Explained Net Neutrality why we must support Net Neutrality
Explained Net Neutrality why we must support Net Neutrality
What is the meaning of Net Neutrality?
Legally, the concept of net neutrality doesn't exist in India.
And Government is trying to bring it in but beware Indian Politicians always work only for the Corporates and Big Business Houses
Above is the reason every Indian Internet User needs to support Net Neutrality.
US, Chile, Netherlands and Brazil have already adopted Net Neutrality that doesn't allow discrimination of Internet content or charge users differently based on the content, site, or platform they consume, back home
Airtel recently announced another initiative, Airtel Zero, an open marketing platform that allows customers to access a variety of mobile applications for free, with the data charges being paid by start-ups and large companies. This too is considered to be against Net neutrality.
Flipkart co-founder Sachin Bansal had tweeted his support for Airtel Zero
Remember First time is always Free and later companies start to charge directly or indirectly
Currently as per my knowledge all Indian Internet Service Providing companies are making profits but remember any intelligent CA can show that Xyz Company is not making profits because of Whatsapp or Skype.
Net neutrality means when a service provider sells you data they don't get to choose how the data is used.
Net Neutrality is a concept where Internet users, Customers of Internet service providers get equal access to all websites and services on the internet
Here equal access means that Internet providers should not reduce the speed of internet or stop the access to any website using the software or hardware
Internet user is a king and he should be free to visit any website he likes.
The role of Internet provider should be to only provide the internet services and follow the orders of Courts.
Using any tricks Internet Provider should never cross their limits that is to promote the xyz website or app because that company has paid money to the ISP.
The Internet must be kept open and neutral. Reachability between all endpoints connected to the Internet, without any form of restriction, must be maintained.
All data traffic should be treated on an equitable basis no matter its sender, recipient, type, or content. All forms of discriminatory traffic management, such as blocking or throttling should be prohibited.
Network service providers should refrain from any interference with internet users’ freedom to access content (including applications of their choice)
Network service providers should refrain from any interference with internet users’ freedom to access content (including applications of their choice)
Network service providers should refrain from any interference with internet users’ freedom to access content (including applications of their choice)
What will happen if we lose the Net Neutrality in India?
Today in India Cable companies decide what you can watch and what you cannot
They can show advertisement anywhere and whenever they want as a consumer of DTH or Cable TV service we have no choice
Example is Sound or Volume and TV Advertisement -
Did you ever realize that why the sound of your TV automatically goes up in break time when they show the Ads?
Above is just general example to make you aware what will happen once we lose the net neutrality.
Internet service providers will decide the speed of your internet.
They will be able to limit to speed or increase the speed.
They will take money from companies or apps and they will become the agents of those websites or apps and will do everything to promote only those sites and apps which will pay them.
Then they will bring the different Plans for consumers
Example of Plans –
No charges to visit Flipcart site.
Pay Rs. 100 to visit Indian Sites.
Pay Rs. 500 to visit US sites.
Top up plan to visit Facebook pay Rs. 10 per day buy the yearly package and get 50% discount.
To visit adult sites pay Rs. 5000 monthly fees otherwise ISP will ban those pages legal or illegal it does not matter.
The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) issued a 118-page long consultation paper on the regulatory framework of over-the-top services (OTTS) like search engines, video platforms and social networks on March 27.
It says that OTTS rely on broadband and mobile service providers’ infrastructure to reach users, and compete not only with local online services, but brick-and-mortar businesses too. As in other countries, the debate is about how these services should be regulated, whether internet service providers should be allowed to prioritize traffic and charge for various kinds of content.
President Barack Obama and his views on Net Neutrality and USA
Earlier this year, the US FCC approved landmark Internet rules that would prevent broadband providers from separating online traffic into slow and fast lanes. The plan prohibits service providers from blocking content or slowing one service, such as streaming video operator Netflix, to support a rival like Hulu.
US President Barack Obama came in support of Net Neutrality, urging the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to implement the strongest possible rules to protect net neutrality and ensure that “neither the cable company nor the phone company will be able to act as a gatekeeper, restricting what you can do or see online”.
He added – “We cannot allow Internet service providers (ISPs) to restrict the best access or to pick winners and losers in the online marketplace for services and ideas”. ISPs should not intentionally slow down some content or speed up others based on the type of service or their preferences. The connection between consumers and ISPs is not the only place some sites might get special treatment. Hence, if necessary, FCC should apply net neutrality rules to points of interconnection between the ISP and the rest of the Internet.
No service should be stuck in a “slow lane” because it does not pay a fee. President Obama asked for an explicit ban on paid prioritization and any other restriction that has a similar effect.
Obama mentioned that FCC should make these rules fully applicable to mobile broadband as well, due to the increasing adoption of mobile devices to access the Internet. He also asked FCC to reclassify consumer broadband service as a public utility
Let us hope Prime Minister Modi will follow the steps of President Obama and sees that Net Neutrality wins in India and not Corporates or rich internet service providing companies.
Reality views by sm –
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Tags – Net Neutrality India
I don't fully understand this net neutrality, but I guess it reflects the recent outrage over a service provider deciding to charge more for Skype calls when users are already paying for the bandwidth.
Destination Infinity
@Destination Infinity