08 April 2014

BJP Lok Sabha 2014 Manifesto Arm Forces and Security An answer to comment given by Nathan

BJP Lok Sabha 2014 Manifesto Arm Forces and Security An answer to comment given by Nathan

I wrote the post about important 40 facts from BJP Manifesto and purposefully, with full knowledge and understanding I did not mention about the Arm forces and Security

Because I find nothing in that which is helpful

Thank you Nathan for writing a comment and reading the post

Blog Reader Nathan Rajaram gave following comment on the post 40 important facts from BJP Manifesto 2014

Start of Comment --------------

It is disheartening to note that the author completely left out Security /defence which is well mentioned in the manifesto but ommitted by the author probably his lack of appreciation of/ without security& the armed forces the country will be doomed.it is not his mistake _today the public at large has taken the security I mean the armed forces for granted
Don’t consider them an essential arm for the safety'steability of a Nation

End of Comment --------------------

Below is link to post where Nathan has given his comment

Know Important 40 Facts from BJP Manifesto 2014 Lok Sabha Elections

Indian Politicians and All Political Parties does not care about Indian Arm Forces
So why to mention them

What is a manifesto of a political party, it is nothing but a sweet dream shown by Political parties to citizens of India for few weeks and after that forgotten by everyone

India has no foreign policy, India has no arm force policy
That’s my own firm belief

Few reasons –
Cannot even buy the weapons for the Indian Forces
Cannot even built the roads and rail lines for the Arm forces
Cannot even give the new batteries to Indian Navy
Like this we can find hundreds of reasons which will prove that India has no foreign policy, India has no Arm Force and Security Policy

Now let’s discuss about the BJP Manifesto and Security

After each para or line I will give my comment and hope you will understand what is important in that or what change it will bring

First read what BJP Manifesto says about security and Arm Forces

Secure Indians - Zero Tolerance on Terrorism, Extremism and Crime –

BJP - Comprehensive national security is not just about borders, but in its broad terms includes military security; economic security; cyber security; energy, food and water and health security; and social cohesion and harmony.

SM =  Everyone knows and understands it

To effectively address the issues of national security, we need to address the issues of - human resources, science and technology, system of governance and money.

SM = everyone knows and understands it

BJP - National security cannot be compartmentalized based on one of issues but needs a clear roadmap to address it. Over the past decade, lack of a strong and visionary leadership, coupled with multiple power centres, has failed to address the issue of national security, leading to a chaotic situation and denting India's image in the international arena.

SM = everyone knows and understands it

BJP - India has a sensitive neighbourhood and there are internal security issues. There have been intrusions inside the LAC (Line of actual control), loss of squadrons of combat aircraft by the air force, witnessing of a series of accidents by the Navy, leading to a loss in its combating capability built over many decades, communal riots, Maoist attacks, increase in incidence of Pakistan backed terror groups in India, illegal immigration across the eastern border, and racists' attacks in the national capital.

SM = everyone knows and understands it

All these are indications of surrendering of India's interest. This calls for a review and overhauling of the current system. With the financial situation worsening, the issue of national security can acquire a horrifying dimension.
BJP recognizes the importance of identifying a clear roadmap to address the issue head-on, with
Radical systemic changes

SM = everyone knows and understands it what change above will bringing

Point No.2 BJP and Internal Security –

BJP - Revive the anti-terror mechanism that has been dismantled by the Congress, strengthen the role of NIA and put a system in place for swift and fair trial of terror related cases.

SM - This is constant and ongoing process, laws and policies needs to be changed time to time according to time

BJP - Reform the National Security Council to make it the hub of all sector-related assessments. It will be accountable for real-time intelligence dissemination. Digital and Cyber security will be a thrust area.
Insulate intelligence agencies from political intervention and interference.
SM – BJP says insulate intelligence agencies
How they will do it?
When they are not ready to give freedom to Police and CBI
Not ready to bring Police Reforms, or laws like Jan Lok Pal bill

Completely revamp the intelligence gathering system by modernizing the intelligence department.
Provide the State governments with all assistance to modernize their respective police forces and
Equip them with the latest technology. This will be taken up on a mission mode approach.
Strengthen and expand the Civil Defence and Home Guards mechanism to create a group of
Citizens for community defence, self-defence and disaster management.

