30 January 2014

President Obama to push, make $ 10 per hour minimum wage

Democrat President Obama to push, make $ 10 per hour minimum wage

Twenty-one states plus the District of Columbia already have minimum wages that exceed the current $7.25 federal level.

Only nine states have wages either below the federal standard or have no requirement of their own.

The other 20 states have minimum wages the same as the federal level.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics About 3.6 million workers  around 1 in 20 of those paid hourly   earn the federal minimum of $7.25 or less, according to the
Nearly two-thirds are female, about half are under age 25, and more than one-third work full-time.

A measure by Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, who chairs the Senate labor panel, would raise the federal minimum wage to $8.20 hourly six months after the bill's enactment.
Two more step increases would put it at $10.10 two years later. It would be adjusted annually after that to reflect inflation.

Harkin's bill would also gradually raise the $2.13 hourly minimum for people who rely heavily on tips by 95 cents a year until it reaches 70 percent of the minimum for other workers.

Obama had proposed boosting the minimum wage to $9 hourly in his State of the Union address a year ago but now supports Harkin's higher figure.

Democrats — backed by President Obama and labor and liberal groups are eager for votes on raising the current $7.25 minimum wage, which was last increased in 2009.

President Obama said that "If you put in a hard day's work, you deserve decent pay for it," Obama said Wednesday as he promoted his economic policies in Lanham, Md., a Washington suburb. "That's a principle everybody understands, everybody believes."

Obama announced in his State of the Union address to Congress and the nation that he will unilaterally boost the minimum wage to $10.10 hourly for some people employed under new federal contracts, an effort to prod lawmakers to enact the broader increase.

"Someone who is dignified and works for 40 hours should not have to be in the poverty line, and that's what they are,"

Liberals say Harkin's bill would help an estimated 28 million people

Republicans the opposition party says that a higher minimum wage would force businesses to shed jobs, reduce hours and raise prices.

One American dollar equals Indian Rupees 60 to 65

Ten American dollar = minimum 600 Indian Rupees
Reality views by sm –

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Tags – Minimum Wage USA per Hour 10 $


priya January 30, 2014  

This blog is nice.

Destination Infinity January 30, 2014  

We should have minimum wages here in India, too. That will reduce exploitation to some extent.

Destination Infinity