20 June 2014

Government to give awards to Hindi users not to users of English Marathi Tamil Telgu other languages

Government to give awards to Hindi users not to users of English Marathi Tamil Telgu other languages

The Home Ministry's official language department had issued a circular on May 27 asking all Ministries and Departments, public sector undertakings and banks to give prominence to Hindi on official accounts in social media.

All officers and employees who operate official accounts on Twitter, Facebook, Blogs, Google, and Youtube should use Hindi and English languages. Prominence should be given to Hindi," Director, official language, Avadesh Kumar Mishra wrote in the directive.

Another circular announced prize money of Rs 2,000 to two employees who do their official work mostly in Hindi. Rs 1,200 and Rs 600 will be given to the second and third position holders respectively.

DMK Chief M Karunanidhi said "Giving priority to Hindi will be construed as a first step towards attempt at creating differences among non-Hindi speaking people and making them second class citizens.’’

First we must understand that Hindi is not our National Language, Hindi is an official language just like English Language

India cannot have and will never get a national language , because doing it will start a language war in India and may result in something which we citizens of India never dream and do not wish

Let us hope Modi government will award the users of English language also

Suggested Reading –

India – Do you think you know India has a National Language?

India, Independence and Hindi Language Problem –

Reality views by sm –

Friday, June 20, 2014

Tags – Hindi Language


Destination Infinity June 20, 2014  

We keep fighting between Hindi & Tamil, etc. while English keeps sweeping the nation!

Destination Infinity

Bikram June 20, 2014  

that is a silly i must say .. hindi is not spoken in every state .. why have politics on language also ..


Sandhya June 20, 2014  

Whether we like it or not, we are addicted to English! There is no meaning in 'imposing' Hindi on non-hindi speaking regions. This is not a good move by the BJP govt.

Renu June 20, 2014  

why have politics here..but when we can accept English why hesitation for hindi?

SM June 21, 2014  

why not ancient language of God or other language

vinod saraswat November 01, 2015  

Now We Rajasthani being hindi Hater. because central govt. continue ignore the our demand. our demand is, our language rajasthani should be included in the 8the schdule of indian constitution. since 22 languages are in 8th schudle of indian constitution. we are demanding its last 67 years. our movment going out non violence. but govt. are playing with our sentiments. our youths are trailed in govt. job. because they are compitition fighting with all over india. this is not justified. compition should be with home state only. but rajasthan are open for all bulls. out sider looting our jobs. why one {UP} student are Top in Rajasthan publice service commission. why rajasthani are trailing. because
rajasthan are hindi pradesh. this so called hindi are lootting our jobs and as well as destryoing our culture and language. so that we are being hindi hater.