11 August 2013

Subramanian Swamy's Janata Party merged with Bharatiya Janata Party

Subramanian Swamy's Janata Party merged with Bharatiya Janata Party

Subramanian Swamy's Janata Party has merged with the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) ahead of 2014 lower house elections.

On Sunday, Mr. Swamy and BJP president Rajnath Singh met and later they made the announcement of Janta Dal merging with BJP.

NDTV reported that
"Swamy has been a part of Bharatiya Jan Sangh. Swamy has decided to merge Janta Party with the BJP. We welcome Swamy on joining BJP fold," said Mr. Singh.

As Rajnathji correctly said, the country is passing through a difficult time... for unity, for nationalistic purpose, the party is needed by the country today because of all the problems that we are having," said Mr Swamy.

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Sunday, August 11, 2013

Tags - Janta Dal Joins BJP 2014