24 April 2015

Mediclaim Policy New India Assurance to refund money to senior citizens

Mediclaim Policy New India Assurance to refund money to senior citizens

As per the order dated 11th December 2014 given by the Honorable High Court Bombay in case of
Public Interest Litigation No. 71 of 2008 – A/C,
Dr. Babulal K. Shah Vs. The New India Assurance Company Ltd, now company will refund the money to senior citizens who were charged more premium

The senior citizens who were holding mediclaim policies issued by The New India Assurance Company Limited as on 16th August 2007 were not liable to pay premium on the renewed policy calculated on the basis of the running age of the insured on the date of the policy and their liability was to pay the premium calculated on the basis of the completed age of the insured.

The New India Assurance Company to refund the excess premium recovered from the insured, Dr. Babulal K. Shah, together with interest at the rate of 6% per annum from 7th October 2007 till date of payment. The amount shall be paid within a period of two months from the date of Hon'ble High Court Order dated 11 – 12 – 2014

High Court ordered the company to give publicity to this judgement So that the senior citizens, who are similarly placed, can make applications for refund of excess premium within a period of six months.
Such senior citizen, if found eligible, shall be entitled to refund of excess premium together with interest at the rate of 6% per annum

In short all the Senior Citizens, who were having Mediclaim Policies as on
16th August 2007 and who have been charged premium on running age but not on completed age  can fill the form and submit application for the refund , if found eligible New India Assurance will refund money to senior citizens

The concerned senior citizen can download the application form and submit the same with all the relevant document at the address mentioned in the application form.  Further, senior citizen may send the application with all scanned documents to dedicated email LD:
The contact person is:  Mr.  Devdutt Vaidva,
Administrative Office, Health Department,
The New India Assurance Company Ltd. Mumbai

Below is the link to download application form


Source - http://newindia.co.in/index.aspx

Reality views by sm –

Friday, April 24, 2015

Tags – Mediclaim Policy 2012 2007 Senior Citizen Refund


Sandhya April 24, 2015  

This is good news for many...useful information, sm!

Destination Infinity April 24, 2015  

Yes, a good effort from you to spread this useful news.

Destination Infinity