27 June 2014

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BJP Health minister Dr. Harsh Vardhan ban sex education in schools

BJP Health minister Dr. Harsh Vardhan ban sex education in schools

Health minister Dr. Harsh Vardhan in his  "vision" document for Delhi schools, Vardhan, himself a doctor, has said, "So-called 'sex education' (should) to be banned.

Before this also Health minister Dr. Harsh Vardhan had created a stir by claiming the supremacy of fidelity as an AIDS prevention measure. "Condoms promise safe sex, but the safest sex is through faithfulness to one's partner. Prevention is always better than cure,"

Reasons to ban sex education in schools –
1-Sex education corrupts youth

2-Sex education offends Indian values

3-Sex Education leads to promiscuity

4-Sex education encourages experimentation

5-Sex education encourages irresponsible sexual behavior

If you read all the above reasons you can easily find that everything is happening from ancient times

Nature shows its magic what one may do

Always remember that once you control the sexual lives of males and females, they citizens automatically become the slave of a king or government

This is one of the most important reason from ancient times for one or other reason sexual life is controlled by king or government with the help of others

Reality views by sm –

Friday, June 27, 2014

Tags – Sex Education Ban Harsh Vardhan 


Usha June 27, 2014  

Dr.Harsh Vardhan don't deserve to be a health minister...How can he have such an unwise opinion. I hope it is not implemented.

Renu June 27, 2014  

Are we going backward?