14 February 2014

Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal resigns from post of CM Jan Lokpal Bill opposed by Congress and BJP

Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal resigns from post of CM Jan Lokpal Bill opposed by Congress and BJP

PTI reported that Delhi CM resigned from the post of Delhi CM

Tenure as a CM of Delhi – Just 48 days 

Delhi to face assembly elections again

Today AAP, Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal tried to introduce Jan Lokpal Bill in the assembly
But he failed

A total of 42 members were against Jan Lokpal Bill tabling while 27 all of the Aam Aadmi Party were for it, supported it

Both the Congress and the Bharatiya Janata Party are against tabling the bill citing Lt. Governor Najeeb Jung's advice to the Delhi assembly not to consider it as it does not have his approval

BJP and Congress both got united in defeating the Jan Lokpal Bill

It’s a good decision by the Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal to give his resignation

By quitting, resigning from the post of Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal has not cheated or betrayed Delhi residents or India

Hope now Arvind Kejriwal have learned the Three lessons most important

Never say Never

Learn to treat Party Manifesto, election promises as an affidavit

Whatever may happen in elections never take support of BJP or Congress to form the government in Delhi or anywhere else in Country

Let the Delhi go for elections again and again until AAP gets full majority

India is a very rich country, only politicians are making it beggar

It’s good if money is used for the elections again and again

Reality views by sm –

Friday, February 14, 2014

Tags – AAP Arvind Kejriwal CM Resign


Destination Infinity February 14, 2014  

I think this is a good move. There was no point in forming the coalition with Congress. I hope the people of Delhi will give full majority to AAP in the upcoming elections. AAP deserves a chance - without intervention - for one full term, at least.

Destination Infinity

deeps February 14, 2014  

not unexpected move...

Kirtivasan Ganesan February 15, 2014  

I wonder why Jan Lokpal bill was rejected by BJP and Congress. Saints are single individuals collectively can be called Jan. But our legal system cannot be called one individual judgement.