need to buy a new product key, or if you bought a PC with Windows preinstalled, contact the PC manufacturer for the original key.

The activation server reported that the Multiple Activation Key has exceeded its limit. (Error code: 0xC004C020)
This error occurs when a Volume License (a license that has been bought from Microsoft by a business to install Windows on multiple PCs) has been used on more PCs than the Microsoft Software License Terms allow. To fix the problem, you might need to use a different product key to activate your PC.

DNS name does not exist. (Error code: 0x8007232B)
The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect. (Error code: 0x8007007B)
You might see this error if you're trying to activate your work PC but aren't connected to your workplace's network. If you're connected to your work network and still see this error, you might need to change your network settings.
You might need to enter your product key again. Follow these steps:
Go to Start Start button icon, then select Settings > Update & security > Activation.
Select Change product key, and then enter your 25-character product key.
Administrator permission required you might be asked for an admin password or to confirm your choice.

A security error occurred. (Error code: 0x80072F8F)
You might see this error if the PC’s date and time are incorrect or Windows is having trouble connecting to the online activation service and can't verify your product key.
To verify your PC's date and time, follow these steps:
Go to Start Start button icon, then select Settings > Time & language > Date & time
 Check to make sure your PC is using the correct date and time.
 To check your Internet connection, follow these steps:
Enter network troubleshooter in the search box on the taskbar, and then select Identify and repair network problems.
Follow the instructions on the screen to fix any problems with your network.
If the network troubleshooter didn't find any problems with your network connection, try restarting your PC to see if that fixes the problem.

The Software Licensing Service reported that the license evaluation failed. (Error code: 0xC004E003)
You might see this error after installing third-party software that changed system files. Windows activation needs certain system files to complete activation. You can try to restore your PC's system files back to an earlier point in time. This will remove any software you installed after that point in time without affecting your personal files

Unspecified error. (Error code: 0x80004005)
If you see this error, go to Start Start button icon, then select Settings > Update & security > Activation, and then select Activate Windows to try and manually activate Windows. If that doesn't work, you might need to reset your PC.

These are generic errors that might appear any time a Windows update fails. You'll need to determine the specific error code to investigate how to best resolve this problem.
You can find the error code for the failed update by viewing your update history. Look for the update that wasn't installed, note the error code this will make it easy for you to solve the problem
To view your update history in Windows 8.1 –
Open Windows Update by swiping in from the right edge of the screen (or, if you're using a mouse, pointing to the lower-right corner of the screen and moving the mouse pointer up), Selecting Settings, choosing Change PC settings, and then selecting Update and recovery.
 Select View your update history.

To view your update history in Windows 7 –
Select the Start button. In the search box, type Update, and then, in the list of results, select Windows Update.
Click View update history.

How to activate windows 10?
Windows 10 product activation
To start Product Activation:
 Go to Start, then select Settings, choose Update & security, and then select Activation.
If your device is not activated, then  Activate by phone option will be available.

Users can not activate Windows 10 using a Windows 7 or Windows 8/8.1 product key.
Upgraded Windows 10 PCs do NOT use unique product keys for Activation all upgraded Windows 10 PCs use the same generic product key that activates only if you launched upgrade while booted in your Windows 7/8 system.

Skip entering the product key during Windows 10 Setup. Windows 10 will activate online automatically on such devices. The skip option is only available when booting from media and launching Windows 10 setup

Always remember if in future you change your motherboard you may not be able to activate automatically, you will need to contact Microsoft support.

If you are upgrading and you got 2 hard disk, in such case just disconnect your second hard disk then start your upgrade process.

Suggested Reading –

Download Windows 10 Official ISO Files to install Windows 10

Reality views by sm –

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Tags – Windows 10 Upgrade Activation Error Code Fix Explanation


rudraprayaga July 30, 2015  

Thank you for such info.