14 October 2013

Delhi Elections AAP Removes Surendra Sharma Shahdara Candidate not disclosed FIR

Delhi Elections AAP Removes Surendra Sharma Shahdara Candidate not disclosed FIR

Mr. Surendra Sharma who was initially selected as the candidate to represent AAP in Shahadara Assembly Constituency in the upcoming Delhi Assembly Elections has been removed as a candidate by the PAC of Aam Aadmi Party.

This action is in line with the commitment of AAP to ensure that no person with doubtful credentials shall represent the party in the upcoming election.

In his application for his selection as candidate of “Aam Aadmi Party” from Shahdra, he had not disclosed that there were criminal cases lodged & FIR’s pending against him. We have also come to know that he had a large number of property disputes going against him.

Recently he was appointed as the Chairperson of the election committee (Shahdra Bar Association Election). It is learnt that this election was cancelled due to the allegations of use of unfair means and violence during the said election, under his chairmanship. A number of respected members of the bar also complained to us about the unfair role played by him during the conduct of the above mentioned election.

Keeping the above in mind, the PAC of the party felt that he is not a fit candidate to represent Aam Aadmi Party in the upcoming Delhi Assembly Elections & thus his candidature has been cancelled unanimously by the PAC of the party.

The party has made it clear in the past that it will only approve such persons as candidate who has impeccable integrity. Even if on the last day of the nomination we receive any credible information against any of our candidate with regard to his criminal record, we will cancel the candidature of that candidate and keep the seat vacant.

Do you think BJP and Congress Can do this?

This is one of the reason vote for AAP in  Delhi Elections 2013

Source - AAP

Reality views by sm –

Monday, October 14, 2013

Tags - AAP Election Delhi 2013


Renu October 14, 2013  

But how could such a man find the ticket, is there no process for filtering recommendations?