14 January 2014

Read Secret Letters UK SAS Link to Operation Blue Star

Read Secret Letters UK SAS Link to Operation Blue Star

British Prime Minister David Cameron has directed his Cabinet Secretary to establish the facts behind claims that Margaret Thatcher's government may have helped Indira Gandhi plan Operation Bluestar in 1984.

Labour MP Tom Watson and Lord Indarjit Singh had demanded an explanation after recently declassified documents indicated that Britain's Special Air Service (SAS) officials had been dispatched to help India on the planning on the raid of the Golden Temple to flush out militants from the shrine
The documents being referenced were released by the National Archives in London under the 30-year declassification rule as part of a series over the New Year.

A letter marked "top secret and personal" dated February 23, 1984, nearly four months before the incident in Amritsar, titled 'Sikh Community', reads: "The Indian authorities recently sought British advice over a plan to remove Sikh extremists from the Golden Temple in Amritsar.

India also needs a law which will make it compulsory for Indian government to release the old documents
India is a country where majority Indians do not know real history of India

Below are the secret documents Letter released by national archives?
Read the letters
First letter is written on 6 February 1984
Second Letter is written on 23 February 1984

Reality views by sm –

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Tags – Secret Documents UK SAS Letter Operation Blue Star


Destination Infinity January 14, 2014  

SM, maybe you could write an article on '15 facts about operation bluestar' as we, the younger generation, are not aware of the reason behind the action or the motive.

Destination Infinity

SM January 16, 2014  

@Destination Infinity

thanks for suggesting topic
i will write on operation blue star