Mantra Tips Ideas Ingredients of popular TV serial with Highest TRP ratings
Mantra Tips Ideas Ingredients of popular TV serial with Highest TRP ratings
Following are the ideas, tips or guidelines or ingredients of a super hit television serials
The Hidden Mantra of Super Hit TV serials
Glorify the evil customs of society and display that we do not support that evil tradition or custom.
Example – Child Marriage, Sati,
Glorify the traditions and customs indirectly which proves that female gender is weak, inferior when compared with male gender
Show the historical serials with wrong facts and proudly display the message that we do not claim our serial has any historical relevance.
Show the Poor Family residing in big houses.
Show the 2 females in television serial who obey the males indirectly, one female is good and other is bad and show until the end of serial that good female is beaten by everyone in every episode, show her a foolish DIL who is beaten by everyone but DIL keeps obeying and respecting everyone.
Never ever touch the real problems faced by the society
Glorify the customs and traditions even if in real society majority even don’t follow them
Never ever touch the subject the sex in serial
After Marriage also never ever show husband and wife sleeping together or show that wife telling to husband I am not ready and [fool] husband staying with wife happily even after he doesn’t get to touch her for few years in a serial.
Just think that Indian viewers are fools and make the serials like foolish and it will become successful
Kill the characters in serial and after few days show them alive saying that the character who was died in past was a duplicate
Never show anyone doing hard work, just pray to God and character becomes successful
Show that each character in serial becomes mad turn by turn and waste the time TV viewers
Show the memory loss of main character again and again
Never ever dare to show Historical truths in serials
Never ever show corruption in serial and real life problems
Just remember that you are making TV serial for the 3 monkeys of Gandhi
And serial will be a huge success with TRP rating
Reality views by sm –
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Tags – Mantra TRP TV serial Success
We don't have access to Indian television here so no idea what all serial run on Indian Television but your post gives complete idea....I don't understand why people are attracted to such unreal shows...people waste their time and others make money and fame. Tip.No- 9 and 11 are hilarious.
sm. Thanks for stopping by and leaving kind note.
Real life they experience in and around. Cooked and fabricated ones with exaggeration definitely earn viewers time.Nice.