Encourage and strengthen NCC training at the college and University level.
Chalk a national plan in consultation and participation of the state Governments, to address the
Challenges posed by the Maoist's insurgency. Talks with the insurgent groups will be conditional
And within the framework of the constitution.
Take urgent steps for the safety of the migrant workers and communities from the Northeast and other states.

SM - This is constant and ongoing process, laws and policies needs to be changed time to time according to time

Point No. 3 -
BJP and External Security - Its Boundary, Beauty and Bounty

Address the issue of reforms with regards to defence equipment, support services, organizational reforms and other related matters.
Address the increasing shortage of commissioned and non-commissioned staff in the defence
Forces on a priority basis, in a time bound manner.

SM - This is constant and ongoing process, laws and policies needs to be changed time to time according to time

Implement one rank, one pension.
SM - everyone knows and they will get it even if BJP does not come into power

Build a War Memorial to recognize and honour the gallantry of our soldiers.

SM – Indian Politicians can only do this build a statue and forge the Hero

BJP - Take measures to make Short Service Commission more attractive.
Set up the National Maritime Authority which will be equipped with the best of infrastructure, and will focus on coastal security.
Modernize armed forces, and increase the R&D in defence, with a goal of developing indigenous
Defence technologies and fast tracking of defence purchases.
Deal with cross border terrorism with a firm hand.
Review and improve the border management. Punitive measures will be introduced to check illegal immigration
SM - This is constant and ongoing process, laws and policies needs to be changed time to time according to time

Set up four dedicated defence universities to meet the shortage of manpower.

SM – Our Politicians cannot even start new good schools and hospitals I do not think they will ever start a single defence university in next five years

Appoint a Veterans Commission to address the grievances of veterans, including reforming ECHS and re-employment of ex-servicemen.
Ensure greater participation of Armed Forces in the decision-making process of the Ministry of
Implement measures to improve the efficiency of Armed Forces Tribunals, and minimize appeals by the Government.
Ensure that servicemen can register and vote from their place of posting.
Initiate the process of digitization of defence land in cantonment and in other places.

SM - This is constant and ongoing process, laws and policies needs to be changed time to time according to time

BJP and Defence Production

With its skilled human resources and technical talent, India can emerge as a global platform for
Defence hardware manufacture and software production. BJP will strengthen the Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO); encourage private sector participation and investment, including FDI in selected defence industries.

SM – Nothing knew, everyone knows and understands it and wishes for it
But we cannot even make defence trucks that’s a truth

BJP - Technology transfer in defence manufacturing will be encouraged to the maximum.

SM – Nothing knew, everyone knows and understands it and wishes for it

BJP - We will find solutions to the problems hampering the growth of the defence sector.
We will encourage domestic industry to have a larger share in design and production of military
Hardware and platforms for both domestic use and exports, in a competitive environment.

SM – Nothing knew, everyone knows and understands it and wishes for it

BJP and Independent Strategic Nuclear Programme

BJP believes that the strategic gains acquired by India during the Atal Bihari Vajpayee regime on the nuclear programme have been frittered away by the Congress. Our emphasis was, and remains on, beginning of a new thrust on framing policies that would serve India's national interest in the 21st century.

SM – Nothing knew, everyone knows and understands it
Regarding Nuclear test which India did that time India did test but India did not do the very important test regarding nuclear test I do not remember the name but I think I mention it in one of the post in past
That test is very important regarding nuclear device, which was done by China but India has not done that test.

We will follow a two-pronged independent nuclear programme, unencumbered by foreign pressure and influence, for civilian and military purposes, especially as nuclear power is a major contributor to India's energy sector.

SM – India needs to focus on solar and wind power and not nuclear energy

BJP will:
Study in detail India's nuclear doctrine, and revise and update it, to make it relevant to challenges of current times.
Maintain a credible minimum deterrent that is in tune with changing geostatic realities.
Invest in India's indigenous Thorium Technology Programme.

SM - This is constant and ongoing process, laws and policies needs to be changed time to time according to time

Watch the video created by me  RIP 26/11 - My First Love My Nation –

Suggested Reading –

Political Manifesto can it be made legally binding on Political Parties

30 Facts Short Biography of Sam Manekshaw the Field Marshal who Defeated Pakistan in 1971 War

India Arm Forces and Weapons 

Reality views by sm –

Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Tags – BJP Manifesto 2014 Answer Comment