CIC issues Show cause notices to BJP, Congress Ignored RTI Act
CIC issues Show cause notices to BJP, Congress Ignored RTI Act
Last year the CIC had declared six national parties —
As public authorities, thereby bringing them under the ambit of the Right to Information Act.
The Commission had issued notices on February 7 and March 25 to these political parties seeking their detailed comments on the complaint by Mr. Agrawal that they had not complied with the orders of the CIC.
None of the political parties either contested the decision in courts or followed the instructions of the CIC.
Political parties just ignored the orders showing that they are the rulers and kings of India
They are above law.
The Central Information Commission (CIC) has issued show-cause notices to BJP President Amit Shah and Congress chief Sonia Gandhi along with the heads of four other political parties asking why an inquiry should not be instituted in the matter of non-compliance of its order to implement the RTI Act.
Show cause notice says that -
“Therefore, a notice is issued to show cause within four weeks as to why an inquiry should not be initiated in the matter of non-compliance of the Commission’s order dated June 3, 2013, under Section 18 of the RTI Act, 2005
Take further notice that if you fail to respond within prescribed time, the matter will be processed on the strength of material on record, in accordance with law,”
Refusal to provide information or not furnishing complete information is deemed an offence under the RTI Act and attracts a penalty for the public information officer of the public authority of Rs. 250 per day from the date the information became due to the day it was furnished.
Government needs to reform the about punishment and must give power to CIC using which CIC can send the heads of the organization to Jail which come under Right to Information Act.
Government also needs to increase the fine amount from Rs. 250 to Rs. 1 Lakh per day fine
This way a fear will get created among the organizations and everyone will start to follow the CIC orders.
A good law always creates a fear among the criminals and helps the honest citizens
Exact opposite happens in India
Reality views by sm –
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Tags – Right To Information Act
where will this notice end up?!!
a good question and everyone knows the answer