29 May 2015

IIT Madras Bans students group for criticizing PM Narendra Modi

IIT Madras Bans students group The Ambedkar Periyar Student Circle for criticizing PM Narendra Modi

Union Human Resource Development Ministry has directed IIT-Madras to ban a discussion forum which was critical of the PM Narendra Modi government.

The APSC was created as a discussion forum on April 14, 2014 by a group of politically-inclined students from IIT-Madras to promote the ideology and writings of B R Ambedkar and Periyar. The objective was to initiate debates on socio-economic and cultural issues while examining them through the prism of Dalit rights and aspirations of the backward classes.

The Ambedkar Periyar Student Circle at IIT-Madras was banned from holding the event after the HRD Ministry received an 'anonymous' complaint against the event.

Without giving any hearing just like an obedient cow, IIT Madras banned the group

The Ambedkar Periyar Study Circle has been told that it can't use the auditorium, the IIT email and the institute notice board.

What group wanted to do?

It is alleged that the forum tried to mobilize students from Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes against Modi government's policies propagating Hindi and banning cow slaughter.

Abhinav, a member of the study circle told to NDTV following “We have not violated the Constitution. The Constitution allows us to criticize the government and its policies. But the IIT administration is trying to stifle democratic forces,"

The student group has claimed that they were denied a chance to present their case by the IIT authorities.

This is against the freedom of speech

But now someone from IIT Madras will get Promotion or some kind of gift from BJP Government in coming days for following their orders

Reality views by sm –

Friday, May 29, 2015

Tags – Freedom of Speech


Sandhya May 30, 2015  

Students being active in political parties is not new. Now, the media looks for 'breaking news' all the time. They fuel even small sparks.